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Jaehyun looked around the living room, it was grand and big with potted plants here and there as decor.

He walked around, raising his eye brow at every expensive branded figures and plushies he had on his shelves, which, was a lot. Jaehyun mostly had his brows raised and amused.

Meanwhile, Johnny was pacing around his room, trying to think of the name of the restaurant that his sister had told him about.

Did she even tell me the name of the shop..?

No. No she did not and Johnny panicked.

"Why don't you just use Google maps?", one might ask and that's exactly what Johnny did, 5 minutes later.

After a few more minutes of trying to remember Jaehyun's address, Johnny finally found the restaurant name and called them almost immediately, ordering 2 servings of spicy pork.

After making the order, Johnny cooled down and looked into the mirror, tidying up his hair and face before changing into a comfortable set clothes, a simple black shirt and some shorts.

He walked down to the living room and saw Jaehyun walking around, smiling softly.

"Like what you see?", he asked and Jaehyun jumped a little.

"Oh.. Uhm..", he mumbled, already feeling his ears turning red as he looked over to where Johnny was.

Fuck yes I like what I'm seeing.

He thought.

Jaehyun couldn't help but peep down at his calves, then to his biceps then to his hands. They were huge, all three parts he peeped down at Johnny. He wondered how big he was down there.

Snapping out of it, Jaehyun tried to calm himself down and smiled at Johnny. "Yea, I do like what I see. They're built in a unique way, I find them intriguing.", he said as he softly eyed on his biceps and turned his eyes back up.

Johnny smiled brightly as he walked closer, walking past Jaehyun and to his shelf to pick out a small cat figure.

It was a white cat with blue eyes, built in a cartoon kind of style. It was abstract yet it made sense.

"This one's my most favourite one.", he smiled, completely missing Jaehyun's innuendo.

Jaehyun smiled back helplessly, looking at the figure in Johnny's hands. It indeed was an intriguing design.

"Where did you get that from?", he asked and the other shrugged.

"I was just searching online and saw it and bought it without thinking much."

"Do you fancy some wine?", he asked as he walked past Jaehyun once more.

"Why not?", the other smiled at his back.

"Wait there and I'll get you some."

Once reaching his kitchen, Johnny looked back and made sure Jaehyun wasn't near and whipped his phone out, punching in Yuta's number.

"你为什么还在跟他打电话?", was the first thing he heard on the other side of the line.

Is Yuta with winwin right now?

"It's for a quick while, don't worry I'll get back to you soon."

"What is it, Johnny?", Yuta asked.

"Well I ordered the spicy pork, what now?"

"Entertain him bro. Just have a nice chat with him while waiting for the food and maybe enjoy some wine."

"That's it?"

"Yeah, I have to go now. Winwin is going to kill me if I stay on this call any second longer. Bye.", and just like that, Yuta hung up on him and Johnny frowned.

What the fuck are they even doing?

He shrugged and went ahead to grab two wine glass, a bottle of wine and went back to the living room to see Jaehyun tilting his head at another figure on his shelf.

"Another thing that caught your eyes?", he asked as he placed the items down and stood beside him.

Jaehyun blushed but Johnny was busy staring at the direction he looked at, giving him the time to quickly recollect himself.

"Yea... It's just that, I've noticed how all of them are.."

"Hmm?", Johnny turned his head to Jaehyun and he immediately stared at the shelves.

"They're all.. Your type of things..", he mumbled and the other tilted his head. "I don't mean it in the weird way, I just mean that they really suit you.", Jaehyun added, cursing at himself for how he must've made that sound so weird.

The other laughed and smiled, patting his back and looking back over to his collection of figures and plushies.

"Yea, they really do suit me."

"So you want a glass of wine on the side while I show you my collection? Or just watch something on the TV?"

Jaehyun nodded his head and smiled warmly, his dimples showing up on his cheeks and Johnny felt this warmth in his heart as he stared into his smile.

I know you gay but wow, you gay as fuck Johnny Suh.

He shook his head, returning the smile and pointed towards the sofa. "Please, take a seat.", and Jaehyun did as he was told so.

Johnny walked over, picking up the wine bottle popping the cork off and pouring the content into the glass, handing Jaehyun one first before pouring a glass for himself. They both swirled the glass, taking a sip and placed the glass down.

For the next half an hour, they watched Hotel Del Luna on Johnny's big screen TV while sipping on wine until Johnny got a knock on the door.

When he went over to check who it was, it was the delivery guy with the spicy pork in his hands.

"Who was that-", Jaehyun asked, his sentence cutting midway as his curiosity took the best of him, well, to be more accurate, hunger.

"What's that?", he asked even though he knew that familiar scent of his favourite spicy pork coming from the plastic bags in Johnny's hands.

"Dinner.", he smiled, walking closer and setting it onto the coffee table.

He took the contents out and Jaehyun could feel his mouth watering.

"Wah.. That's my favourite.."

"Oh really?", Johnny asked, pretending to be surprised and Jaehyun nodded with a smile.

"The dig in.", and the both of them had took their own portion of food.

"Wait, we don't have to eat at the dining table?", Jaehyun asked just before he take a bite and the other shrugged.

"This is my house, we can do whatever we want."

Whatever we want? You don't say...

Jaehyun smirked at that thought before digging in to his food.

The rest of the night was great, the both of them spent their time watching the rest of Hotel Del Luna till it was 10:50pm and Johnny had drove Jaehyun back home, almost reluctant to part ways with him. It had been such a long time since he had anyone over other than his servants.

It felt so warm, to have Jaehyun by his side.

But isn't it too fast to be liking him already...?

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