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13 October

Jaehyun slumped deeper into his couch as he sighed hoarsely.

"What's wrong, dear?", his mother asked from the kitchen. She was busy preparing dinner for he family and noticed that the moment Jaehyun had got back home, he had a sore look on his face and his movements were sluggy and slow.


"Are you sure it isn't about Johnny again? You could just work with your father and you could be working with him you know?", she said as she gently placed some chicken pieces into a wok filled with oil.

"I don't want to work, it's tiring!", the boy sighed as he laid his sore body down and stretched his limbs.

"It's no different with working as a cleaner."

Fair point.

"But I wanna work under him! I wanna work for him!"

"But you'll be working beside him. Think about it! You and him working on a project together, you have fabulous ideas don't you?"

"And call your sister down, dinner's ready.", Mrs Jung added on as she fished out the last few remaining pieces of chicken out from the wok and onto a plate.

"I'm here!", a female voiced called.

"Great. Your father won't be back till 1am so we're gonna eat without him."

"Again?!", Jaehyun and his sister, who's name is Jae Eun, sighed together in union.

A big pout was on their faces as he slumped their way to the kitchen table and plopped their sad souls down onto the chairs.

"You know he's busy with everything.", their mother sighed as she placed the dishes onto the dining table.

"He wouldn't be that busy if Jaehyun oppa (I'm sorry, I don't know what else do younger sisters call their older brothers other then oppa. So I'm gonna cringe so fucking much 😭😭😭) just worked with dad, right?!", Jae Eun said as he banged her palms onto the table.

"You can't force me to do what I don't want to do okay!", Jaehyun scoffed.

"Don't you have a stupid crush on the guy dad's working with?! Isn't it easier to get closer to him that way? Why are you so stupid!"

Jaehyun just kept silent as he stared down at the plate of rice his mother had placed there for him and begun eating.

His mother didn't even place all the food down yet and he just started eating first.

Throughout dinner, everyone was silent. Only the sound of utensils tapping over the plates filled the quite room as the family ate in silence.

"I'm done.", Jaehyun finally spoke and went immediately to his room, leaving behind his dirty plate and utensils.

"Hey! Wash your-"


Before Jae Eun could even finish her sentence, Jaehyun had already slammed his room door shut.

"Aish! This fucker, seriously???"


Slightly NSFW

Jaehyun threw his tired body right onto his bed, sighing sorely. He looked up to the empty ceiling, thinking about what his mother and sister had always constantly told him.

Truth is, Jaehyun wanted to work with his father for Johnny. This meant that he could easily get Johnny's number, easily get to spend more time with him and maybe just maybe, get the chance to get close to him and maybe start dating.

But poor boy was too shy and scared. Everytime he tried to act normal, his ears would turn into a bight shade of cherry red and he blushes way too easily. A simple compliment by Johnny could melt his poor little heart.

But he also wanted Johnny to pin him against a wall and fuck him slowly as he grunted out the pet names that he would give Jaehyun.

The boy couldn't help but moan softly as he pictured those scenes in his head, his hand sliding themselves under his pants and he grabbed a hold of his erection.

"Ahhh... Johny... Mm", he grunts as he touched the tip his cock. It was wet and pooling with precum.

"T-touch me there.... MmmMmm.... Ahhh...", he shuts his eyes tight as he wrapped his fingers around his own length and started pumping it slowly.

Up and down his hand went as he moaned softly, whimpering slight here there.

He quickened his speed with everyone passing second and soon, he was pumping his cock fast as he moaned Johnny's name out loud.

Knock knock

Jaehyun didn't even bother about the knocks on his foot and he pumped his cock.

"Ahhh.... It... It feels so good.... So good... Johnny.... Mmmm...", he moans as he felt himself nearing his climax.

Knock knock

A white stream of ribbon came spurting out and some landed onto his own shirt and the rest came flying down onto his satin sheets.

"Fuck!", Jaehyun cussed the moment he opened his eyes and looked at the mess he had caused.

Knock knock

"JAEHYUN!!! JOHNNY IS HERE YOU FUCK!", someone screamed.

It was Jae Eun.

AM I hearing her right?

"Johnny, please come here and tell this idiot to come out of his room please.", Jaehyun heard his sister's muffled voice.

Jaehyun was panicking as he threw his clothes off him and struggled to find a new pair.

"Uhhh... Hi? Jaehyun? It's me, Johnny."





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