Chapter 2

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Zayn's POV

I have never been more scared in my life. I have no idea what's happening or what's going to happen. I have never really auctually stayed in this city long enough to know where anyhting is.

"Guys what are we gonna do? We have no resources, no food, no where to go." Liam said to us and he was right I have no clue what going to happen.

"It's going to be okay guys, we just need to survive" Niall said. To be honest I don't know how we are going to deal with this. I mean we have been through a lot together but nothing like this.

"Lads first off we should get surplies I think I saw like a supermarket around here and not that far away let's go there first and see what we could get" Liam said. He is always the one making the plans.

We all agree and set off outside. Carefully we look out for any zombie like things. When we dont see anything we all make a run for into the car.

After driving around for about 5 minutes we find the super market. It looks abandoned but, you never know what the unknown could bring.

We grab water bottles, food, bags, and knifes. We were looking for guns until we heard a noise.

We all turn around a see something coming towards us. There was like 3 of them.

We all grab weapons which right now is just the knifes. As they are coming closer we all try to stab them.

Me and Louis take one out, Harry and Niall take another out while Liam is fighting by himself and he was doing a pretty good job for being by his self.

After we killed them all. we quickly finished shoping and ran to the car.

"I think we need to kind a gun" Harry said. We all agree we jst need to find a gun store or something.

Ariel's POV

I packed up all the guns and weapons and but them by the door. I need to be very careful cause I have no idea what these "Zombies" can auctually do.

On and off I kept hearing a car pass by. The people in the car must be stupid cause the "zombies" attract to sound and that car is really loud.

I took one last look of my house before I was going to go. I put the bag out on the porth while I went back to grab the medicine kit.

When I was walking back I heard the car drive by again. They were heading toward the right of my house maybe if I go that way there will be like people that can help me.

I head off in that direction for about an hour and it's going to get dark soon so I need to find somewhere to stay for the night.

Up the street I see a house that the door is open. Hopefully no one is in there.

As I go in I check every room, as I am going to the last room I hear a noise inside. I open the door to find...

A squirrel, a stupid squirrel. I shut the door and lay out all my things just in case someone tries to pull something while I am asleep.

When im about to go to sleep I remember every night my mom came in my room and said "Ariel, one day you will travel the world on your own, but don't ever forget where you belong"

Remembering that made me cry even more I need to survive not only for my self but for my family.

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