Oh look a sad chapter after an extremely fun one, what are the odds?

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So uh...

A group of friends and I tend to gather up every once in a while and play some Dungeons and Dragons.

One of those friends happens to be Nemo, or NemoTheGodOfDisney .

Now today it snowed very heavily, and his family was making him walk home (which would take about an hour).

Now the host's family (you may know him as "Sane Friend" from HMDW), had everyone take a ride, since neither me nor Nemo were allowed to walk home, even tho I lived about a half hour away from them on foot, and I had already walked there first XD.

And then because that family was generous, Nemo's family punished him, because they're abusive.

I won't go into what they're doing to him, because that's not my place to. Anyway, I told him that wasn't okay, and that he should contact the police. However, he said he'd rather live in an abusive home while being with his friends rather than being in a safe place without any.

His mom lives in Mississippi, which is a long ways away from me, in Minnesota for you non Americans out there XD. Yes I'm aware the majority of my readers aren't XD

Anyway, he's kinda mad at me rn...

Because I may or may not have told my dad...

Idk if I did the right thing doing that...

I mean, because that'd mean if dad contacted the police about it, Nemo would have to move away, which is exactly why he hasn't taken care of it himself...

So yeah...

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