Release and Accusation (Chapter 13)

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        Yellowfang walked away and dragged her son Brokenstar after him. Fireheart also padded away, heading towards Bluestar's den. Later, he exited and sat beneath Highstone as Bluestar jumped up and yowled. I padded to the center of gathering cats and looked expectantly up at Bluestar.

        "To of our apprentices fought bravely while all but one warrior was gone. They protected their clan defending us like warriors, so it is time for them to earn their warrior names." I glanced a Sandpaw and Dustpaw, their eyes were gleaming. "Dustpaw, Sandpaw, come forward." Once they had gathered she started speaking again.

        "I, Bluestar, leader of ThunderClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look upon these apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn." "Dustpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code even at the cost of your life?" "I do." He answered firmly. "Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Dustpaw, from this moment on you shall be known as Dustpelt, StarClan honors your-" I didn't hear the rest as some rustling was heard at the far side of camp. I glanced around, finding nothing, I focused again on Bluestar who had now finished.

         "Sandstorm, Dustpelt! Sandstorm, Dustpelt!" I joined in with the crowd. What was making that noise? "Also, Brokenstar shall be kept in camp as a prisoner of ThunderClan and called by his warrior name, Brokentail. He was blinded by Yellowfang in battle and has lost his sight permenantly. He will be kept in the medicine den where he can be watched and contained to camp." Bluestar finished off and jumped off of Highstone.

                                                      ~*~ (Leafbare approaches)

        "Where did Cloudkit go?" I ask Spottedkit yawning. "I don't know. Him and Brindleface's kits have been gone for awhile." "I don't think their in camp." Lionkit added. "In this wheather!" I meow. "They shouldn't really be out of the nursery! It's been snowing for like the last few sunrises!" Anger bubbled in my belly. I nudge Brindleface and tell her. "I'm going to tell Fireheart." I meow and whisk towards the entrance. 

         As usual, Fireheart was sharing tougues with Sandstorm, I wouldn't be surprised if they became mates. "Cloudkit and Brindleface's kits are missing-" "WHAT!" Fireheart stops abruptly. I nod. He  dashed off out of camp Sandstorm on his tail. "I hope he finds them."

        I stalked to the entrance as they came in. Cloukit was carrying a scrawny mouse. "They decided they should hunt?" I meow flicking my tail angrily. "They should know better!" Bluestar came out, obviously told of what happened. She didn't look pleased, but allowed Cloudkit to put his fresh-kill on the pile before giving them all a good lecture they wouldn't forget...well hopefully. 

        As the sun was setting, I finished off my blackbird and headed to the nursery. Curling up in my nest, I rested my head on my paws and closed my eyes, feeling Lionkit, Spottedkit, and Cloudkit snuggling next to me.

        I jerked my head up, the scent of a WindClan cat drifted over me. Onewhisker! My drowsiness was forgotten and curiosity picked it's way through. I padded outside where a bunch of warriors were clustered around Bluestar. Onewhisker was currently explaining in quick, exhausted breaths. "We're being attacked by RiverClan and ShadowClan!" He gasped.

        Meanwhile, Bluestar was going through warriors she was sending, Dustpelt, Sandstorm, Fireheart, Graystripe, Tigerclaw, Darkstripe... They headed off, following Onewhisker, dashing through the forest.

        "What if they don't come back?" A voice next to me squeaked. I looked down at Spottedkit. "They will, I just have a feeling they will." I reply. "Why don't you play with your brother?" I meow and she bounded off towards the nursery.

        I lay at the apprentice's tree stump, anxious that Graystripe, Fireheart,  and Sandstorm returned. I twitched my tail tip as I heard tiny paw steps and felt claws grapple with my tail.

        "It's a fox!" Spottedkit squeaked and I let out a low playful growl.  They pounced on me and I growled, "The mean old fox is going to get you!." I pawed at my kit's ears cuffing them as they got closer. "We trapped the vicious fox!" Spottedkit meowed and they lunged at me. I felt both bodies on me and collapsed. "We defeated you!" Lionkit meowed after tumbling off. I captured Spottedkit and kept her between my paws, starting to groom her. 

        "I'll protect you!" Lionkit meowed courageously. "I don't need protecting!" Spottedkit meowed squiggling out of my grip and wrestling with her brother, the 'fox' forgotten.

        The battle patrol returned looking battered, I looked around until I found Fireheart, but what was surprising was that he was walking next to Graystripe, joking like old friends. "They're friends again." I whisper relieved.

        "Good battle?" I questioned, walking up to them. They looked at eachother and nodded. We went and sat at the fresh-kill pile, each taking a piece for themselves. Graystripe gulped it down quickly licking his lips. I smiled at the strong renewed friendship between them and how much easier my life would be. 

        I glanced around for Sandstorm and beckoned her over. If I had to completeStarClan's prophecy, and Firehear'st too, I'd do it with my group of friends, and these are the cats I would want to do it with. This is the time to tell them. This is the time when friendship matters, we will work together.

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