Raising Little Bundles and Another One

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        "Do you want to be a medicine cat?" Bluestar questioned Cinderpaw. Bluestar had lost a life to greencough. It was a quarter moon since Cinderpaw was injured. She was no longer going to be a warrior, she now had to be a medicine cat because of her leg...and I could tell she didn't like it from the start, but she wasn't going to show it, she would try her best. "Yes." Cinderpaw answered.

        "We want food!" Spottedkit meowed, pushing towards me. Lionkit stumbled past her pushing her out of the way. They ate their fill and went to sleep.

Yowls sounded as paws pounded near the entrance. "...but..." Fireheart hissed. "She gave it to me, she wants him raised here and I can't take him back!" Fireheart sounded stressed. Bluestar and Fireheart then entered the nursery. After some talking, Brindleface agrees to nurse him.

        Fireheart padds to me, "Can you feed him if nessasary?" I nodded. "Sure."

        As Bluestar summoned the clan, I got up careful not to wake the kits. "Fireheart's nephew will become part of ThunderClan and from this moment on he will be known as Cloudkit, adn he will live in the nursery with Mistfeather and Brindleface." Bluestar jumped off of HighRock.

        Some cats stared in surprise, or hostility, or even in a slight happy way, but I didn't care, Fireheart was one of my good friends, and I was going to try to raise Cloudkit as well as my own.

        As I settled down, Fireheart came in carrying Cloudkit. Brindleface had drifted off, so he put Cloudkit next to me. "Take good care of him." He meowed. "I will..."

        As Cloudkit started suckling, Spottedkit and Lionkit woke up. "I smell another kit. Who is this mom?" Lionkit meowed. "His name is Cloudkit, and he is now a member of ThunderClan, just like us."


        Spottedkit stared at me, her newly opened eyes were a royal blue unlike the others. Lionkit was a light blue, and so was Cloudkit's, who was currently with Brindleface.

        I guessed that she was taking in what was around her. "Do you want to go outside?" Cloudkit meowed bounding over.

        "Be careful!" I meowed as the three headed out. I remembered my first glance at camp. It was when, Fireheart, at the time Firepaw, had first come into camp, as a kittypet.

        "Whoa..." Lionkit trailed. "Yeah, this is amazing." Spottedkit responded. "Let's go explore!"Cloudkit answered bouncy and excited. I heard scrambling and then, "Hey, you shouldn't be up on HighRock little ones." The voice was Bluestar's. "Oh mousedung!" I whispered.

        I yawned, strected and walked outside. "Hey!" Cloudkit whined as Bluestar picked him up by his scruff and gingerly put him down at the bottom. "We almost climbed to the top!" Spottedkit meowed, while Cloudkit was glaring at Bluestar. "She didn't let us get to the top!" He hissed. "That's the Clan leader your talking to like that Cloudkit!" I scolded. "Sorry Bluestar!" I meowed apologetically. Bluestar meowed that it was alright, and she lied down near the freshkill pile and started munching on a vole.

        "That was fun, but I think we shouldn't do that unless we're the clan leader like Bluestar." Lionkit said back, looking admiringly at Bluestar. Bluestar purred and something flashed in her eyes. Guilt? Longing? I wasn't sure what, but Bluestar was remembering something.

                                                                I saw it in her eys. 

        "Mosskit. Mosskit wake up! I'm so sorry. I had to do this!" Bluestar wailed quietly. Two other kits and Bluestar were in the forest in the snow. Bluestar nudged her kits. "Let's keep going." She was trying to keep greif out of her voice. She buried Mosskit in a deep hole. "Mistykit, Stonekit, let's go. You're going to meet your father." "Oakheart take them." She meowed glancing at her kits. "Mom? Mom! Are we ever going to see you? MOM!" The kits wailed as thier father swam them across the river.

        Bluestar tore a whole in the nursery. "My kits are gone!" She wailed loud enough to wake all of ThunderClan.

        Flashed again another time (future). "We also have two new warriors, Mistyfoot and Stonepelt." Crookedstar meowed. Bluestar cheered loudly, louder than all of RiverClan. 

        Those were her kits! No wonder she looked at me weird when I entered camp for the first time her eyes saw. I look like Mistyfoot. I should tell them! Wait...NO. I won't, she will tell them when she's ready. I know she will.

        Bluestar jumped up suddenly. She dashed into the warriors den and grabbed Spottedkit while I followed grabbing Cloudkit. "Where are you pieces of fox dung!" Darkstripe growled. "Where's Lionkit!" I meowed worried. "It's okay, Lionkit denied going into the warriors den. He said we'd see it soon enough." Cloudkit meowed. Darkstripe came outside. "Get those meowling bundles out of my fur!" He hissed, glowering at all of us.

        "Let's go back into the nursery now." I meowed gathering Lionkit with my tail, having found him in the bushes. "Do we have to?" All three whined. "Fine, stay out of trouble then." Suprisingly, that was Bluestar, talking sweetly to them. I glanced at her gratitude showing.

        Brakenpaw padded into camp, with in the middle of his patrol. They walked straight up to Bluestar. "We found bones with ShadowClan scent on it near the Thunderpath, We think they were hunting on our territory." Brakenpaw blurted. "Come inside." Was all I heard from Bluestar as the patrol went inside her den.

                                                                       ~*~ Leafbare ~*~


        "All cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath HighRock for a Clan meeting." Bluestar yowled. As cats, including me gathered, Bluestar began to speak. "We will raid RiverClan at Moonhigh! The river has frozen over. This is to our advantage." Two-legs were taking RiverClan's food. They are losing fish too. Fireheart and I glanced at Graystripe, but we dare not speak. "Fireheart speaks u, "I'll be in the patrol." He meows loudly. I'm pretty sure he's trying to help Graystripe, but Graystripe doesn't seem to understand it.

        As the patrol gets ready to leave, Graystripe fights with Fireheart and they tumble around the camp. "Guys STOP!" I hiss. Trying to push them apart. "Cinderpaw! Help." Cinderpaw helps me seperating them, she pinning Fireheart down, and me Graystripe.

        "He's trying to help you Graystripe. He's your friend don't fight him."  As we let them go, they glare at each other. "Are you done?" Bluestar questions and cat giggle slightly.

        I went back to the nursery as the patrol left. "Mom, what happened?" Spottedkit meowed. "Why do you look exhausted?" "She stopped Graystripe and Fireheart from fighting. That's why!" Lionkit meowed excitingly. "She's amazing!" He continued.

        Cinderpaw padded in, probably laughing inside. "Do you need any help with this bunch?" She asked and I nodded. "Come on kits! Let's play moss ball!" "Yay!" The kits squealed and all the kits went out with Cinderpaw.

        "Man...I can't wait till they become apprentices." Brindleface meows. "Yeah. They're a pawful." I meow and drift off.

        "You can help Cinderpaw become what her path leads her to. She doesn't want to...just try." Familiar voices said these words, and they rang in my ears as a slowly opened my eyes.






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