Part 3: Secrets, Secrets, and Answers (Chapter 14)

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        I watched as Fireheart and Graystripe snuck out of camp to go see Ravenpaw and ask what happened to Redtail in the battle. They had told me about their plan and they really believed Ravenpaw was right. So did I, and I wanted to know the truth, but I think it will show it self in time, not just by forcing to believe.

        I sighed walking to the freshkill pile to pick up something to eat. Something sparked up in front of me. A gleam of stars. "Follow me." Spottedleaf says and bounds off. I hurry after her and am engulfed in a vision.-

        Nightstar and Tallstar lead into camp screeching about Brokenstar, launching into battle, their clans following, merging into one.

        Silverstream was lying at the bank, two kits at her side, around her were Fireheart, Graystripe, and Cinderpaw. Her breaths shallow until they stopped. Then Graystripe carries the kits across the river and disappears among the growth.

        Brokentail and Tigerclaw were sitting near the medicine den quietly talking and nodding to each other. Brokenstar had the same evil grin as he had when he was born. Tigerclaw said one more thing and they both smiled wickedly.

        Fireheart and Cloudkit were walking in the forest. This must be later, when Cloudkit is Cloudpaw. They stopped sneaking around a tree. "Keep quiet." Fireheart whispers to Cloudpaw. A voice rose up, "We shall now attack!" Tigerclaw's voice growled. Fireheart and Cloudpaw darted away quickly and the ferns engulfed them as they raced back to camp. A little later Tigerclaw appeared with a group of rogues behind him. I watched a scene of battle and saw Tigerclaw sneak into Bluestar's den.

        The vision disappeared and I was standing in the forest near the WindClan border. "It's not only you three with secrets. It's the whole forest. The forest of secrets." Spottedleaf said finally. She meowed whisking her tail over my flank as she disappeared.

        I glanced at the moor. "There's nothing I won't be ready for." I growled. I turned around slowly walking to camp. I walked through the gorse tunnel carrying a mouse and a sparrow. I disposed of it and Sandstorm walked up.

        "Where were you?" She questioned. "Outside...I wanted some to move, so I decided I'll hunt. I caught some things, but that doesn't mean I'm as good as you!" I end with a purr. Sandstorm's eyes gleamed.  "Have you seen Fireheart?" She asks. "He went to see Ravenpaw-" "HE-" I put my tail over her mouth. Couldn't Fireheart have told her this! "Follow me." I meow and whisk into the dirtplace tunnel and a little farther away.

        I shook my paws impatiently until Sandstorm arrived. "Yes, he is." I meow before she could speak. "We took him to Barley's barn. Ever wonder why I left or who my mate was?" Sandstorm gaped but quickly closed her mouth. I took off towards the WindClan border, Sandstorm following me.

        "Why?" Was the only thing that happened to come out of her mouth. "You have to keep this secret. Your the third cat who knows about this. Tigerclaw wants to get Ravenpaw back, he wants to kill him. He wants to kill him because he knows the truth. Ravenpaw knows the truth about what happened in the battle of Sunning Rocks."

        "Oakheart never killed Redtail, Tigerclaw did." "And, Oakheart was not killed by Tigerclaw." Graystripe's voice came up behind me. Fireheart finished it, "Apparently Redtail attacked Stormfur and Oakheart said that no ThunderClan cat could ever harm him, so Redtail then attacked him, sending them both off the cliff into a rock slide, which killed Oakheart instead."

        "And now, we're also going to go to RiverClan." Graystripe said in response. I gaped. "Why the mouse!" Sandstorm meowed. "Keep it down!" I hiss. "Why?" "To get more answers." Fireheart meowed looking at me and I understood. Mistyfoot and Stonefur! She was Oakheart and Bluestar's son! Well...everyone else only knows their just Oakheart's and Graypool's...

        "Mistfeather!" A yowl was heard. I ran towards it. I was in trouble, I knew I was supposed to stay in camp! I raced into camp. Speckletail was outside the nursery. "What happened?" I meowed. "You've been gone and your kits are worried!" She hissed at my face. "NO! We were perfectly fine. We saw her leave." Spottedkit meowed. "Yeah! Were old enough!" Lionkit responded. I smiled slightly at their courage.

        "I believe they're okay. They look fine. I just went out for a quick time away from camp." I said looking at Speckletail. She let out a 'humph' and left me to sit next to my kits. "So..." I turn looking at them, "What happened now?"

        "No one wants to play with us!" Spottedkit meowed. "What about each other?" "Yeah...we played together for a while, but then Cloudkit got mad because we didn't 'invite' him when we had asked him before and he said no!" "Why don't I play?" I meow mischievously, clawing a bunch of moss off of my nest. They looked ready to play mossball when I then dove at them suddenly scooping them in my paws. "That's no fair!" Lionkit squeaked jolting his head up and I smiled.

                                                                ~*~(two sunrises later)~*~

        I looked up sleepily as I saw orange fur in front of me. Fireheart didn't move, so I put my head back down closing my eyes. He jabbed my pelt with his paw. Drowsily I got up. Dawnlight shone through the camp. I yawned, streching. Fireheart whisked away towards the entrance of camp. I panted following as he raced through the forest towards RiverClan's border, the river.

        "I'm beginning to think that Cinderpaw's injury was the result of Bluestar's trap, because Tigerclaw had wanted Bluestar to come down to the Thunderpath to check that ShadowClan had tresspassed when he already knew that Bluestar had greencough." He paused for a sec.

        "Remember I told you Mistyfoot confirmed her father was killed in a rock slide." He questioned and I nodded. "So I talked to Graypool and she said that Mistyfoot and Stonefur are not her kits, that they are from ThunderClan...Oakheart's mate was from ThunderClan." He looked at me as if trying to judge my expression. I didn't looked the way he thought I would.

        "You know this?" I nodded my head slowly wondering how Fireheart would question me. To my surprise, he stared at me curiously. "Hi Fireheart!" A squeak came from to the right of me. I turned around to see Lionkit padding towards us, Spottedkit at his side, coming from the gorge, RiverClan's side. Lionkit wobbled near the edge lossing his balance falling slowly off the edge. I dove towards my son, leaving Fireheart to run to Spottedkit picking her away from the edge.

        I took in a deep breathe worriedly as I hit the water. I swam up to the surface sputtering water. I looked around nervously for a small bundle of orange fur. I spotted him a few foxlegths ahead of me. I swam towards him, but the current dragged me under. Is this how I'm going to die? Drowning in the river, because I jumped of the gorge to save my son! I wondered as I sank lower.

        "Swim...remember Mistfeather...remember." Remember what? That I'm going to die? As I sank I thought about how lonely Spottedkit would be without her the prophecy would not be fullfilled. That summoned new courage and I struck out my legs heading towards the surface my breathe running low.

        Lionkit's wet mass of fur was now in my paws as I kicked my legs, trying to keep him above the raging water. I felt teeth in my scruff and I was pulled out of the water coughing up some of it.

        I was laid gently on the bank while the silver cat licked Lionkit. "Silverstream?" I meow quietly as she turned towards me. Everything around me went black. The last thing I remembered in my paw was Lionkit. Motionless Lionkit.  


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