Starbucks hottie {Part 2}

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*I would say it's smut but I don't know if it's just mild smut or smut so yeah, just a warning*

Kirishima's POV

I look through my social media, trying to distract myself from the thought that I'm going on a date. With Bakugou. Today. My eyes go wide. "I'VE GOT A DATE WITH BAKUGOU!" I scream as reality sinks in. "Ugh, my style sucks," I groan then pick up my phone. I message Sero. (I'm sorry I love the headcannon where Sero's good at fashion)

TheTapeDespenser™: Jesus Kiri, do you know what the space bar is or is it broken?
Hard;3: noT THE TIME SERO! I'm having a mental breakdown at the moment since Idontknowhattowearonmydate!
TheTapeDespenser™: I'll be at your door in 10, you better be decent. Brush your teeth or whatever.
TheTapeDespenser™: Yeah yeah but you owe me big time.

I look at the time. 12pm, I'm not late. Yet. I go into the bathroom and freshen up. I hear a knock on the door and I sprint to get it. "Hi dude!" Sero smiles and pushes me to the side, "Okay, wardrobe." I grab him by his arm and drag him to my room. I stop by my wardrobe and he gasps, "Kiri, no! Is this it!" His eyes go wide when I nod my head. "Oh you poor thing! No wonder you never get dates!" He fakes sorrow and I scoff. "You can't say much, you got with Kaminari, he's my bro but he's hella dumb and goes for everything." He gasps again and flicks my forehead, making me flinch. "You idiot," he chuckles and turns towards the wardrobe to pick an outfit.

*Half an hour of torture later*

"OWCH- be careful Sero!" I yelp again as he brushes through my hair, which is horribly matted. "Do you even USE conditioner! This is terrible!" He moans as he rips out my hair. "I'm sorry~" I drag out the 'y' sarcastically, he scoffs and carries on. "DONE!" He shouts making me jump half a mile. I look to the mirror. I have dark blue jeans on with a black and red plait patterned button-up. My hair is in a low ponytail and my bangs are out, the left one covering my eye. My shoes were some basic dark red nikes. "My masterpiece!" I turn to see Sero filming me. "DUDE! Why are you like this. Why am I your friend?" He scoffs and turns the camera to himself, "See what I have to deal with!" He stops recording and puts it on his snapchat story. I grab my phone. Two can play that game. I check the time to see it's 1pm. I have enough time to mess about. I wait a bit so he's caught off guard. I start to record. "Sero~" I drag out the 'o' faking to be bored. "What you whiny asshole?" I get an idea. A great idea.
"Can I ask you a question?"
"Yeah my bro?"
"What do you think about Kaminari?"
"Well I love him, he IS my boyfriend after all," I stop him before he starts gushing. He picks up his drink I got him a while back. I make sure the camera view is clear and on his face. I wait for him to take a sip from his glass before asking the question. "So you've had sex?" He spits out his drink everywhere and turns red. He starts to choke and I burst into laughter. We both calm down and he sends me a death glare. I stop the video and send it to Kaminari and my story. After a few minutes I get a reply from Kaminari.

YellowThot💛: •//////•
RedThot❤️: calm yo kinky ass, you're not (The Insanely Cool) Jared Kleinmen
YellowThot💛: He choked Kiri, CHOKED!
RedThot❤️: Choked on that dick- What??????
YellowThot💛: KIRI!
RedThot❤️: KAMI!
YellowThot💛: I can't-
RedThot❤️: Well you can sooo.... ;)))
YellowThot💛: Go awAY RIGHT NOW!

I take a picture of Sero when he doesn't realise. His mouth is slightly open so I edit an eggplant in his mouth (My friends and I can't be the ONLY people who do that to eachother, right? xD) and send it to Kami.

YellowThot💛: I. Hate. You. PERIOD.
RedThot❤️: But you looooveeeeeee Sero ;)))))))))))))))
YellowThot💛: BYE HOE!
RedThot❤️: K bye, I still have your boyfriend!
YellowThot💛: That's it. IM COMING OVER!
RedThot❤️: Wear something nice! Make your man happy ;))))
YellowThot💛: I hate you

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