Chapter One

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Dear Ayden,

It's been three weeks since you left. My mom says it's about time for me to go back to school...

The alarm clock blared. Camryn switched it off and sighed. Since Ayden died, sleeping was a rare occasion. She didn't even feel tired anymore, just empty. Drained. As if she had nothing left to live for. She looked at the picture of Ayden sitting on her nightstand.

"Are you still listening?" she whispered.

She heard a sharp knock on her bedroom door. She pushed the papers under her bed. "Yeah?" she called.

Her mom opened the door and shuffled inside. "You're going today, Camryn. No more excuses."

Camryn looked down to her lap. "Yeah, I know."

"Then get the hell out of bed and get over yourself," her mom growled. "You've sulked around here long enough."

Camryn remained silent as her mom left, slamming the door behind her. Not wanting to draw any more unwanted attention, she pulled herself out of bed and went to her closet.

Camryn was a tomboy. She looked at the vast array of hoodies and sweatshirts. Every single one reminded her of Ayden in some way. He always complimented her style, especially when she dressed head to toe in band merchandise. They had similar tastes in music.

That was one of the very special things about Ayden. Where everyone judged her, Ayden understood her. Music was one of those many things. Camryn liked the more unpopular bands, the more unpopular genres. Ayden never laughed, never made snide remarks or rude comments. He would listen to her favorite songs, even go as far as to fangirl with her. Anything to make her smile.

After settling on a band sweatshirt and jeans, she grabbed her schoolbag full of unfinished work and went downstairs. She looked wearily into the kitchen, but knew that she couldn't stomach any little bit of food.

When she stepped outside, the cold morning air rushed over her. She hadn't been outside for a week and a half, and the fresh air was a nice change. She waited for the bus and just took in the world that she had separated herself from for so long.

When the bus finally arrived, the door swung open and a friendly face beamed down at her. Janet, the bus driver, smiled warmly as she climbed on.

"Cammy! How have you been holding up?" she asked in her loud, jolly voice.

Camryn forced a tight smile. "A bit better, thanks." Lie.

"Good." Janet smiled once more as Camryn took her seat and slid her earphones into her ears. Music was her only escape. And even that didn't seem to do the trick anymore.

She stared blankly out of the window at the houses rolling by. When she passed a white house with blue shutters, a freshly cut lawn, and a mailbox that red "Jaxon" in bright red letters, the emptiness inside of Camryn flared into a rush of hot pain, starting in her stomach and rising to her face, salty tears stinging her eyelids. Ayden Jaxon. She forgot to look away.

When the bus pulled into White Palm High School, Camryn fought to control her emotions. She grabbed her schoolbag and bowed her head, avoiding the pillar that Ayden would always lean against after school, waiting for her.

When she walked into school, she saw what she always saw; friends laughing together, couples holding hands, people chattering about the day ahead. This time, however, it was different. Ayden's death had been announced to the entire school the day after it happened, but still, everyone went about their daily routines as if nothing was wrong. As if their worlds weren't crashing and burning. As if they were oblivious to the fact that he was gone. The sad fact was, they really were.

Keeping her head bowed, Camryn made her way to her locker. As quick as she could, she shoved her books inside.

Her only hope was to avoid attention. She wasn't that lucky.

"Camryn Parker," a voice said behind her. "I was wondering if you would ever show."

She didn't even turn around. "Go away, Taylor," Camryn growled.

"Fat chance," Taylor chuckled.

Camryn turned around to face her. "What the hell do you want?" she hissed.

"Mm, Kitty's got claws," Taylor chuckled again with a smirk. She flipped her hair back and looked over her shoulder at the group of guys huddled nearby. "So..." Taylor turned her icy green eyes on Camryn once more. In a voice loud and clear enough to be heard throughout the hallway, she announced, "I heard you finally drove the faggot to suicide."

Everyone within earshot erupted into a bout of laughter. Taylor mouthed "Sorry" and laughed along with them.

Anger more severe than anything she had ever felt boiled inside of her. She clenched her hands into fists so tight, her knuckles turned white. Her face turned bright red, causing Taylor to laugh even more.

What happened next was a total blur. Everyone was dead silent and Taylor was on the floor, her cheek red and swollen from where Camryn's hand had made contact. Knowing that she was sure to get in some serious trouble, she dashed away and hid in the bathroom. She locked herself in a stall and took out her notebook.

...The bitch descended again. I put her in her place, just like you said I should. But now I'm screwed. What do I do, Ayden? My mom is going to kill me.

A girl can dream right?


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