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Bakugou's POV

"Hey Bakuhoe! Do we have any homework due next period?" I feel a hand on my shoulder and I turn to see my best friend, although I wouldn't admit that out loud, Kirishima. I feel my face get hot and my palms start to become sweaty. Why am I feeling like this? "Yo, dude, bro, you look completely out of it. You sick or something?" He asks, eyes full of worry. I roll my eyes and wipe my palms on my trousers, ignoring my bright blush. "I'm fine shitty hair, I don't need a babysitter," I scoff and turn away from him, "Plus, there isn't any homework." He thanks me and we stand in awkward silence for what feels like eternity. The bell rings and I let out a breath I didn't realise I was holding. I start to walk towards my class when I get pulled back by my arm. I turn to see Kirishima with a light blush on his face, "I- Uh. Sorry. I need to speak to you after school. It's really important. Meet me at my dorm room at 4, okay?" He looks at me, waiting for a reply. "Ugh, fine but it better be important!" I rip my arm away and walk off. Why was I blushing every time he touched me! I shake off my thoughts when I reach my classroom.

All through the lesson I could feel eyes burning through my skull. At first I shrugged it off, thinking it was my imagination. It lasts for a few more minutes causing me to loose focus on my work so I turn around to see who's glaring at me. I turn to see pikachu glaring at me. I turn back to my desk and write a note on a blank piece of paper that said: "Why the fuck are you glaring at me, stop!" I screw it up and chuck it at him. It lands by his foot so he goes to pick it up, still glaring. I watch him read it and write a reply. I'm glad Mr Aizawa is half-asleep so we can get away with this. He chucks it back at me and I catch it. I open it: "If you hurt him I swear to Barry Scott I will murder you." I just look back at him confused and write a reply: "Hurt who? How would I hurt them? And who the hell is Barry Scott?!" I chuck it back and wait for a reply. Pikachu chucks the paper back at me: "1) I can't say 2) Many ways 3) Barry Scott is my lord and saviour. The Cilit Bang commercial guy!" I go to write a reply when the bell rings. Lunch. I turn around to see pikachu walking my way. "Your coming with me, I don't care what you say." I grab my things and follow the annoying blonde reluctantly. He guides me to a closet and drags me in there. "What do you want, dunce face," I scoff, awaiting an answer. "I can't go into details but if you hurt him I will never forgive you. If you make him cry, I won't hesitate to fight you, and I wouldn't care if I lost. And be well aware, if you don't let him down softly I won't let you go near him EVER again. And trust me, I'm serious." At that, he opens the door and leaves. WHO IS HIM?! I grumble under my breath and leave to find a place to sit and eat. I feel a hand on my shoulder, "Hi man!" I hear an obnoxiously loud red head shout. "Just sit down already shitty hair." He looks at me with a confused face. He looks cute like that- NO! He's my closest friend, I'm NOT having those thoughts about him. "What's wrong, you seem pissed," he starts. I sigh, ready to explain. "Your friend Electabuzz over there is being weird." Kirishima turns around to see Kaminari glaring at them, Sero awkwardly trying to distract him from the 2 'bros' talking.

Kaminari's POV

"Seriously Kami, you can't death glare Bakugou all day. I know you're an overprotective friend but Jesus," Sero tries to distract me. "He's going to destroy my son. I will not allow it." Sero looks at me, confused and scared. "Your son?" He questions. "Oh sorry, I'm mean OUR son." Sero blushes a dark red and goes to stand up. "I'm gonna get something from the vending machine," he gets up and walks off. I love to tease him, it lets me see how far I can push him before he goes into 'gay panic mode' as he likes to call it. Oh my Barry Scott, I AM a disastrous Bi. Oof.

Time Scoop to after school

(Still Kaminari's POV btw)

I walk out of school with Sero and Kirishima. "I mean- What if he rejects me. OH NO I DIDNT THINK ABOUT THAT! KAMI, SEROO!" I grab Kiri's shoulder's and look at him in the eyes. "If he rejects you, he's blind. Period." I see Sero look down to the floor in the corner of my eye. I rap my arm around Sero, "No one rejects our son!" I suddenly see the taller male blush at my words and actions. I smile at him. "Get a room already!" We both snap our heads to Kiri. My face flushes a light pink. "NO ITS NOT LIKE THAT-" I get cut off by Sero, "LIKE YOU CAN TALK!" It goes silent. "OH MY GOD, DONT!" And that's when we all broke. I doubled over in laughter, falling onto Sero for support. Kirishima was already on the floor, rolling in laughter. After we calmed down, Sero checked the time, "Dude, you better go to your room, it's nearly 4." The red head looks up at the plain male. "SHOOT!THANKS GUYS! WISHMELUCK!" And then he's off. "Wanna play Mario Cart?"
"Of course!"

Bakugou's POV

I get there 5 minutes early to see him run down to his dorm. "I'm sorry for being late, it was KamiSero's fault," he pants in between his words. "What's KamiSero?" He looks at me then blushes, realising something. "I-It's Uhm. Kaminari and Sero's s-ship name." The red head stutters. "What did you need?" I question, hoping it isn't to help him study, I'm not in the mood to do work. "Heh. Well. I. Yeah." I look at him, confused. It's cute when he stutters- NOT AGAIN. Nope. Bye gay thoughts. Not today. "Spit it out shitty hair." He looks down at his shoes, "I. Uhm. God damn it. Sorry hold on." He turns away from me for a while. "What are you doing?" I go to walk in front of him, "WAIT! DOn't move!" I sigh and stay where I am.

Kaminari's POV

"Your phone's going off!" Sero calls to me from his room, "Thanks, I'll only be a second!" I head back to his room and grab my phone.

SunshineBoi(Kirishima): Help I don't know what to say. I look AND sound crazy. H E L P!

MemeMaster(Kaminari): Are you stuttering?


MemeMaster: Just say whatever comes to your mind, pretend your reciting it into a mirror, now I gotta get back to my Mario Kart. Sero's waiting.

SunshineBoi: O H M Y G O D T H A N K Y O U!

I laugh and show Sero the messages, using this as an excuse to get closer to him. As he reads, I put my head on his shoulder and my free hand on his thigh.

Bakugou's POV

I wait for him to finish. "Okay," he turns around, "You mean so much to me. Every time you walk into the room, I smile knowing you're my friend. Then it changed. I started feeling things I shouldn't for a friend. Right this sounds creepy I'm sorry. Well what I'm trying to say is... I, Kirishima Eijirou, am madly in love with you." I step back in shock. My eyes widen and I go a bright red. Then I realise what's been happening these past few days. What I've been feeling. Love. "I-" I get interrupted by him, "ITSFINEIFYOUDONTLIKEMEBACK!" He shouts, I grab his dumb shirt and pull him into a kiss. He makes a small, shocked noise and freezes. I pull away. "If we're going to make this work, you have to not stand there." He laughs nervously, "Yeah, sorry. How about a retry?" He leans in slowly and I copy his actions. Soon enough, our lips meet. His soft, plump lips move swiftly against mine. I deepen the kiss by licking his bottom lip, asking for entrance. He opens his mouth (fun fact: I wrote moth by accident at first! Oof, fml) slightly and I explore his mouth. We break apart and lean our foreheads together. (Does that make sense xD) "So does that mean..." Kirishima trails off. "That means I hate you. What do you think it means," I reply sarcastically. "This is why I love you." I blush and pull away from him, grabbing his hand as a substitute. "I love you too, dumbass."

Thanks for reading, again. And yes. I will say that EVERY chapter. But yeah, nearly 500 reads! I'm just saying, it's hard to keep up with the schedule so if I miss a day or update a day late then you know why! I hope you guys like this chapter, I need some things to write so if you have any ideas, I'd love for you to comment! I was also thinking about making a book! I won't if no one will read it though! I'll stop now xD


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