I got home and began packing my bags, I stayed here too long. I got all my stuff packed fairly quick, I didn't have much stuff anyway. I grabbed a map from under my mattress, opening it I closed my eyes and moved my finger along it randomly before stopping. I looked down and sighed, back to Russia. I pulled on my backpack, grabbing my guitar case and my suitcase. I left my apartment, leaving the key on the front desk. I sat on my bike, my luggage all secure. I rested my head in my hands, suddenly catching the scent of sulfur and copper.

I lifted my head, coming face to face with a pair of green eyes, recognizing the bloodlust in them immediately I started my bike and shot back in reverse. I stopped when I was maybe fifty feet away, looking at the smirking woman. Her scarlet red hair cascaded down her back, likely somewhat covered in blood.

"Come to your mother dear." The woman purred, quickening my breath I did a burn out and shot out of there. Knew I stayed there too long god damn I'm a fucking idiot.

"Mask." I growled, feeling my face get covered.

"Yes ma'am." A chilling voice purred as my vision darkened. I navigated the streets at high speeds, pushing the engine's limits. I heard my phone ring as I ran a red light, quickly pulling it out I subconsciously answered the call as my klyntar (symbiote) Aftermath took control of the handles.

"Are you leaving again?" Ze asked, making me sigh heavily.

"Look sis, I wanted to stay. But she found me, so I'm heading off again. But hey you got my number, you can call me!" I giggled, ignoring the tear dripping down my cheek.

"SHE FOUND YOU?! Julie, why don't you stay with your soulmates? They can protect you...." Ze whispered.

"......Ze........they don't need someone with my issues to drag them down, now I gotta go before Aftermath gets hungry. I love you, never forget that." I sighed, hearing her try to convince me to stay. But I hung up and pocketed my phone, taking back control of the bike as I past Eddie. Hopefully he didn't see me, didn't need another kyntar coming after me. Already got enough with carnage. 

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