Searching for a Clan

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Chapter 7: Searching for a Clan

        We had padded silently for what had felt like moons. My stomach was growling. "Let's hunt." I meowed. They nodded silently and we split up. I tasted the air. Mouse. I stalked towards the sound of the scuffling. I pounced breaking the mouse's neck with a single bite. I ate it and turned around as a yowl broke the mostly silent air. I ran towards Fireheart.

        "Rats!" he gasped. As he said it rats filed out from beneath the hay. I unsheathed my claws clawing and throwing the rats this way and that. I growled as a rat jumped on my back. Hissing I shook it off killing it quickly.

        I looked at the bodies of dead rats around us. Collapsing, I fell unconscious.

        A paw prodded my side. Groaning I got up remembering what happened. "Burdock Root..." I said weakly. I began searching slowly looking around for Burdock Root. "I think I found it!" yowled Graystripe from the other side. I padded over nodding remembering the smell. "Pull it up." I croaked. I chewed the root and applied it on their wounds. I laid down as they put the pulp on my wounds. "We should rest a while." Finding a good place to sleep, we curled up in the hay.

        I yawned, stretching. Fireheart was already awake cleaning himself. "Should we wake this peice of fresh-kill?" I joked, prodding Graystripe. "What! I'm up! Let's go!" Graystripe meowed jumping up.

        We approached a Thunderpath. Monsters roared by every few moments. I nodded to Fireheart to tell us when to cross. "Now!" Fireheart yowled and we darted across the Thunderpath. It felt like moons feeling so vulnerable on the Thunderpath. I urged my legs to go faster and we reached the other side as a monster roared behind us. I flinched. That had been close.

        As we approached the second Thunderpath, I realized the scent of WindClan was more fresh. The Thunderpath had two levels, one on top and one underneath that. "We're close." I commented. Past the Thunderpath was where the entrance was. This is where they had settled.

        I neared the Thunderpath racing ahead of Graystripe and Fireheart. "Now I yowled and we raced across between two monsters. I stopped in the middle ready to yowl. Fireheart and Graystripe were already across looking at me.

        I looked behind me flinching at what I saw. My tail was leaning at an angle covered thoroughly in blood. As I bolted across the last part, my tail dragging behind me. "What happened to your tail?!" Graystripe asked. "It got run over by a monster." I hissed, irritated. Why did I have to go through all this pain? Why me...why did I, Mistfeather have to endure more? I felt like yowling, but I shut my mouth not wanting to disturb and warn WindClan.

        "Should we go in or wait?" Fireheart asked slowly. "Wait a while." Graystripe said reading my mind. I licked my wounded tail relaxing. A few moments passed.

        "Let's go get WindClan." I whispered. We padded down the tunnel, under the Thunderpath. I went first my tail dragging behind me.

        Cats hissed in front of me. We had found WindClan. The whole of WindClan was here. "Why are you here?" called Tallstar from the end of the underground 'camp'. "We have come to fetch you and bring you back to your own territory." "Why? Brokenstar drove us out. We can't go back." A voice came from the dark.

        "We have dove Brokenstar out of ShadowClan. He and the cats that followed him are now rogues." Murmuring broke out among the WindClan cats. "That means we can go home!" Tallstar beckoned us with his tail.

        We followed him and Tallstar started discussing things with Fireheart and Graystripe. I was about to join in when Barkface took me aside to put ointment on my tail. He put comfrey, horsetail, and dried oak leaf poultice on it, then bound it with some cobwebs. "Thank you, Barkface." I meowed gratefully. Tallstar bellowed, "I have made my decision. WindClan shall go back to the forest." Cheering sounded from some cats.

        "How do we know to trust them?" A cat wondered. "Because we basically risked our lives to bring you back to the forest. We need you. The forest needs four Clans." I meowed to WindClan, and the muttering eased.  "And by the way, RiverClan is very bad at hunting rabbits." Graystripe meowed. Fireheart nudged him. "They chase them like fish walking on land!" Graystripe continued.

        "It's safe." Fireheart assured. "What about my kits?" Morningflower asked. "We'll take turns helping you carry them." Tallstar told her. "Now lets start our journey back soon." He finished.


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