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Dear Camryn,

If you are reading these words, that means I was successful. That means I am no longer with you, and my brother gave this to you.

I'm glad he did. Please don't think of this letter as a suicide note. In fact, it's quite the opposite. There are just a few more things that I wanted to say. My soul will never be at peace until you know.

When I first met you, I got that funny feeling in my stomach that only happens when you see the potential of loving someone in a new person, even if you just met. Seventh grade me didn't develop crushes easily, but... Then you came along.

You had a lot going on. I could see it in your eyes. I loved the feeling of knowing I made you smile. Despite what you may think now, no one makes me as happy as you do. Anytime I would hold you or comfort you, it gave me a sense of peace and serenity.

I love you, Cammy. I always did and I always will.

Now I have to address the big thing: Why I did this to myself.

Think about it this way: Two people are holding a thin string from both ends and pulling as hard as they can in opposite directions. On the middle of that string, perfectly balanced, is a penny. The penny might be able to hold on for a while, may totter but still stay in place, but eventually, the tension of the string is going to become too much and that penny's going to fall off.

I'm the penny. The string is my depression. The two people are my life at home and my life at school. The air in the middle, represents you.

You're the fluid friction that held me up for so long, but eventually, that aspect of it was bound to fail too. It's nothing personal. Those are just the laws of physics. Actually, it's Newton's Third Law of Motion to be exact:

With every action comes an equal and opposite reaction.

Now, in theory, this isn't the same thing. But think about this; with force being exerted in opposite directions (action), tension builds up in the middle with the same amount of force (reaction), thus causing the penny to fall.

Man, I've been waiting so long to make a comparison like that.

Nerds rule.

Anyway... Now that you have seen these words and know what I need to say, I can rest in peace. Thank you.

One more thing. I don't expect you to take my death easily. You loved me despite my sick brain, and I will never be able to repay you for that. Although I can never bear to see you hurt. I can never bear to see pain in your eyes. So please...

One, smile. I love your smile so much. Accept what happened as a road block. I don't expect you to jump over it with ease, but you will in time.

Two, find a guy. Someone who will treat you well and love you as much as I do. Don't be stupid, don't jump into it... But if he can make you smile, then please, be happy with him, get married and have a bunch of kids. The world needs more of you.

Finally three, stay alive. Don't you dare even think about doing to yourself what I did to myself. You are not a lost cause, you have potential and a means for success. Don't you dare waste that potential. You are worth it. You're beautiful and intelligent, and you deserve to live a long, happy life.

Well... It looks like my story has finally come to end. But for you, this is only the next chapter.

Read that chapter, Cammy. Read it and don't stop until the book is supposed to end.

The voices are only silenced when no one else cares to listen.

Are you still listening?


And so ends the story of tragedy, one that plagues hearts young and old until there is nothing left but a withered husk of what used to be.

This is the story of a small town failure with a big city cover-up... This is the story of the one who was never supposed to make it...

But did anyway.


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