The sleepover

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*This is before the dorm situation!*

Kirishima's POV

Mama Mina: Kiri! Me, Hagakure, kami and Sero are going to have a sleepover at my house! You can bring Bakugou if you like!

Kiri 'The Rock' shima: Sure! Count me and Bakugou in!

I turn my phone off and look in the mirror. I realise my hair is down. I don't have enough time to do it so I pull it into a pony-tail but my bangs fall out straight away. I just huff and grab my car keys.

*10 minutes later*

I get to Bakugou's house and knock on the door. His mum Mitsuki opens the door. "Oh Kirishima! Nice to see you!" She turns to look inside the house. "BAKUGOU GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE!" I chuckle and reply, "Nice to see you too Mrs. Bakugou!"
"Oh hon, call me Mitsuki!" As she says that, Bakugou walks up to the door, "Leave him alone you old hag!" Mitsuki huffs and walks back into the house, smacking the back of Bakugou's head in the process. "Whaddya want shitty hair?"
"Mina's hosting a sleepover and I was thinking-"
"But Bakugouuuuu!"
"Please! You'll do this if you're my best bro!" He hesitates before replying. "You're lucky I'm your friend! Now sit in your shitty car while I get my stuff ready!"

*30 minutes later*

I arrive at Mina's house and knock on the door. Mina answers the door and engulfs me in a hug, gaining glares from Bakugou. Mina invites us in and Bakugou and I walk towards the living room. I walk in and see Kaminari and Sero making out while Hagakure watches YouTube with her headphones in. "Sero, Kami, stop tonguing each other," Bakugou says calmly. The pair look up, flustered from being called out. We all settle down and watch a movie, A few of us falling asleep in the process. Kaminari and Sero fall asleep hugging eachother and Bakugou falls asleep, leaning on my shoulder and his arm around my waist. I flush a bright red when I realise how close we are. Mina and Hagakure laugh quietly at my situation as they know about my massive crush on my best bro. Mina finally breaks. "AWWWWHHH!" She shouts and we all hear a groan and an annoyed but sleepy mumble "Shut up alien bitch," I chuckle as I turn to look at Bakugou. He's sleeping soundlessly. For the first time, he looks peaceful. My face turns an even brighter red and I look away. I move out of Bakugou's grasp, being careful not to wake him up from his sleep. Mina and Hagakure jump up and grab one of my arms each and drag me upstairs while screaming: 'WE'RE GIVING YOU A MAKEOVER!' At this, Bakugou jolts up and looks towards me. I look back at him, smile, and carry on walking with the girls. Once we get upstairs, they start inspecting me. "Okay. HAGAKURE! Write this down!"
"Strong jawline, high cheekbones, 6-pack, soft silky hair, muscles, dimples and great posture." Hagakure finishes with the paper and pen and hands it to Mina. She looks over it and they both have an unspoken chat. They turn to me simultaneously, "You could actually be a model if you wanted!" A few seconds later, I hear a bang and then a loud shout, "MINA ASHIDO YOU LITTE WHORE!" Mina giggles and salutes to me and Hagakure, "Okay babes! I have to go! Hagakure! Work your magic!" And then she leaves. I turn to Hagakure and she starts to 'work her magic'.

Mina's POV

I go downstairs to Bakugou. Hagakure and I have a plan. We get Kirishima to look as sexy as possible and then we put them into a room together. We all know what will happen with a half-asleep Bakuhoe and a sexy Kirishima! I make my way towards Bakugou to see him, angry written all over his face. "You woke me up with your stupid squealing, shut the fuck up! You're luck Sero and Kaminari are extremely heavy sleepers." He looks at me, groans, and walks back to where he was sleeping previously, falling asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. I pull the fleece over Bakugou and walk back to my room where Hagakure is working on Kirishima.

*1 hour later*

Kirishima's POV

"OMG MINA HE LOOKS SO GOOD!" Hagakure looks over to Mina who's nodding her head in agreement. They let my hair down, straightening it and styling it to look as if it has more volume. They found a red button-up shirt, a black tie, blazer and dress shoes. They put some light makeup on my face to 'bring out my cheekbones and jawline'. They drag me to the mirror and I look at myself. I looked pretty damn good! We walk downstairs together and Mina tells me to wait outside because her and Hagakure want to wake the sleeping trio to 'present their masterpiece'. I hear Bakugou, Sero and Kaminari all sit up. "Come on out Kiri!" Mina shouts. I walk in, embarrassed with all the commotion Mina is making. I look to Bakugou to see his face flushed a light pink. I smile, showing my dimples and he looks away, seeming to turn a darker pink. My eyes must be playing tricks on me. "DUDE! You look great!" Sero compliments me and I blush out of embarrassment. "Thank you!" I reply. "Kiri, my dude! I would say you can take Todoroki's spot as 'hottest guy in the class' with that outfit!" I blush even deeper. "Oh shut up Kami! Sero get your boyfriend!" Sero just comes up to Kaminari from behind and rests his chin on his head and raps his arms around his waist. I see Kami melt into the embrace and smile like a love-struck puppy. I smile at their relationship. Hagakure turns to Bakugou. "Bakubitch! Howddya think Kiri looks!" Bakugou just scoffs. "He looks okay I guess. He still looks shitty though." Of course. Count on Bakugou to be the brutal critique. I visibly change from overly happy to a little bit sad. I smile half-heartedly. "Well I can always count on you to tell me the truth Bakugou. I'm gonna go find something to do." I walk out of the room before anyone can talk to me and I start to search the cub-bards for and games. I go into a closet and see cards against humanity. I reach for it when I realise I'm too short. Jumping, I try to reach for the cards. Roughly 2 minutes later, I feel a warm breath hit my neck and I see an arm reach over my head. I can smell the strong scent of  nitroglycerin and sleep. Bakugou. I shiver as he breaths slowly down my neck. Once he gets the cards, I turn to face him and see the door slam shut and lock. I push Bakugou out of the way and storm to the door. "Mina, Hagakure, I swear. If you don't let us out, I'll... I'll... buy everyone a gift and not give you two one!" I realise that my threat isn't that effective and huff. Bakugou is still half asleep, I wouldn't be surprised if he falls asleep in here.

3rd POV

Kirishima sighs and looks over to Bakugou for help. Bakugou just looks at him with lust filled eyes and pushes him up to the wall, pinning him there. "B- Bakugou?" Kirishima stutters out. Bakugou lifts his index finger to Kirishima's mouth, shushing him. He turns bright red and starts to get hot and bothered. "W- what are you doing?" Kirishima questions. "Be quiet shitty hair. I'm trying to think." He stays still, feeling REALLY hot and bothered now. He stares into Bakugou's deep, red eyes. After what feels like an eternity, Bakugou slowly lifts his hand up to Kirishima's jaw, cupping it. Bakugou's breath hits Kirishima's neck, again, making him shiver. He feels weak under the other males touch. He feels Bakugou's other arm slip around his waist, pulling them closer to each other. He feels a soft pair of lips lower themselves onto his own. Kirishima's eyes go wide but he quickly melts into the kiss. They break apart to breathe. Bakugou looks over to Kirishima, the outfit he was wearing drove him wild. The temptation to just grab him and kiss him earlier was too much so he settled for being his usual bitchy self. Once he saw Kirishima leave alone, he saw this as a chance to show him how he felt. And now they were like this. Kirishima decides to be bold and go for another kiss, this one more needy than the last. This one was more lustful. Bakugou licks Kirishima's bottom lip, asking for access. He opens his mouth slightly to allow Bakugou to explore his mouth. The blonde male turns towards the flustered red-heads neck, attacking it, creating hickies and red marks all the way down. Kirishima lets out a low moan, pleasure filling him. Bakugou smirks into his skin and moves into another kiss, starting to undress Kirishima. First taking off his blazer, then his tie and lastly his red button-up. Kirishima only then realised what's about to take place if he doesn't stop the blonde. "Baku~ mghh... Bakugou~" Kirishima tries, Bakugou only gets more exited. "Bakugou~ aghh~ S-stop," Kirishima tries again, this time making the blonde freeze and gather his thoughts. "Oh my god. Kirishima I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have done that." Bakugou tried the door to see that it was opened. Mina must've opened it and walked off with Hagakure. Kirishima rushes over to Bakugou, grabbing his wrist and pulling him towards himself. "Bakugou, it's fine. I- I like you. A lot. And it wasn't that I didn't want to do what we did, I just didn't want to go further and us both regret it..." The blonde stares at the red-head in awe, realising that his feeling were reciprocated. Bakugou raps Kirishima into a hug. "I should put the clothes back on," Kirishima looks down at his bare chest and laughs, walking towards the closet.

Thanks for reading guys! I hope I'm not actually writing really horribly! Comment and tell me where I need to improve! Yes I've been spelling Bakugou wrong but iM tRyInG! I'm just gonna edit them and fix it! Now I'm going to sleep cause I'm tired af xD


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