Kiribaku are 'dense' and Sero is done

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Sometimes, Sero thought his friends were great. Other times, however, he thought they were the most insufferable people to be around. He knows that everyone has their faults, and that's what makes them human, but when two of your closest friends are so oblivious it hurts, you become increasingly agitated. At first, it was only small, a slight side glance at the other, a flirty comment that went unnoticed, yet it began to spiral into madness. Sero could completely confirm that Bakugo Katsuki and Kirishima Eijirou were dense little shits.

The first time Sero had been exposed to this, he had just been sat in the common room with Kaminari. They were sat shoulder-to-shoulder watching a horror movie, something to do with a nun, when Kirishima walked in. Trailing behind was Bakugo, watching the red-head in front of him contently. Sero and Kaminari looked at each other, Sero raised an eyebrow as Kaminari shrugged. They'd never seen the blond act so calm and, dare they say, love-stricken. It was odd. Too odd. The pair placed their attention back onto the blond to see a faint smile led on his face. Kirishima turned to the blond with his sunshine smile and said something in a hushed voice. In reaction, Bakugo's face sported a light pink trailing from his nose to the top of his ears. From beside him, Sero heard a slapping noise. He turned to see Kaminari with his hand covering his mouth, eyes wide and eyebrows raised. "Are they," he began, making sure his voice was unable to be heard by others, "A thing?". Sero shrugged, "I doubt it, but I think Blasty has a thing for our dear friend.". Kaminari snorted, looking up at the blond for the third time to see him shift even closer to Kirishima. They were now stood less than a few centimetres away from each other, both of them with a certain shimmer in their eyes.

Another time was when Kirishima invited Sero to the arcade with him and Bakugo. Sero naively agreed, believing it would be fun. Boy, was he wrong. As soon as they arrived, Kirishima pulled Bakugo away (by the hand, by the way), claiming he wanted to try the new claw machine. That was when Sero had realised his red-haired friend dragged him along as a third wheel. He sighed and made his way over to the food stand, purchasing a slush and sat at one of the tables on his phone.

Two or three hours passed before he saw his friends again. Sero was still sat on the same table drinking his third slush when he heard Bakugo's voice. He looked up to see his friends directly across from him, in his line of sight. They were both leaning on a game, the game over screen displayed, dangerously close. The two had matching blushes covering their faces making them resemble tomatoes rather than humans. Bakugo stepped even closer and Kirishima let his eyes flutter closed. They both leaned in when-

"OH MY GOD YOU'RE FROM YUUEI! I SAW YOU BOTH ON TV!" A girl squealed, causing the bubble the two had been in to pop. Kirishima moved back harshly, almost knocking into the excited stranger. Bakugo looked as if he were 3 seconds away from lighting her on fire. With his quirk or a lighter, Sero wouldn't know. Of course Kirishima had noticed this and struck up a conversation. "Yeah we are! I'm Kirishima and this is Bakugo. You are..." he paused politely to let the girl answer. "Mizuki!" She giggled, placing a hand on the red-heads arm. "You must be strong, being able to enroll in such an amazing school." She batted her eyelashes, clearly flirting. This went completely unnoticed by the red-head as he responded with a simple, "I guess so. What's your quirk?". She removed her hand to twirl a strand of dark blue hair between her fingers, "It's nothing big, I can change my hair colour whenever I want.". This made Bakugo scoff. He looked at the girl with a harsh glare. "Why the fuck did you want to talk to us?" He spat out. The girl clearly wasn't expecting such a harsh remark and jumped slightly. She looked over to the blond with the fakest smile Sero had ever seen. "I'm sorry, but I don't remember trying to talk to you." Mizuki rolled her eyes and turned back to Kirishima, who was now stood with his eyebrows furrowed and a small frown on his lips. "Uhm, Mizuki?" He muttered out, gaining her attention. "You seem nice and all, but we really have to leave. See you around!" Kirishima smiled at the girl, grabbed the blond's hand and dragged him away. Sero blinked a few times, trying to confirm what he'd just witnessed was reality. He had to tell Kaminari and Mina about this.

One of the worst times was at lunch in school. Mina was in a deep conversation with Kaminari about if birds work for the bourgeoisie and Bakugo and Kirishima were in a conversation of their own, which left Sero by himself. He didn't mind that, though, as he could think about things he'd normally not have the time to. Or, that's what he usually did when two of his friends weren't practically sitting on each other's laps. Sero could see Kirishima and Bakugo in the corner of his eye, both had their legs crossed. Kirishima has his knee on top of Bakugo's and his head was leaning on the blond's shoulder. They were whispering things to each other and laughing as if they were the only two people there. Everything about the scene in front of Sero was oddly domestic and he felt as if he shouldn't be there. He turned to Kaminari and Mina, who were now talking about some stupid thing Kaminari had done, and tapped them both on the shoulder. "We should probably leave," he whispered, nodding in the direction of the lovebirds. All three of them got up and left without a word. They went back to class to talk there, not knowing anywhere else to go.

These, among a heap load of other, moments were the reason Sero believed they were so stupid. It's obvious that they like each other, but their just too stubborn to talk about it. So now Sero was sat in the common room with Kaminari, yet again, complaining about how annoying it was to be dragged along as a third wheel all the time. "It's just so annoying, they obviously like each other so they should get together!" Sero exclaimed, leaning onto Kaminari's shoulder and sighing. There was a moment of quiet before a loud voice boomed, "We are together, dumbass.". This caught Sero's attention. He lifted his head from his friends shoulder to look at the other two behind him. Bakugo and Kirishima stood with their hands linked and shoulders touching. "What?" Sero asked in disbelief. "We've been together for ages." Kirishima explained. At that, Kaminari let out a wheeze and clutched his chest. Sero gave him a dirty look. "You knew didn't you." He deadpanned. Kaminari, still in stitches, could only manage a weak nod before letting out a second wheeze. Sero could completely confirm that he was the dumbest person he knew.


Ok that was a long break from writing. I'm sorry about that though, I fell out of the fandom for a bit and just didn't have the motivation to write. I thought it would be better to not post at all than rather post a half-assed piece of writing that nobody would enjoy. But now my motivation's back and I'm ready to write. Again, I'm sorry for not posting for such a long time and i hope you're all not annoyed ((:


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