Peace and quiet

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I. Haven't. Updated. In. AGES. I'm so sorry for that! I was going to update earlier but I needed to pack so I could move houses and in the process, broke my phone. And I, not having any money to waste on fixing it, couldn't fix it or afford to buy anything else like a laptop or tablet. But I just got it fixed today and wrote this. Also, this is my first time writing a full fluff chapter and I hope you like it!!

3rd POV

Kirishima is a simple man. He likes peace and quiet. Somehow, considering that fact, it wasn't a surprise when his explosive boyfriend blew up his door and stormed into his dorm room. Kirishima looked up from his maths homework he was stuck on to look at the blonde. "Bakugou? What happened?" He asked, confusion evident in his voice. "GET YOUR STUPID ASS FRIENDS ON A FUCKIN' LEASH BEFORE THEY GET THEIR SHITTY LITTLE FACES INCINERATED!" He shouts. The red head could feel the anger dripping off of the other. "What? What did they do now?" He asked, feeling like the mum friend. Again. Bakugou lifted up his shirt (shut up you perverts xD) and turned around to show Kirishima his back, which revealed a massive red mark in the shape of a hand. "Those fuckers decided it would be funny to slap my back when I fell asleep!" He shouted, not as loud as before because of the red head's presence. Kirishima sighed and got up from his seat at his desk to walk over to his angry boyfriend. He looked at the slap mark then pulled him into a involuntary hug. At first, the blonde stiffened up but he soon turned around and wrapped his arms around the other, accepting the comfort. Kirishima was the one to break the hug. He pulled away from Bakugou but still stayed within arm's reach, holding both of the blonde's hands. "I'm guessing the culprits were Kaminari and Sero?" The red head questioned, earning a grunt as a response. "Don't worry babe, I'll talk to them and try to stop them from annoying you as often as they do now," he explained. The blonde looked up from the floor he was glaring daggers at and met the others gaze. They looked at each other in the eyes for a while in a comfortable silence. Kirishima began to walk back over to his desk, pulling Bakugou with him, and sat in the chair. Bakugou placed his hands on the others shoulders, trying to keep contact with him. "Now forget about them and help me work out this homework 'cause I have no idea how this works." Bakugou grabbed the pencil and began to explain the work in a monotone voice. "So you multiply the brackets by the number outside, it isn't that hard shitty hair. You should've learned this in middle school." Kirishima sighed and attempted to work out the question. He finally wrote an answer on the paper and looked towards his boyfriend. "Finally got it right eh? Now do that with the rest of 'em and get me when you're done." The red head nodded and let his boyfriend walk of towards the bed.

Kirishima put the pencil down, held the work up to his face and smiled. He spun around in his grey spinning chair and looked towards Bakugou who was sound asleep in the bed. The red head gazed fondly at the blonde, smiling at how his features seemed to glow in the sunset which illuminated the room. He placed the homework back on the desk and walked over to Bakugou. He tapped him on the shoulder and watched as he stirred. Bakugou opened his eyes and sat up slowly. "Hey," Kirishima smiled, "You fell asleep waiting for me to finish." The blonde looked at him with an annoyed, but loving, look. "You woke me up," he groaned, his sleep-voice noticeable. Kirishima melted at how attractive his voice sounded when he was tired. Going against his rational side, the red head sat in the empty spot on the bed and wrapped his arm around the other. Bakugou looked up at Kirishima and smiled unconsciously. The red head noticed but decided to ignore it and enjoy the peaceful moment with the usual explosive boy. These are the best peaceful and quiet moments in the red heads opinion.



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