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I rushed forward, using my increased agility and speed to stay out of their grasp. I spotted an opening in one's defense and I took it. I rushed forward and dug my claws into their stomach, they weakly lifted their gun and pulled the trigger. I coughed up blood when I felt the bullet tear thru my gut. I saw black dots and felt blood drip down my chin but I hissed and pushed my arm down, tearing out the man's intestines. I jumped out of the way of another man and took off my suit jacket and vest so I was only in the white dress shirt, a hole and a growing crimson stain now on it. I flexed my left arm, the fake one and adjusted my stance into a boxer position. I raised my fists as they rushed at me. I dodged and stuck out my leg, tripping one over the edge.

I heard a helicopter, they had called for backup. I steadied my breathing and ignored the pain as I ran at the last person. They jumped over me so I was forced to turn and slide to a stop. They rushed at me and somehow got me stabbed once again in the stomach. I let out a pained scream before I growled and stabbed my left hand into their jugular. I bared my teeth as they dropped. I stumbled and grabbed the blade, grunting in pain as I pulled it out. I looked up tiredly and saw a sight that made me freeze, my blood running cold. They have Robin in chains.

My ears pressed against my head as I fell to my knees. My soul. My friend. My family. Is at a bastards mercy. I failed him, I failed my family. My face contorted in anger as I focused on my one saving grace. The one thing keeping me sane. I reached out my right hand with tears falling down my face like raindrops as I made my decision.

"Sleep." I whisper. I watched his eyes turn towards me before he was enveloped by a white light. I know he formed as a tattoo on my back so I grunted and got to my feet. I lifted my bloodied face to the new group and I felt my body change. My mother did experiments to see if soul companions can merge and become one, its why Robin has a dormant form unlike literally any other companion. Well. She had succeeded. And I'm the proof.

I felt a breeze rush past me, ruffling my fur as I glared up at my en- my prey. One man landed and despite my horrid pain I pushed thru it and ran at him, successfully killing him with a bite to the neck. I ripped out his throat and spat out the chunk of flesh, the delicious red liquid dripping from my mouth.

Man I'm going insane...

I clenched my artificial fist and spun around when someone whistled. I was about to attack but I froze on the spot.

They have them.


My mind stilled to one thought.

'Protect mates at all costs'

"Come with us PEACEFULLY and they go free agent zero!" My mother called, smiling down at me evilly. I looked at her then to my mates with my tail thrashing. Blood tasted good.....but my mates lives are more important.

"SHE WONT BACK DOWN FOR US YOU WORTHLESS BITCH! SHES GARBAGE THAT DOESN'T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT US!" Natasha shouted, trying to free herself. Ze can handle herself, so I was fine with her not being with them. They all started agreeing with her.

"See Zero, not even the people MADE for you would care if you die! So just give up!!" My mother laughed. Tears slid down my face as I began forming back into my normal self. I raised my hands up and lowered myself onto my knees. My heart hurt least their safe.

A man walked behind me and snapped on some hand cuffs that dug into my skin. But I didn't feel it. I was numb. I was pretty much rejected by the people who should love me.

Damn am I really that worthless. I was forced over to the edge of the roof where my mother stood. I was forced to kneel in front of her, feeling her shove my head up with her boots.

"Don't look so sad dear. At least you know mother loves you. Isnt that right?" She hissed. My now dull blue eyes looked up at her vibrant green eyes. I once again lowered my head and spoke loud enough for her to hear.

"Yes mother." My shoulders sagged as I heard my mates be dropped to the floor. My mother crouched and lifted my chin, rubbing my hair in a soothing manner before clipping on a shock collar. She forced me up and pushed me into the helicopter, followed by her guards. I looked back at my mates and then my mother. In one last act of defiance to her I said one thing that will likely get me killed.

"Protect them Robin." I whispered, my back flashing as Robin appeared next to my mates. My eyes rolled back and I fell against the metal floor as he yowled in pain and sadness. My mother snapped and kicked me where I was shot making me spit out a mouth full of blood.

"Worthless piece of shit. I should've gotten rid of you at the start." She hissed, right before kicking my head and knocking me out.

At least my mates are safe....

And they no longer have to deal with someone as worthless and pathetic as me.

Just.....protect them Robin, in my place.

I don't think I can make it back.....

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