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I pulled up to the airport, looking around in case she somehow found me. I gave a soft sigh and stood up, letting the workers take my bike to the docking area. I headed inside and went thru the metal detector, surprise surprise it went off. I sighed and pulled my sleeve up, showing the prosthetic. They nodded and let me thru. I grabbed my stuff, guitar included, and headed towards the gate.

Why does this feel familiar?

Meh whatever. I took a seat and closed my eyes, ignoring the sting. I ran my hand along King's marking, my eyes misting over as I stared into space. I don't know why but I have a tug towards King and Loki, more then the others anyway. I heard Aftermath hiss in my ear, snapping my eyes open I blocked someone from moving my guitar. Glaring at the woman as my tail fluffed up in anger. She had bright red hair and emerald green eyes, Raven was growing restless and the others were screaming soulmate.



I pulled the guitar to my lap, staring at her thru my glasses. Something didnt feel right. I brushed it off, setting myself back against the uncomfortable seats as she sat down. WS howled to be let out, causing me to hiss as the tattoo heated up. I went to scratch it but WS formed. I whimpered softly, glaring at the apologetic wolf.

"Little brat!" I barked, letting out a sharp breath thru my nose. WS tucked his had between his legs. I heard my plane be called so I gave him a look, glaring at him before heading towards the gate.

I heard Natasha follow, setting me on edge but I don't mind. Raven begged to be out but I forced her down, telling her that when we land she can get out.

With that she settled, one of the workers telling me to put WS away. Reluctantly I did so, allowing Lizzie out to stretch her legs. I saw the recognition on Natasha's face but I didnt mind. I put my guitar in the upper area, sitting back down with a book. Lizzie curled around my neck, easing my nerves.

I'm just glad Natasha is across the plane from me. Or else I would likely be dead.

I giggled quietly when Lizzie ran her head along my cheek, a smile forming in my lips. I quickly began scratching her neck as I read.

She nearly pushed my beanie off but I was quick to correct it, sticking my tongue out at the fluffy cat.

Time to rest and wait, then its disappearing act #17. Probably protocol Jasmine..... Hmmm.

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