Those damn headphones

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3rd POV

"OI SHITTY HAIR!" Bakugou opens Kirishima's door with a bang, scaring him and making him wake up. "Jesus Bakugou, what happened?" The red head slurred in his half asleep state. "School starts in 20! That's what's happened! Now get your lazy ass up and dressed before I have to do it for you!" Bakugou shouts making Kirishima stand up and walk to his wardrobe. "I'm fine Bakugou, I can do it. Wait outside, I'll be 10 minutes max." Bakugou does as he's told and walks outside and closes the door. After 10 minutes Kirishima comes out with everything he needs but with one change. His hair is down. "What happened to your spiky shit?" Bakugou asked in confusion, a tiny slash of red occupying his cheeks. "There was no time to do it so I just decided to wear it down. If it gets in the way, I can just tie it back anyway so it's fine!" Kirishima responds happily. The pair begin to travel down the corridors, out of the dorms and towards the school, all while holding hands.

"So we're going on a school trip to a random forest to test our survival skills?" Midoriya asks, writing notes. "Yes, we will have a 2 hour bus ride and we'll be there for a week. I've already gotten permission from all of your parents and we are leaving in an hour. All you need to bring is clothes and entertainment for the bus journey. You can use your phones but they will be taken away once we get to the forest to add authenticity to the experience. I'll be waiting with Present Mic and All Might in-front of the school by the bus. Now class is dismissed." Aizawa Sensei lets the class go and pack. Kirishima gets to his dorm and backs the few things he needs. Clothes, crocs, shoes, hair supplies and his headphones. He grabs his bag and walks down to meet his classmates and teachers.

"Oi, shitty hair, be my coach partner," Bakugou says. I smile and nod, "Yeah, sure!" Bakugou stands next to his boyfriend, contemplating holding his hand. He sighs and grabs Kirishima's hand, instantly feeling the warmth of the other. The red-head smiles at the blonde and they stand in comfortable silence while they wait for the rest of the class.

Kirishima looks over at his best friends, who are currently sharing headphones. Kaminari's head is resting on Sero's shoulder. He's in a deep sleep and Sero is scrolling through his phone with one hand and holding Kaminari's hand with the other. Kirishima sighs lightly. Him and Bakugou have been dating for a few days now and they haven't done things like that yet. Kirishima doesn't want Bakugou to feel uncomfortable when he's touchy, it's just a part of Kirishima you have to get used to. When he was younger, his quirk was dangerous as he hadn't gained control over it yet. Kirishima would never be able to touch anyone, even his parents, because of this. He became extremely touchy because of that. The red-head would always cling onto the people he's with. Kaminari got used to this quickly as he acts exactly the same. Sero, however, took a while to get used to always being hung on. Kirishima takes a moment to think about how to do this discretely and comes up with an idea. The red-head taps the ash blond on the shoulder and waits for him to respond. "Hey, Bakugou?" Kirishima starts. Bakugou grunts as a signal for him to carry on talking. Kirishima smiles, "Okay, well... I forgot my headphones and I was wondering if I could listen to your music with you?" Bakugou nods and adjusts his headphones to make it easier to listen together. Kirishima takes the headphone in this boyfriend's hand and placed it in his ear. For an explosive guy, his music taste is pretty calming. Kirishima begins to slowly move his head onto the blonde's shoulder. He moves closer and grabs his hand, making Bakugou flush a deep red. The red-head finally gets comfortable next to the blonde and drifts off to sleep

Around 30 minutes later Kirishima is woken up by a text message. He picks up his phone to see who it is. Sero?

Spooder Mannn: Dude, I can see your headphones in your bag. If you don't want him to find out, hide them better.

Kirishima's face goes red in embarrassment and turns around to face his friend. Kaminari is still fast asleep on Sero's shoulder, one headphone still in. The other one in Sero's ear like earlier. Sero winks and turns back to Kaminari. Kirishima sighs, gets up from his comfortable spot on Bakugou's shoulder and grabs his bag to 'find his headphones'. "Hey Bakugou, I found my headphones so I'll be fine with my own music now." Bakugou scoffs, a tiny of red on his cheeks, "You don't need to. You can keep listening to mine, idiot." Kirishima smiles wide and places the headphones back in his bag on the floor. He closes his eyes and drifts off to sleep again on Bakugou's shoulder, not forgetting to mumble a sleepy 'thanks'.

They finally arrive at the site. Bakugou looks down at his sleeping boyfriend, contemplating waking him up. The blonde finally decides they can't stay on the coach and begins to wake him up. Kirishima stirs and opens his eyes, looking around. "We're at the stupid forest," Bakugou explains, knowing how clueless the red-head can be. Kirishima hums a thanks and they finally get off of the coach.

Time skip to the last day of the camp

The two boys sit on a ledge of a cliff, looking at the sunset in front of them. "This is beautiful," Kirishima sighs out, head leaning on Bakugou's shoulder. The blonde looks over at him. The sun casts beautiful shadows on his angular face. The light frames him beautifully and Bakugou sighs in content. The red-head lifts his head off of the other males shoulder, considering his actions before he does them. Kirishima leans forward slowly, the smell of caramel radiating off of his partner. Bakugou rests his hands on Kirishima's thigh and leans in closer, mimicking the red-head's movements. Slowly but surely, the two are captured in a kiss. Both boys' first kiss. They deepen it, fitting together like puzzle pieces. Bakugou finally pulls away, resting his forehead on the others. "Wow..." Kirishima mutters out, the feeling of his lovers lips still lingering on his. That simple action showed so much emotion. The two boys hear a voice, who they would later identify to be Iida, and sigh, not wanting the moment to end. Bakugou stands up, offering a hand to Kirishima. He takes the others hand, smiling as bright as the sun. The two begin to walk back to the camp, where the coach was waiting, hand in hand.

Authors Note:

I cant believe this has gotten 5k views! Like what! Thank you so much for reading this and voting on it, it really makes my day (: Sorry for the long wait but I finally found the time to update! Thanks for reading, commenting and voting!


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