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Jaehyun sat silently in the passenger seat, his finger lightly tapping on his thighs. He was glancing outside of the car window. He watched they silently drived last numbers of lamp post. Often time he would glance over to Johnny by his side and fuck, he looked so hot and mature while driving???

He was so focused on driving and he seemed like a highly skilled driver. Well compared to Jaehyun at least.

"You don't mind me speeding a little faster, right?", Johnny asked, breaking the dense silence. That was the first thing he said right after telling Jaehyun about a certain restaurant he knew of.

Johnny had lead him to where he parked his rather expensive car. He had opened the door to let Jaehyun in first, like the true gentleman he is.

Jaehyun shook his head and smiled.

"Go at whatever spead you'd like, just don't caught by the police.", Jaehyun joked and Johnny raised an eye brow to that comment.

"What if I sped as fast as those race cars? Because this certain car model was made to run high speed."

"And get into potential accidents?"

"Fair point.", Johnny sighed.

And after that small conversation, it went silent yet again.

After a few more minutes of driving, which felt more like years to Jaehyun, he noticed that they were driving towards a... A mansion?

Though it was dark, it was the only thing lighted up in the empty neighbourhood. It was huge.

"You.. You don't mind coming over to my place to eat, right?", Johnny asked out of the blue.

"I know I should have asked earlier but I didn't want you to turn down my offer. So technically, if your answer is no, I will not accept it.", he added on as he drived into the garage, parking his car as he faced the other.

"H-huh? Are you sure??", Jaehyun stammered and Johnny nodded his head.

"Of course I'm sure of it."

"But we've known each other for only a few days??"

"Take it as a welcome party."

And with that said, Johnny got off the car and walked over to the other side, opening the door and holding his hand out for the younger.

Jaehyun blushed and he very well damn knew that his ears was blushing hard and red, but grabbed his hand either way.

Johnny pulled him out of the car and dusted his shirt, smiling to Jaehyun and leaded him to the entrance of his house.

Jaehyun's eyes widened when he stepped in, the interior was pretty and everything looked so fashionably modern.

"Wow... This is prettier than my house.", Jaehyun said, astonished.

"Really? I think your home is really cozy."

"You can wait there as I get the meal ready.", Johnny said calmly as he pointed towards his living room sofa and the other nodded. Once he made sure he was gone, he rushed up to his bed room and locked his room door.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck what the fuck do I do oh my god this is TOO soon. I did not plan this out oh my god.. I don't even have food to give him...

Johnny paced around his room, ruffling his hair and widened his eyes, snapping his fingers as he fished out his phone from his pocket and immediately looked for a specific contact. He clicked it and brought the device next to his ear, waiting nervously for the other side of the line to pick up.


"Yuta, I messed up big time. You HAVE to help me."

"What is it? What did you do this time?", Yuta said in a nice but worrying tone.

"I uh.. May have invited Jaehyun over on a whim..."


"Listen! I just bumbed into him and I wet his shirt and I felt bad and I thought that I could make it up to him and thought that this was a good idea but I don't even have anything planned out at all what am I going to do, Yuta.", Johnny rambled on as he paced around his room faster and faster.

"Okay calm down and listen to me. I'll instruct you on text but for now, go buy the fucking food. He must be starving you know? You know any of his favourite foods?"

"I don't know.. No wait.. His sister told me once that there's a 24hours shop that sells his favorite spicy pork."

"Perfect. Now go order it you tall dumb chicken."

"Why a chicken?"

"Just order the damn pork!"

"And tell me everything that happens!", Yuta said before hanging up and Johnny did as he was told to.

YEA I uhhh dragged this update longer than intended and sksjsks I went tooo tooooooo fast hhhhhhh sorry

Yall @ me

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