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It was my seventh birthday, and I was alone on the streets with Robin. It was so cold that even I was affected. I was curled into Robin's shivering body, my thin white dress hardly gave me any warmth. Two tiger ears were pressed against my head, a thin tiger tail trying to stay warm was attached to my spine. I looked up when two snow boots came into view, my eyes meeting with those of a small girl. She was maybe the same age as me, her brown hair fell in curls around hee face and her face was red from the cold even in her snow coat and thick clothing.

"Hello!" The girl chirped, confusing me and Robin with how nice she is. A young maine coon cat poked it head out of her jacket, making me giggle and sit up a bit.

"I'm Ze, what's your name?" The girl. ze asked.

"Julie." I grinned, showing my missing two front teeth.

"Where are your snow clothes??" She asked me, I tilted my head and mimicked Robin's movements as well.

"I've never had snow clothes before." I stated. Ze gasped and grabbed my wrist, dragging me over to a older couple who had been watching. I heard Robin behind me so I didn't really panic, but I was worried.

It was that day that I became the family's unofficial second daughter. They raised me until I was 16, I had left for college at that age. They accepted my oddities and knew about my past, Ze had become even more protective of me when she found out about my past.

-flashback end-

I was giving the money for them to put my bag in the cargo hold when I got a call. I reached into my pocket and answered the phone, resting it between my ear and shoulders as I got the money.

"What is it Ze?" I hummed, walking thru security without a problem.

"Where are you everyone is worries!" She rushed out, making me role my eyes as I sat down and waited for my plane to be called.

"Code Green." I yawned, hearing her sigh on the other end of the phone.

" careful. They have different rules about fighting over there. Don't die on me now, and I know what you did for Wanda...... Thank you." Ze chuckled before hanging up. I smiled sadly and turned my phone off, crushing I in my hand I tossed it into a trash bin and pulled my bag onto my shoulder. I walked to the plane and took my seat, almost instantly falling asleep.

Good bye Julie Tiger Aurora.

And hello Jake Wonder.

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