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13 October

( I give up on the time so uhhh I'm sorry??? uwu)

Jaehyun laid in bed, eyes wide open and his heart was racing. He was blushing so hard, his ears were so fucking red, he kept smiling to the point his cheeks hurts.

Right after when Johnny left his apartment, Jaehyun squealed loudly. Jumping up and down like a kid who just got a bike for Christmas, he kept cheering and spinning around excitedly like a kid. Much to the point he got his ears pulled by his mom for being to loud.

Should I call him now? But he just left only... Or should I just make it seem casual and just call him later? Oh... How would his voice sound on the phone?? Would it be deep and musky or like a simple sweet sound?

Jaehyun must've been too invested on his wild imagination that he didn't notice Jae Eun standing right outside his room door with an annoying evil sly smirk on her face, well it was annoying and evil to Jaehyun's context at least.

"What do you want???", the older brother snapped as he pushed himself off bed to walk up to his sister.

"Oh nothing... How'd it go? Got to suck his dick?", Jae Eun teased, poking at his cheeks.

"What? Who taught you those foul words you twat."

"Look who's talking.", she rolled her eyes.

"But I just came to let you know that you'll be following dad to Johnny's work place on Monday."


"Don't what me.", with that said, Jae Eun walked away from Jaehyun (who had his mouth wide open), standing at his room entrance and went back to her own room.

Jaehyun didn't really know what or how to feel about what his sister had told him. He wanted to scream yes but he wanted to hide under his bed and never get out. What was he supposed to do even? What if he embarrassed himself? What if he didn't understand half the shit they were talking about and just end up dragging them back. What if-

"Come on Jaehyun, get yourself together! It's just for business purposes... Yea that's right...", he sighed.

He slumped back down to his bed in a sulking manner but that soon faded off and now he's squirming in his bed.



13 October

He slumped back deeper to his car seat, a tired sigh leaving his lips and he shut his tired eyes shut.

He opened them again, shifting his gaze down to the phones he held in his hands lazily. His thumb hovered over Jaehyun's number, debating if he should call the younger or not.

"What is he doing to me.", Johnny laughed softly, a soft blush appeared on his cheeks.

Sighing again, he set his phone aside, started his car engines and drove out of the car park and out into the quite peaceful night of Seoul.

When he arrived home, he was greeted by his many maids and butlers. They had already prepared his bath, dinner and even his paper work but Johnny went straight to his room. (Of course he thanked and apologised to them and of course they asked him if anything was wrong but he just shook it off and said that he was perfectly fine and that they should head home now.)

He jumped onto the cool satin sheets of his bed, a tired whine leaving the back of his throat. He rolled over to face the ceiling, his eyes wide open.

"What is he fucking doing to me?!", Johnny yelled, frustrated at himself.

But love at first sight, that's complete utter bullshit... Or is it? Is it? Is it not?

He ruffled his hair, an annoyed grunt leaving his lips. He smacked his head down to his soft pillows, his knitted eye brows were accompanied by his frowning lips as the male tried his hardest to fall asleep, which was rather easy considering that Johnny loved sleeping on a daily basis but those were robbed away by his job.

Small quick update because I'm having writer's block atm T__T

Small quick update because I'm having writer's block atm T__T

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