Back to the Forest

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Chapter 8: Back to the Forest

        Tallstar lead us out, and I kept watch on the side of the crowd of cats. I was alert looking at every small movment. Fox! Wait...NOP! It was stale.

        We were near Ravenpaw and Barley's barn. Fireheart, Graystripe and I walked into the barn, WindClan following. "I'll help you settle for the night." Ravenpaw's meowed sounded through the barn. He led us towards the little stone broken down twoleg den. I took a small tour with Ravenpaw, Graystripe, and Fireheart. We found the best place to hunt and get water.

        Mouse! Vole! My stomach rumbled and I licked my lips pouncing on the spot in random places. Many times I felt my claws sink into flesh and feel the warmth of the blood. I collected all the food and found out I had caught about 8 mice and 3 plump voles. Fireheart, Graystipe, and Ravenpaw stared at my inquisitively. "What?! I caught something!"

        We padded back, our pelts soaked. A storm had started and it was raining hard. We had had the time to padd with our heads down trying not to get the fresh kill wet. We met Tallstar and the other WindClan cats, dispositing the freshkill on the little pile they had already been built. Fireheart went to talk to a cat named Onewhisker. I padded over to Morningflower.

        "Hello." She meowed, not taking her eyes off of Gorsekit and the others. "What is it like having kits?" I questioned. It was pretty much evey she-cats dream to have a mate and have kits. "Well Mistfeather. They're nice to have around, they're lovable and you won't be able to give them up. they grow up, they're a pawful."

        I wrapped my tail around me and closed my eyes gingerly. Fire shall save the Clan. AidClan shall add the fuel to Fire.

        What was AidClan? How would AidClan help Fireheart? This was something she would find out later. I padded over to Ravenpaw to say goodbye. "Bye. I love you." He murmured. I rubbed my muzzle against his. "I'll visit you every moon I promised." I whispered.

        "Let's go!" Tallstar yowled at us, gathering his Clan. I looked longingly over my shoulder at Ravenpaw. He stared back, something in his eyes I couldn't read. "An unnessary death shall come." He meowed. That couldn't be good. "It's probably for another clan." Meowed Fireheart warily.

        We padded past HighStones, as streaks of dawn stretched across the sky. "Why did you come find us?" Morningflower asked mumbling through Gorsekit's fur. "The forest needs four clans, and we're no use of your land. ThunderClan hasn't set foot there, but if we tried, we wouldn't do much. As in we can't catch anything. We're not meant for the open moorland." I told her.

        "...Onewhisker lead these cats to their camp." Tallstar meowed. I hadn't heard the names of the others. "Thank you for leading us home." He meowed bowing his head. I nodded and we set off. Onewhisker meowed his thanks. "Why don't we go towards the gorge?" Fireheart suggested. The WindClan cats glanced nervously, but they went there anyway.

        As we neared ThunderClan territory, a battle yowl sounded behind us. Leopardfur bounded up hackles raised. "Why are you trespassing on RiverClan territory?" She hissed. "We're going towards our territory now. We came from past Highstones." I meowed calmly.

        Hissing Leopardfur sprang at Fireheart and the rest of the patrol attacked. Oh no...not on the gorge. Fighting I tried not to knock any caat off. "Your a frogbrain." I hissed using a RiveClan word. "Your making us fight for no reason and probably going to have a cat killed or drowned for no reason. Death is looming over all our warriors." I growled.

        Paws pounded behind me and Sandpaw appeared followed by Whitestorm and a few other warriors from ThunderClan. They took one look and lunged into the fight, clawing and scratching. A yowl sounded and everyone froze. We looked over and Graystripe was holding onto something over the edge. As I padded closer, I relized it was Whiteclaw.

        "Take my paw!" I meowed down, bending next to Graystripe. As Graystipe tightened his grip, I reached down grabbing hold of WhiteClaw's paw. Graystripe yipped and Whiteclaw and I went tumbling into the gorge.

        As we hit the water, I tightened. Still gripping Whiteclaw's paw, I streaked out breaking the surface. Whiteclaw's limp non-breathing body floated behind me. I pumped my hind legs, the cold rushing water forcing me back. Yowling with frustration, I pushed harder, getting closer to the land. I dug my claws deeper into Whiteclaw's paw, but it didn't help. His lifeless body difted away from me as I reached land.

        Walking slowly, I made way across the forest entering ThunderClan forest. Mouse. I was to tired to catch anything, unless it stood still to let me kill it. I walked on. I dragged my tired body through the camp entrance and collapsed in front of the medicine den.

        "Mistfeather. Thank you for trying, but I will now be watching over you all. Don't let RiverClan stop what your doing, don't let them get in your way." Whiteclaw murmured, and the hunting grounds of Starclan faded around me.

        "Mistfeather. Mistfeather. Are you okay?" I sleepily opened my eyes.Graystripe and Fireheart were sitting next to me. Sandpaw padded in and sat next to Fireheart. I blinked my eyes. Did I just see Sandpaw next to Fireheart? I sat up slowly. "What?" I rasped. Yellowfang pawed over a paste. "What is it?" "Tansy and daisy leaf." Yellowfang replied slowly.

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