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I don't know how long it took me to heal, to be honest I dunno what NEEDED to heal. But I was free to walk around tho, and the first thing I did was find a spare lab and start fixing my arm. Ze said that the lab I was using will be mine and will only be used by me unless I allow others in there. So I maybe have claimed the lab as my den at the moment. I had my left arm on a stand. I suddenly caught scent of something really pleasant that made my mouth water. I turned and slowly exited the lab, navigating the halls to a kitchen. I saw Ze and her mate Steve there, and a white haired boy that I didn't mind.... But those scary people were there too.... And a large blonde man I didn't know. Quickly I snuck over to the kitchen area without the scary people seeing me, I watched curiously as Ze sliced some weird green things. But my attention was grabbed by Steve who wasn't properly seasoning the meat, which really upset me for some reason.

I rushed over and tapped his shoulder, when he looked down at me I pointed at the meat. He turned to Ze who was snickering behind me.

"She wants to cook. You weren't seasoning properly, and she's a bit of a meat freak. Go on Zero show him how to do it!" Ze smiled. I grinned and quickly washed my hands before going to the spice rack. I grabbed the ones I needed and went back to the meat, cringing at the spiced Steve used. I set down the spices and cleaned off the meat, it was steak. I'm decent with that. I purred softly and got to work, ignoring the silence that was around me as I worked. When I was done I looked at Ze, silently asking if I did a good job. She smiled and scratched behind my ears, making me smile and purr. I turned and snuck over to the couch, sitting where no one could see me I turned on the TV and sat criss cross with my hands on my ankles.

"You guys should just give her some time! You all scare her, let her adjust before going up to her!" I heard after maybe an hour. It sounded like Ze. I got up and crept to the kitchen, peaking from around the corner to watch what would happen without the scary people seeing me.

"You have no right to keep us away from our soul mate Ze!" The red headed scary one snapped, I think her name was Natasha. The tone she was using made me growl softly. No one talks to Ze like that.

"YOU'RE THE ONES THAT WANTED TO REJECT HER! SO DON-" Ze was cut off by the Wanda woman slapping her. My anger spiked and I rushed forward, pushing Wanda away from my sister. I hissed at them, crouching slightly in case I had to fight. I heard Ze growl so I snapped my head towards her to see her hold her hands out to the scary people, her eyes turning black as the scary people's eyes did the same. I watched them all began freaking out or crying. I felt they had enough so I wrapped my arms around Ze's stomach from behind, burying my face in her hair like I did as a kid.

"Let them go Ze..." I murmured, letting her go. She looked at me as her eyes turned back to normal, all I saw was fear and pain in them.

"I'm not afraid of you just for your powers sissy..." I chuckled, ruffling her hair as I glared at the people staring at my sister with fear. The white haired boy stood up from his seat and appeared next to my sister, slapping her. My anger grew and I reacted instantly. I jumped forward, landing as my most powerful self. I was large, six feet at the shoulders, and 20 feet long from snout to tail tip. My fur was similar to a tiger's but the top of my body had thick black scales. As did my throat and stomach regan. Large rock like spikes came from my shoulders and hips, my fangs sharp as razors. My left front leg was actually entirely made of those thick scales. Razor sharp claws gently stabbed into the man's chest, I wasn't applying enough pressure to KILL him. He didn't deserve death.

"JULIE!" I heard, turning my attention to Ze... But..... She looked at me like I did something wrong. I looked at the scary people and saw they were cowering in the corner.

Why does my chest hurt now? Why does their fear hurt me so much? WHY DO THEY AFFECT ME SO MUCH?

I looked down at the terrified man and slowly got off of him, tears filling my eyes. Why does it hurt?

I dont want to be near them anymore.

It hurts.


I turned and ran down the halls, not slowing as I ran into my lab. I shifted and turned, slamming my fist onto the lock down button. Metal sheets fell in front of the door and the windows, a red light filling the den. Tears fell down my face as I scrambled to the darkest corner. I curled up, holding my knees close as I sobbed.

Why does it hurt?

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