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-normal POV-

I groggily opened my eyes and saw nine people. I tilted my head in confusion until I saw Kitten. My ears perked up as I sat up on the white bed below me. I ignored the seven people trying to get me to lay down again, I didn't really understand WHY but they were scaring me. I held my hands out to Kitten and he jumped onto the bed, curling up on my gut. On instinct I his behind him from the seven people my instincts made me cautious of.

"Julie?" One of the strangers I didn't feel the need to hide from said. I turned to look at them, my head already tilted in curiosity.

"Who's Julie? Ze you know I'm Zero!" I whined, sadly looking at her. Did she forget me? I heard them all gasp, immediately making me back away from them.

"Ze there scary!" I whined, hiding my face in Kitten's neck.

"I-its alright Zero.... Can you all leave. Please?" Ze asked. My head shot up when I heard her tone, she wants to cry. My ears folded back against my head as a whine formed in my throat, my arms reaching towards her as the scary people left. She looked at me and crashed into my arms, making me breathe out really quick. I quickly caught my breath and hugged her tightly, burying my face in her neck.

"Did I do something bad?" I asked, tears falling from my eyes. I was scared I did something bad cause I get hurt if I do something bad!

"No no no, you did nothing bad. I promise. You're just gonna need to stay in this room for a few more days, until you are all better. Okay?" Ze rushed out, holding me away at arms length. I rubbed my eyes and nodded, sniffing softly as Kitten left the room.

I looked around and my heart rate sped up.

"Where my book?! I need my book!" I cried, throwing the large things of cloth away from the bed as I searched for my book.

"Calm down Zero, I'll get Wanda or Tony to get your book okay?" Ze said. My puffy eyes looked at her curiously.

"Who are Wanda and Tony?" I mumbled, tilting my head as I crossed my legs and placed my hands on my crossed ankles.

"They're two of those people that were in here earlier, they're the nicer ones." She smiled. I was a bit worried tho, those people are terrifying.

"They're scary sissy! I don like em!!" I whined, lowering my head in case I said something wrong. I heard her chuckle before I felt something really good. I think she was scratching my ear. Something rumbled in my throat and I fell to the bed with my eyes partially closed, hearing her laughed as she kept scratching my ears.

This feels so much better then what mama and papa did!

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