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I blinked away some stray tears and struggled to my feet, gently holding my left shoulder as I stumbled over to my left arm. I sat in the chair, ignoring the bags under my eye as I lifted up a panel. I don't think I can feel anything anymore. I've felt too much pain to feel anything else. I looked behind me, hearing someone bang on the door. The metal was still over it so I simply turned back to my work. I felt a pressure on my back, Robin was in his dormant form. At least he wont get hurt. I grabbed a hot wire thing I forgot the name of, pressing the heated metal to some misplaced wires to melt them in place.

I yawned and turned the heat off, setting it on the side. I rubbed my eyes and got back to work, hearing the lights outside shut off and the non sensor ones turn off in here. I swayed my tail and felt my sandpaper tongue scratch the roof of my mouth. I guess mama's changed haven't fully taken affect yet. I looked at my hand, seeing thicker pads and claws. I cringed and got back to work. No wonder everyone fears me. I'm a freak.

Why doesn't that hurt anymore? Am I truly numb now? Yeah I guess I am.

I sighed softly and closed the panel, pulling off my shirt so that my shoulder was exposed. I grabbed the shoulder of the arm and locked it in place. I clenched my fist and blew some of my hair out of my face. I rolled my shoulders and stood up, looking up I jumped and grabbed a chain. I pulled it down and dodged the punching bag that fell. I looked around and pushed everything out of the way and towards the edges to give me some room. I ran my right hand thru my hair and looked down at my long sweats. I sighed and grabbed the cloth, ripping them a few inches above the knees I tossed the extra cloth to the sides.

I looked at my feet, finding the braces that I always wore were acceptable. I stood near the bag, my feet being shoulder width apart. I bent my knees slightly and raised my fists. I focused my breathing and threw a punch, grunting softly when I didn't land it properly. I shook out my hand and got back into position. I once again threw a punch but this time I rotated my body as well, properly hitting the bag with a solid thump. My ear twitched as I pulled my arm back into position as I did the same swing with my left hand.

I kept going like this for hours, not once did I get tired. I was too focused. I was too numb. I hit the bag full force with my right hand, biting my tongue to hold back the grunt of pain. I looked at my bloodied hand and frowned, shaking my hand I heard the blood splatter onto the floor. I sighed and grabbed some medical wrap, sitting on the table I began wrapping it. Don't need an infection yet. That would make everything worse.

Not like it can get worse for me.

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