Christmas Special

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(All pictures, products and if I make allusions to anime, series and games do not belong to me)

Lincoln POV

It's Christmas in Rapture, and the Little Sisters are really excited about it, the Big Daddy's are happy that the Little Sisters are happy. I've even set up a tree at my level that I found at the Tea Garden, it's not a real Christmas tree, but it's better than none. I found a few things to make Christmas decoration, the Little Sisters are happy and I also have hot chocolate for everyone.

I'm on my level, working on a jukebox, a Little Sister comes to me and asks, "Big Brother, what are you doing?" I answer "Groan (I'm working on a jukebox so we have music for tonight.)" The Little Sister gives me a quick hug and says, "You're great, Big Brother." She goes back and I smile under my helmet. I screw something else but it seems like it will work. I close the hatch of the jukebox and press a button, the light jumps on and a record is placed. A music begins to play.

I say "Not the most modern, but there are worse ones." I look at the Little Sisters and I see some of them starting to dance, I go to them and start dancing. We dance a while until I hear a bell, I go to my workshop and look at the screen of the security camera, I see Eleanor standing in front of the elevator, I go to the elevator and drive down. The door opens and I see Eleanor with Emma on her back. She says "Scream (Hey Lincoln.)" Emma smiles at me and says "Hello Big Brother." I say to the two "Groan (Hey you two how are you?)" Emma says "We are fine, we have found many angels today." Eleanor says to me, "Scream (What she said.)" I smile under my helmet and show them to get in the elevator, they do not hesitate and go into the elevator, I enter my code and we go up The door opens and you can hear music and laugh.

Emma climbs down from Eleanor's back, looks at the tree and says to me "Did you do that Big Brother?" I nod and she hugs my leg and says, "Thank you for doing such a thing for us, you're the best big brother ever." I stroke her head and say, "Groan (Come play with the others.)" She nods and runs to the other Little Sisters, Eleanor sits down on a bench and watches her. I go to my workshop and make the last preparations.

After a while, I come out of my workshop with a taplet with cups, I call "Groan (Who wants a cup of hot chocolate?)" All Little Sisters come running to me and want one, I give each a cup. After everyone has a cup and everyone drinks with relish, I see Eleanor standing on the edge and looking a little sad, I go to her, nudge her and she looks at me, I give her a cup and say "Groan (no fear , I did not forget you.) "She gives me a hug before she takes off her helmet and drinks the cup of hot chocolate.

It's getting late, so I call all Little Sisters together and say, "I have a gift for each of you, here you have it." I give a Gift to each Little Sister, which includes a new dress and a new Adam Syringe. They are happy about it and I feel like somebody taps my shoulder, I turn around and see Eleanor without her helmet and she says "Lincoln, could you just take your helmet off." I nod and take off my helmet, just as I was about to ask why I should take it off, Eleanor presses her lips on mine, I kiss back and the Little Sisters all say "Awwww" we stop kissing and Eleanor says "That was yours Gift Lincoln. " I say "Best gift ever."

To be continued.

(Merry Christmas to you all.)

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