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I looked at Julie's body, sleeping on the white bed. The others had been quick to rush her here. They found some of her scars, not the ones done by herself. But the ones done by her parents.

I had tried to protect her back then. But I failed her. I looked over at Raven and King, Raven was asleep by Natasha her human, King was curled up next to Julie's head with a worried look on his serpant face. His human had a matching expression even if he was reading. She's been out for a few days so its understandable for them to worry. My magic was barely enough to keep her self scars hidden.... I sighed softly and closed my eyes, heading into her nightmare instantly.

I opened the eyes and recognized the scene, walking down the dark and damp hall. I walked thru a metal door and saw a younger version of me being held under water. I turned my head and saw Julie screaming and crying. She was five when this happened..... I saw her mother, a nasty woman she was, walk over and gently touch Julie's shoulder with a kind smile. I wanted to stop what was coming......but the nightmare was too strong.

Her mother growled and pressed a button, a blade coming from her sleeve. The black tore into Julie's bone and tissue, a blood curdling scream leaving her throast. The nerve cluster and the artery were ripped to shreds, so her father who was a fairly kind man later needed to remove it. I watched Julie's eyes change from a beautiful sea green into a neon blue. Tears streamed down her bloodied face and onto the stone floor. I growled and opened my jaw, a loud roar making Julie wake up.

I opened my eyes once again and saw Julie throw her eyes open and grab her arm in the fetal posision. King and Raven immediately went to comfort her which woke up Natasha and Loki. They went to calm Julie down but I hissed at them, Raven and King doing the same. I watched them back away in confusion, instead going to call the others.

"She's been hurt hasnt she Robin?" Raven asked me, King too busy calming Julie down.

"Worse than Loki or Natasha, she's been given the short end of the stick her entire life. We need to keep her safe and keep her happy..." I murmured, hearing the others rush in. I explained it to them and they gave me a nod.

"Yes Alpha!" The dogs barked, likely cause I am the strongest. Me and Julie are the stromgest.... I heard Julie's soulmates rush in, immediately we hissed or growled at them. I watched their confusion form until they looked at her face. I can tell they were all heart broken, she was terrified and tears were streaming down her face as she hid behind Choco and Ash.

"Julie?" Clint asked, trying to comfort her. I leapt onto the bed, laying behind her head as the other companion's moved out of the way. Her neon blue eyes looked at him in such fear, it even broke my heart....

"What happened?" He asked, taking a step towards her. I felt her tense so I hissed and he stepped back. I gently nudged her and licked her neck, calming her down.

"You don't need to know. Where's my stuff? I wanna go home." She snapped, hiding her emotions like always. I can tell Loki and Tony were gonna yell at her so I left a growl rumbled in my chest, my signal to her. In response Julie pulled out her gun and gave them all a death glare that made them visibly terrified.

"I. Will. Not. Be. A. Hostage. AGAIN!" She yelled, Honey and WS ran off to get her stuff at the flick of my tail. I can tell three of these people are getting prepared to disarm Julie, thinking that she was having an insanity blitz. So I leaned my head down so I was equal height to her, both of us opening our mouths in a hiss. This showed a result of what her mother did, two sharp fangs showed themselves as she hissed. The other permanent changes were hidden so we had no worry for them. WS and Honey ran in with her bag, helmet, clothes, and board. The companions pushing out their humans so she could change, which she did in record time. She clipped on my leash and pulled her helmet on as she began running to the door. I followed behind her and ran ahead of her as soon as she exited the door and threw her board down. She remained firmly planted on her board as I pulled her to the stairs, out running her soulmates.

I crashed into the metal door, throwing it off its hinges. She jumped up with her board and slid on the railings as I used the stairs to pull her forward. We got to the ground floor and she slid of the railing, allowing me to yet again break the door. I pulled her full speed out of the tower and pulled her as fast as I could to her apartment, feeling her sadness at leaving her soulmates. But I know she wanted this, they would've caged her its what affected my choice. Her instincts affect me, I didnt want to leave them either..... but I cant have her stressed more than she was.

She's been thru enough.

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