"I love you, too"

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Bakugou's POV

School starts as usual. I wake up, get dressed, and wait outside my dorm room door for shitty hair. I take out my phone to check the time, 08:10am. I groan and bang on the red-heads door. "Shitty hair! You better be awake in there!" I hear a small shout from the other side of the door. "I'm nearly done, Blasty!" I go on my phone, bringing up a game and playing it. I turn my phone off when I hear a door opening. "Yo bakubro!" Kirishima looks at me, awaiting an answer. "Shut up shitty hair, lets go before we're late."

We arrive at school and I sit on my seat in my usual position as Kirishima walks over to Sparky and Plain-Face. Glasses decides to come over and shout at me, "Bakugou! This is disrespect to school property! Please take your feet off of the table!" I ignore him and put my headphones in, listening to my playlist. A few seconds later, I see a familiar face walking my way with Glasses next to him. Kirishima grabs me on my shoulder, "Bakugou, please listen to Iida, class prez here just wants to look after the classroom and the people in it!" I glare at Glasses and take my feet off the table. Kirishima smiles and Glasses thanks him and they both walk away. After that commotion I see a yellow sleeping bag roll into the room. I put my phone down and listen to our teacher. "Okay class today we're going to the forest to practice our defence skills. Go to the changing rooms, get changed into your hero suits and meet me outside by the coach." At this, the class gets their things and walks to the changing rooms.

"Nah bro, Bakugou would definitely win, I know I've been working on some moves but I don't think I can surpass Blasty here!" Kirishima goes on and on, listing reasons why I would beat him in a fight to Pikachu. "But Kiri, you've worked on being able to hold your indestructible form for over 4 hours the fight would last forever and Bakugou doesn't have unlimited stamina! No offence Bakubro but I think Kiri would win this!" I suddenly feel 2 pairs of eyes on me and I scoff. "Well it depends if Kirishima goes full force on me." I say coolly. Kirishima turns a light pink at my words and Dunce Face cackles. "What you idiots!?" Electabuzz stops laughing and turns to Kirishima, whos now redder than his own hair. We get to the coach and drive to the forest.

We shouldn't have ever came to the forest. The League Of Villains attacked and a lot of us got hurt. Kirishima and I were fighting a guy with blue fire and he didn't harden in time. He got knocked out cold by one of the hottest flames the villain emitted. I yell, furious that someone hurt the love of my life.

I finally chase the villain off and tend to Kirishima. "Shitty hair? Wake up you asshole, this isn't a joke!" I end up carrying him bridal style to the main camp where the whole class met up. Everyone had either minor injuries or none at all. The only person who had been severely hurt was Kirishima. Once I come into view of the class, I see Raccoon Eyes, Flat Face and Dumb Face gasp and run up to me and Kirishima. "Bakugou what happened! Is he okay!?" Raccoon Eyes pesters me with questions. "Move you extras! We need to get him to a hospital!" I see the 3 of them run and tell Mr. Aizawa. I place Kirishima down on one of the sleeping bags we brought with us and I sit next to him as we wait for the ambulance to arrive.

It's been 5 weeks since the accident and Kirishima still hasn't woken up. I take a shaky breath, the doctors say he has 5 days left before they have to take him of life support. I feel my heart clench, realising I haven't told him how I really feel. I feel tears prick at my eyes and a lump in my throat but I ignore it, Kiri wouldn't want me to be upset over him. He would tell me that he wanted to die a 'manly death'. This would be how he would want to go out. I grab the red-heads hand and start to trace letters on his palm. The letters joined together to create 'I love you' and I repeat this a few times before sighing, knowing this isn't doing anything. I get up to leave the room to get some water and feel a hand grab my wrist. I look down to see Kirishima smiling up at me. My eyes cloud over and I start to cry. I sit back down and pull him into a tight hug, being careful of his wounds. "I love you, too," he states shamelessly. I stare at him and blink a few times then realise. "You were awake?! YOU BASTARD!" He just chuckles and pulls me into a kiss, my cheeks flush a bright red. I kiss back, smiling into it.


Thank you for reading!


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