Chapter 10.

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Author's Note:

Hey guys, lately I've been enjoying my break from Wattpad and I didn't mean to take a break from writing. It's just there's a lot of things I was facing like dealing with my grandfather's recent passing and dealing with my depression. Don't you guys worry, I'll be back to update this book and I really hope you enjoy this chapter!


"What have you done to me, Cyrus Goodman?"

I've been thinking about Cyrus lately, he's been there for me and I never should've given him the benefit of the doubt. Basically I put his life in danger and it's my fault and I've been depressed lately. I missed him.

Meanwhile at the school....

Cyrus' POV

"Should I do something about TJ?"

So, my life was in danger all due to TJ, it wasn't his fault that he didn't know. Basically Buffy and Andi just scolded me and forbade me to talk to TJ, they didn't want me to go near him let alone text him. I'm not even sure if I'm even mad.

Buffy's POV

"I'm just concerned for Cyrus"

Cyrus means a lot to Andi and I, the friendship we have together is unbreakable and I want to make that last. It's just I don't even understand why TJ put Cyrus in a lot of trouble.

Andi's POV

" Why in the world, is Cyrus hanging out with TJ?"

Just don't, Cyrus! I can't see Cyrus gets hurt even when he liked Jonah as well. I want the best for him.

Meanwhile at the cafeteria...

Third POV

Basically, Buffy and Andi said to Cyrus to ignore TJ and on his face, he looks so sad and upset that Cyrus is not talking to his friend. TJ Kippen felt so hurt.


"I'm gonna try my best to make Cyrus mine.. I mean to make his day and hope he's not mad at me"

I'm basically gonna give him a letter, which I'm going to write. I don't mind if he doesn't forgive me. I just want my Cyrus back like the way things you used to. But I'm not gonna send it, I'm just gonna put it on my notebook and save it. I start writing ....

"Dear Cyrus,

Hey there. What's going on?! I hope you are doing well. I'm just concerned for you. Chocolate chocolate chip muffin, I've been meaning to tell you something but I can't get my mind straight.

My life was so difficult and strange but that changed after when we first met at the cafeteria. I was actually being a bully to Buffy and she knows this! However, I felt proud helping you with that muffin on that day. We bonded when we were at the playground, and you were smiling when we swing back and forth which totally made my day. My favorite memory was when you help me find my courage back even knowing about my dyscalculia. Even when I was jealous of Buffy for the basketball spot during the game, you kept me calm. And I can't forget when I help you do a somersault, for gym class.

You were there for me when I needed you the most.
You mean so much to me after these past few months. What I'm trying to say Cy, I like you since then and I like, no I love the fact you make my day even when I feel sad and you have no idea on what impact you brought on me. I just don't want to lose you.

In case you have been wondering, I reported the Gun. Reed and Lester was doing 1000 hours of community service and Reed's dad is under inspection for negligence for firearm.

I just wanted to let you know what I feel.

Best of luck and I love you,

your TJ Kippen."

I didn't mean to write a letter but I wanted to let Cyrus know what I felt since then. But I don't want to give it to him yet.

Cyrus' POV

"I can't stay mad at him"

I was swinging by the Park and going to the swing set where I saw TJ in front of me and apologized for what happened but he said that he's also sorry not sorry.

Third POV

Cyrus and TJ butted heads and said

" You can be a little annoying, you know that?" said TJ
"Well, you can be oblivious" said Cyrus
"Well, you can be judgey" said TJ
"Well, you can be intimidating," said Cyrus
"You know what else you are?" said TJ
"What?" said Cyrus
"... The only person I can talk to like this!" said TJ proudly.
"Ok if I stay?" said TJ

Cyrus and TJ swing back and forth until the day was over.


" I'm gonna face my fears!"

I'm so nervous giving my letter to Cyrus but I'm not afraid anymore, I said to Cyrus "Here's something I wrote about you, just read it and I hope you are not mad at me because of the things I wrote in the letter"

Cyrus' POV


So basically TJ handed me the letter and I seriously cried my eyes out that the fact TJ took the time to write me an apology let alone a confession. Wait a confession? Hold on... TJ KIPPEN LIKES ME? No wait, HE LOVES ME! I'm feeling so shook at the moment......

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