A *not so* Jolly Christmas

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Kirishima's POV


I look out of the window, watching the snow fall gracefully. I sigh, remembering it's another year when I'm spending Christmas alone. Mr. Aizawa always worry's about me not going home to see my family on the holidays. I couldn't tell him the real reason, I just couldn't.


"Again! He did it again, Brenda!" Screamed my father, Tom. (I used generic white names for Kirishima's parents because I don't know what else to do xD) "Tom, calm down, does it matter if he likes guys!" My mother collapsed in tears, fighting with my father, begging him to keep me with them. "I don't want a faggot living under my roof!" I feel tears streaming down my face. A six year old shouldn't be around such violence...

10 years later

I waved my mother goodbye as she looked at me in sympathy, tears silently streamed down her face. My father scowled and flipped me off. I turned around with my bags in my hands. My father told me once I move out of 'his house' I would never be welcome again. I didn't realise he meant even if I moved into the UA dorms. I turned around one last time to see my fathers face. Smiling manically, happy his 'disgrace of a child' finally moved away. On the other hand, my mother was hyperventilating, she'd never see her baby again thanks to her homophobic husband. I smiled weakly at her, I hoped it showed her that I wasn't blaming her. After all, it was my father who'd abuse me. I finally walked away from that house of memories. I never knew how much it could hurt to walk away from something so toxic until that day...


I look around the empty dorms, everyone left that night to see their families for the holidays. Of course they don't know I stay here. If they did, all I'd get would be sympathy. I don't want to be treated differently so, yet again, I volunteered to stay until everyone was done so I could lock up. 2 hours passed when I hear a key opening the campus door. I don't have enough time to hide so I run to the kitchen, hoping to not be caught as the only person who knows I'm here is Aizawa sensei But he left yesterday with Present Mic. "Stupid presents," I hear a familiar voice groan, "if I didn't forget them, I would have been home by now!" The voice shouts to himself. I pray the ash blonde doesn't come into the kitchen. Now if you want to get to know me, there's one thing I do not have on my side, and that would be luck. I hear a groan and footsteps coming closer to here. I turn to pretend I'm busy to not look AS suspicious as I already do. "Oh my GOD! Shitty hair you bastard! Why're you still here!" Bakugou shouts, not expecting me to be in here. "Well- I- Uhm- Errr......" I look around frantically, trying to avoid his piercing glare. "You better have a good reason," he says, softer than I thought Bakugou could speak. I feel a hand grab my own as I'm pulled towards the sofa. "Okay, explain. I don't have all day." I look away, blushing as I realise his hand hasn't left mine. I sigh and look into his deep red eyes. "My father... He..." I start, worried about the ash blonde's reaction. What if he's homophobic too! What if he'll hate me after! I put my worries aside and carry on. "My father is homophobic and if you couldn't tell... I'm... Uhhh... I'm gay. And my father didn't like that. He told me once I moved out I could never go back. So now I'm stuck here. My mother is stuck with that abusive asshole and has been for years. Is that a good enough reason for you, Bakugou!" I snap at him, memories flooding back. I remember the cuts, the beatings, the blood. Most importantly. The emotional trauma. I look over to Bakugou. "I'm sorry for snapping. I'm so messed up." I smile weakly. That smile which holds so much pain. That smile which shows how broken Kirishima Eijirou really is. That smile that shows the old Kirishima. Throughout the years, that smile never changed as it was the only thing that could truly show how broken the usual bundle of joy was. And what amazing timing it is. Bakugou gets up and hugs Kirishima tightly. Then Kirishima breaks. Sob after sob, the usual joy he once radiated masked by a sense of doubt and emptiness. The boy drops to his knees still held in the blonde's embrace, pulling them both down. "Kiri, I'm not leaving you like this on Christmas. I'm calling my old hag, she and my dad will understand." Kirishima try's to tell him not too but his attempts are unnoticeable as his crying became worse. After the text had been sent, Kirishima started to hyperventilate. A panic attack. Bakugou looks over at the broken boy to see him shaking uncontrollably, noticing it's a panic attack. "Kiri breathe. Count to ten. Breathe very slowly." He grabs the red beads hand and squeezes it tight, "Match my breathing." Slowly but surely, Kirishima does as told. He calms down and Bakugou looks at him with a smile. "Now, lets grab some hot chocolate and blankets, we'll watch a movie." Kirishima nods slowly, happy that he's spending the night with someone who cares.

Thank you for reading! I'm sorry for the short chapter as it's CHRISTMAS!!!!! Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates it, and for the people who don't, have a wonderful day!!! Have fun with your family, I know I will! Bye!!!

~ L

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