I knew you werent just a dream & IMPORTANT AN, PLEASE READ IT

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Bakugou's POV

The first time I saw him I had just started drawing, I was 18 and I planned to go to college to practice drawing. I was finishing a piece that someone ordered from my shop when I glanced at the clock 01:43am. I sighed and put my pencil down. I usually never stayed up that late but I did that night. I don't know if this is what caused it or not. I walked to my bed and got comfortable. I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. I knew I had a dream but all I could remember from it was this red spiky hair on a well-structured body. Every time I went to sleep late, around 1-2am, I would see parts of him. It felt weird but I had a gut feeling he was real. Soon enough, I fell in love with this 'imaginary' person. I felt drawn to this person, almost attached. A long time later I was finally able to piece together the full face of the handsome male in my dream. All I can remember is his face and one word: I. After a few days the words became a sentence: I am Kirishima Eijirou. I had no idea who this person was or why I was seeing him. Until today.

*Present day*

I jolt up from my sleep, someone banging on my door. This time I remember things that happened. The boy and I had a proper conversation, I was able to control what happened yet I still only remember snippets.

*What happened in the dream*

I looked around the room, white walls and a table with 2 chairs. One behind the table, one in front. I sat down in the chair in front of the table as it was the closest to me. I heard a noise, almost like tv static. That's when I saw him, the boy from my dreams. He looked at me and looked to the chair. "Hi?" I heard him say. His voice was angelic. "Do you know what's going on?" I ask, confused as to why I'm here. "I don't know. Wait you're the one in those dreams." He looks at me with wide eyes. "OH WELL WOULD YOU LOOK AT THE TIME! I GOTTA GO!" He speed walks to the door in the room and opens it, all we could see outside the door was a pitch black abyss. "Well I guess I'll have to stay here and humiliate myself, huh?" He mumbles to himself. "You said something about me and dreams?" I asked, wondering if the same thing that has been happening to me has been happening to him. "Uh, Yeah. I'd go asleep really late and when I wake up I'll only remember small details like your hair colour, face shape or eye colour. This is my first time seeing your face in full. I'm guessing the same thing happened with you?" He looks at me, expecting an answer. "Yeah, anyways who are you? If your gonna occupy my dreams I might as well know you." He smiles lightly making my heart beat a little faster. "Well lets start with names," he says, "I'm Kirishima Eijirou! And you are..." he trails of waiting for me to fill in the gap. "Bakugou Kasuki." He looks at me and laughs a bit. "What's so funny?" I try to shout but something stops me, my words come out soft. What. Is. Going. On. He calms his laughter and looks at me again. "Your a man of few words aren't you, Bakugou Kasuki?" I start to feel dizzy and my head starts spinning. I feel a hand touch my shoulder. "Hey are you okay?" Kirishima asks. "S'nothing," I reply quickly. Before I know it I'm waking up to someone banging the door.

*Back into the real world*

"Open up! I have pizza!" Aux cord, the only person that can tolerate me long enough to get to know me, shouts from the other side of the door. I get up and open the door. "I just woke up so whatever it is, it better be good. She looks at me, excitement visible on her face. I look at her sceptically. "I just happened to overhear principle Nezu saying someone's moving to UA! I cant wait to meet them on Monday!" I groan. "S' probably another person like pikachu." She laughs, "God forbit if it's another Kaminari, right?" I nod and walk towards my art supplies. "I'm bored." She looks over at me expectantly. "Then do something." She groans as I begin to paint a flower bouquet for a newly wed couple from New Jersey.

*Monday at school*

I walk into the classroom with my usual demeanour. Moody and grouchy. To be honest, whoever likes Monday's are the devil. I sit down as headphones and alien girl walk towards me. "See I told you that there's going to be a new person!" I look around. No one looks new to me, there's icy hot bastard, Deku, Pikachu, tape face," then I see someone with familiar red hair. "Oh." I say, giving in to defeat. "See, well I'm gonna talk to him! Wanna make him feel welcome, right Bakabitch?" Pinky says, aggravating me. "What did you just call me!" I shout. I can practically hear the sighs throughout the room. "Calm down you idiot!" Wires slaps me on my head. "Ow! Fuck you both." I feel 2 people grab my arms. Suddenly I'm being pulled up and dragged towards the new kid. Please don't be another dipshit. Please be a normal person. Please don't- "So that's why sharknado was the best film! A cinematic masterpiece!" That dumbass, pikachu. "Well actually, it was kinda crappy. But that's just my opinion!" I hear a cheery voice that I know I've heard before. "C'mon guys! Sharknado is shit and we all know it!" Pinky speaks up, causing the three people in front of us turned to look at us. "Yo, Jirou, Mina and Blasty Mcsplodes." Pikachu says. I grumble, "Hi Spider-Man reject, new kid and dunce face." The new kid who I recognise a lot, looks at me confused. We make eye contact and a tint of red begins to settle on my cheeks. I look away as Aux cord starts to talk. "Anyways, what's your name?" She questions. "Oh, the name's Kirishima Eijirou! Nice to meet you all!" I look at him, still wondering where I remember him from. "And you guys are..." he trails off. Why does this all seem familiar? "I'm Ashido Mina But call me Mina, this is Jirou Kyoka and that bundle of joy over there is Bakugou Kasuki," says pinky. I send her an annoyed look and she smiles sweetly back. God I hate people. The shitty-haired new kid laughs and looks at me. "I can almost feel the joy radiating from him!" This makes all 3 of them laugh. I grunt and go to walk away. "Bakugou! Don't be rude!" Jirou slaps me on the back of my head. Then the bell goes. I almost cheer out loud. Now I can sit down and think about what the hell is going on.

After class I walk up to Jirou and Pikachu. "What's up, cheese bags?" Jirou looks at me then bursts out laughing. Pikachu looks at her like she's a crazy person and I just stand there. I'm used to my terrible jokes making her laugh. Soon enough the rest of the dunces gather around. Jirou's finally calmed down enough to explain what happened. "Bakugou, explody, bakuboi, I love you but, CHEESE BAGS!?" She wheezes again and everyone looks at me with questioning glances, including that red-headed newbie. "What? I saw it on Instagram and I thought it would make Jirou laugh. I was right. Case closed." The new kid pipes up. "Well I've gotten to know all of you except Bakugou here, so imma steal him and talk for a bit." He grabs my arm and pulls me away. Once we get to a random place in the school he speaks up, "Okay I'm so confused and I know you are to I can tell by the way you look at me and I don't know why butifeellikeiknowyouanditsweird!" I stare at him blankly. "Japanese please?" He sighs and goes to speak again, "I said, okay I'm so confused and I know you are to. I can tell by the way you look at me and I don't know why but I feel like I know you, and its weird." He explains, slower this time. I think for a second before I realise. "Dream." That one word makes so much sense to me. The dream boy visibly straightens. "I- You're him..." before I can process anything I feel a force push me to the wall. I close my eyes on impact and I feel warm lips on mine. I try to process the situation but before I can it goes cold again. I open my eyes to see the boy, known as Kirishima Eijirou, with tears falling from his eyes. "I'm sorry. I have to go." He walks off. I'm paralysed. What the hell was that. I look around for him but he's already gone. I sigh and place my fingers to my lips. That boy.

I wrote this on my Kamisero/Serokami oneshot book but I thought I'd write it on here too! I'm thinking of making a Kiribaku/Bakushima story. I've already got the plot and everything, I just want to know if anyone would actually read it. So if you would, please let me know! If enough people say they would, I'll start writing it and I'll get the first chapter out by monday. Thank you for reading and thank you for 2k reads! It means so much to me that people like my writing. Okay that's enough rambling.


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