CONTEST for SilverfrostXxX's roleplay! (starts after this story ends)

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                                                  Mistfeather from MoonClan wants to say:

Okay...I know that my story is still not complete, but I will tell you about what happens after my death, what I did after that, and how...well, I've said enough. Here's to the story! ((Backflash to time in StarClan))


                                                          Chapter 1: Third Cat View:

        Misfeather looked down at her children now fully grown warriors, help fight off the badgers that were flooding ThunderClan territory.  "Why did I leave them!" She wailed in her head. Cinderpelt brushed her tail over Mistfeather's flank then disappeared.

        "What! Cinderpelt where did you go!" I looked down through the nursury roof. "I'll name this one Cinderkit in honor of what Cinderpelt did." Sorreltail meows nuzzling the gray kit.

        Bluestar padded over to Mistfeather. "Yes you are right. Cinderkit is the reincarnation of Cinderpelt. Now she has a chance of becoming a warrior." Mistfeather gasped. "She always wanted to be a warrior. When I helped her learn the herbs, we always did battle moves, or we hunted. I could never say no to her, it was to hard to take Cinderpelt off the path she wasn't meant to be on but wanted to be on with all her heart."

        Lionheart padded over. "We shall now do the StarClan rituals." Mistfeather bowed her head and followed the two cats.

        A group of cats (all cats I once knew) were waiting. The voices of many cats spoke as one, kits, warriors, elders, all with stars in their pelts. "Welcome Mistfeather, to the ranks of StarClan. You have joined us as a senior warrior ready to help the four clans. You are worthy of joining us, for in your life you have done many things to aid us and the living warriors beside you. None of the cats in our ranks will ever forget what you did.

        Spottedleaf stepped forward. "You will now go through reincarnation rituals just like Cinderpelt before she left us. Mistfeather, my dear and forbidden daughter, I give you the memory that will help you go through life a second time, and help and assist injured or sick." She licked Mistfeather's ears and she purred.

        Clawface padded up to Mistfeather. "I'm sorry for what I did and I promise I will always watch over you now. I give you courage to fight the battle you are in to protect loved ones, and protect the nurtured life that lives inside you again. To give to others..." He bent down and placed his paw on my head. Love showed in his eyes as he walked next to Spottedleaf.

        Mistfeather smiled at her parents. She probably remembered what she did when she found out who my dad was.

        Lionheart walked up. "I give you the gift of love, you will, no matter how upset you are, love all cats and know what it is like to be in their paws. Hand this on to Sootkit." He put his muzzle on Mistfeather's head.

        Mosskit bonded over excitedly. "I give you happiness, and nerves, to always be happy and to not be afraid to speak up your opinions." Mosskit stood on her hind legs and strected her head up to Mistfeather's chin. She then bounded over to Sootkit, happily to say her goodbyes.

        Silverstream swiftly came up to her. "I give you belief. If you know we're watching you, you know you can push on no matter what." She brushed her tail over Mistfeather. "Thank you." Silverstream whispered to Mistfeather and she nodded.

        All cats spoke as on again. "Now you will be able to cherish and use the 'gifts' we gave you. Good luck! You will always be watching! Take care!"

        Mistfeather padded to her kit, Sootkit. She placed her muzzle on her head, giving her the 'gifts' I had been given to give cats. "Goodluck." She meowed warmly. "In this new world, you will be named Mistkit in memory of your old life and your mother." And with that, Mistfeather watched as Sootkit, now named Mistkit faded off to another world.

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