Split Personality

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*This is based off of urbangurl123's comic on deviant art :)*

3rd POV

"Mr. Aizawa..." Midoriya started to talk, "Yes Midoriya?"
"Somethings happened to Bakugou..."

*In class the same day*

"So as you can tell by the piece and quiet in the classroom, Bakugou isn't here at the moment. Thats because he was hit by a quirk that split him into 7 different personalities." Mr. Aizawa explained. "If you have any questions, ask them now,"
Ashido shoots her hand up. "Yes Miss Ashido,"
"How long will he be like that? And what do the colours represent?"
"He'll only be like this for the day. Orange is joy, purple is envy, green is disgust, blue is sadness, white is fear and black is anger we don't know what pink is. Anything else?"
Kirishima counted the Bakugou's- Bakugi? In the room, only counting 6. "Mr. Aizawa, where's anger? He isn't here." Kirishima questioned, worried. "Oh he's being contained because we don't know how... safe, it is if he was around you."
"But he's okay, right? He's not hurt!"
"I can assure you Mr Kirishima, anger is alright, anything el-"
Mr. Aizawa went to speak but the pink Bakugou moved. Everyone stared at it, wondering what it would do. It looked straight at Kirishima, staring longingly into his eyes. He walked up to him and engulfed him in a hug. "AWHG!-" Kirishima was caught off guard by the sudden burst of affection from the Bakugou. Kirishima felt heat rise up on his face but couldn't get away from the him. Mr. Aizawa carried on. "Well now we know what pink is. Anymore questions?" No one put their hand up. "Okay I guess we can start the lesson."

*After class (lunch time)*

"Guys! I LOVE this new Bakugou! He is so kind and sweet!" Ashido rants about the orange Bakugou to Sero and Kaminari. She WAS talking to Kirishima but the pink Bakugou was a giant distraction, and has been all day. He kept on whispering lewd and inappropriate things into Kirishima's ear. Not that Kirishima minded all the attention he was getting from the usual closed off Bakugou, but it was like a violation of privacy, like, taking advantage of this. As Ashido was asking for Orange to give everyone on the table compliments, Kirishima buts in, "it just doesn't feel right! I feel as if we're taking advantage of this," Kirishima complains. "What harms done by getting compliments, plus, you have your own nice Bakugou! You and him seem all cozy together," Ashido hints and Kirishima goes as red as his hair thinking about the conversations he's had with Pink today. His head can't take all of if. He was saved by the bell, he may have class but atleast he won't be disturbed by Pink.

Kirishima's POV

I was wrong...
PINK IS A NIGHTMARE! He sat directly behind me and he keeps on whispering to me! It may be silly things like:
"You have a spare pencil?"
"Do you have a rubber, I make a mistake," Or,
"I ran out of paper, can I borrow a piece?"
It isn't what he says, it's how he says it. He'll bend over the table, get really close to my ear and whisper very seductively. I'll give him what he asks for and he'll go back to normal! I know he's doing it to tease me, it's obvious. I'm just glad school is nearly over. I can get to the dorms and then I can lock myself in there till the morning.

The bell rings and I try to run off but of course Pink grabs me. Just my luck. "Where you going Kiri?" He questions I an un-Bakugou like manner. "I was... uhmmm... going to my room to study!"
"Are you sure Kiri?" He asks, coming even closer to me. At this point I can feel his breath on my face and I flush the brightest red. "Pink. Please, restrain yourself. It's making our friend Kirishima here, uncomfortable." Orange says in an orderly manner, making me think he's spent too much time with Iida. Pink moves back, pouting. "Kirishima, I am so very sorry about his actions. He doesn't know how to compose himself. Please forgive him." He asks sweetly making me blush even more. I'm seeing sides to Bakugo I've never seen. "I- s- s- sure, he d- didn't do anything," I stutter out.
"I better be off, Todoroki, Midoriya and I are going to watch a movie! Have fun you two!" Orange smiles brightly and bounces away toward Midoriya and Todoroki. Since when did he like Midoriya? Anyways, on to the... Problem. Pink is sat down on the desk, face in hands and silent. It's a weird sight to see. "Pink? Are you okay, you seem upset..."
"I'm so sorry. I don't understand what happens when I'm around you... I feel all funny inside and I act like... That." He explains solemnly. He just lifts his head to look at me. At first his eyes were a softer, pastel pink. Once he made eye contact with me, they turned into a bright pink. "Pink? A- are you okay? Your eyes just changed colour," I question, worried again. "Oh Kiri, you're so sweet! It's attractive~" he purrs. I flush red for the 100th time today. He smirks and pulls me closer to him, "Follow me~" I follow, hypnotised. He leads me out of the classroom towards the dorms. I just watch him, he looks to me and smiles, this time more goofy than seductive. I just smile back and continue following him.

Eventually, we get to the main room and he sits down carefully, gesturing for me to sit next to him. I sit so I'm not too close but not that far away. He pouts and moves closer to me. My heart speeds up and I look to him, smiling like a love-struck idiot. We just stay like that for a while, him leaning on my side looking up at me as I just look down at him. We hear people and we separate. I quickly pick up my phone and click on a game so I look preoccupied. I hear a cheery Bakugou, Midoriya and Todoroki. They walk into the main room and notice us. "Hi Kirishima-kun, Pink!" Midoriya says happily. I look to see Todoroki with his arm draped over Midoriya's shoulders and Orange stood there blushing lightly. I look up, to see Orange's eyes go wide. "Pink! We have to go! Now!" He runs to Pink and drags him by his ear out of the dorms. "What was that?" Todoroki questions,
"Have no idea," I reply, just as confused as he is.

*10 minutes later*

I'm in my room studying when I hear shouting coming from the main room. I get up to see what's going on. Walking into the room, I see Bakugou, the real one, shouting at Midoriya.

"STUPID DEKU! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?! DIE!" Bakugou goes to blast Midoriya when I step in and harden, shielding him and myself. "Bakugou, I'm glad you're back but I don't want our classmates to be blasted," I state calmly walking towards the couch. Bakugou just stands there and blushes, probably remembering what his... Split personality acted like. "I- Kirishima!" I turn to him and hum a yes, "All that happened today, that's NOT how I feel, at ALL!" I just laugh lightly, "Whatever you say Blasty Mcsplodes~" I use the tone that Pink was using on me. I may have been flustered but I learned a thing or too. I walk to Bakugou and pull him closer to me by his shirt, almost making our lips touch. "Whatever you want to think~" And I walk off, leaving him there, red faced and speechless. How does it feel, Bakugou?

Small authors note:
I don't have anything to say except thanks for reading!


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