Tag 9 squared is gay

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Oki, this tag is from LapisLazulli2 , because she said I had to, and I can actually do something his tag XD

Oki, this tag is from LapisLazulli2 , because she said I had to, and I can actually do something his tag XD

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I don't expect anything less from Lapis remaking this. After all, she did say:

 After all, she did say:

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Anywho, let's begin!

1: I'd have to say preforming with a few of my friends for the campfire during the mission trip.

Yes, I actually sang. In front of people (granted there were 6 other people with me, but still).

2: No favorites. I'm proud of everyone for going through all of the challenges they have, and still pulling through (no matter how big or small of a deal they think it is).

3: I think it'd have to be the lookout during my first year in Tennessee. I got some beautiful pictures that don't fit here from there.

4: If I were to say leader, everyone would call out my bullshit. So you tell me.

5: That's an amazing question, actually.
I haven't done too many courageous things, since my entire being is "oh no what if I do this and get people mad, oh no they hate me, oh no—"

So that's really not my place to say.

6: I try to talk to people on Discord, first being TKK, if they're not online (which is usually the case unfortunately), I go to the Slyfer army. If the only people on are lurkers, then I go to a wholesome server I'm on, and rant there.

7: Bold of you to assume I drink either :omegalul:

8: The tragedy of Darth Plageuis the wise.

9: Mainly because it's an inside joke in the Slyfer army:

"Hi do you have a hole"

10: I will do questions for all three cattos

Stevie: 1) Why don't you give me any love and attention?
2) Why are you a dick to JoJo?
3) What do we need to do to get rid of your treat addiction?

JoJo: 1) Why do you get panic attacks from Stevie?
2) Is there anything we can do to help it get all better between you two?
3) Why are you so naughty, but cute?

Tanner: 1) I love you.
2) Stay pure.
3) Stop shedding your body mass on me.

11: Staying in my bed until 11, have brunch, play video games/talk on Discord for the rest of the day, have dinner, take a good shower, and actually sleep decent for once in my life

12: Having fun with the attractions of wherever I go, plus the above.

13: Curry.

14: I'd say Lapis, but I don't want to write another essay that's not gonna boost self confidence at all.

And also no picking favorites, but I guess I kinda already did in that part, but whatever.

15: Go on Discord and see who decided to leave me for the day.

16: Curiosity killed the cat.

This is all the context you need.

17: Quite a few songs actually, and most of the time I do it either when I'm alone, or when I feel like I can and not worry about having to be embarrassed by it >//<

18: Whenever you decide you're ready for it, however I'd personally say, due to my Dad's experience, do it over 20 at least.

19: Maybe move to the Netherlands. See if Niels is up to letting his younger bro to stay with him for a while OwO. Either that, or Wales, and move in with TheLoneWanderer17 :owothonk:

20: I'm naughty. Because I v bad boi.

21: I'd tell everyone about it, cry the entire week about it, and freak out the entire week about it.

22: No, I don't think I will.


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