child birth maybe?

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Lets skip to child birth shall we? Joking. So, I had this crazy idea, maybe, Loki can have an arc reactor too! Hate if you want, but its my god damn story. so i do what I want. Ok. Lets go.

Loki had gone out that morning for a walk but he hadn't been back for some time now. It was 6 o'clock and no one had seen Loki since 7 am. Tony was about to call the police when Loki entered the house.

His hair was messy and covering his eyes while his magic twirled around trying to heal him... Or at least keep him alive. One of his legs had a large gash going from his thigh to his ankle.

"HOLY SHIT LOKI!" screamed Tony as he ran over to his lover, who's magic was doing nothing but keeping his blood flowing. "What the fuck happened!?" He asked as he picked him up and carried him to his lab.

"I d-don't remember..." Loki said rather weakly. Tony put Loki down on a metal table and began to check everything. The child was fine, nothing but the gash in Loki's calf seemed major, yet... something was wrong. Something else, Something that wasn't showing up. He pulled up an x ray of his organs only to find that One didn't show up, as if it was never there.

"That cant be right..." Tony said to himself as he double checked everything. "Loki, take your shirt off." Loki did as he was ordered, revealing a slight bump were the baby was, and a large gash over the spot his heart would be.

"Loki, i'm not seeing your heart on the x rays and I need you to try and remember what happened." Tony said as he began quickly stitching up the others thigh. Before Loki could say anything, Tony changed his mind. "Nevermind, I might cry if I do know." Tony stopped Loki before he could say anything. Tony went over to a box in the corner and took out a scalpel, a large metal cylinder that was hollow with openings on each end, a couple wires, and a bright green object that Loki was too dizzy to make out.

"Ok. Loki I want you to stay calm, and don't move. This is gonna hurt." With fear in his eyes, Loki nodded and closed them. "Sorry I have nothing to sedate you with. This isn't exactly a full out hospital..."

Tony, as fast as he could, Took the sharp end of the cylinder, and placed it over the middle of Loki's chest. He took the scalpel and started quickly but neatly cutting out the shape of it.

Loki gasped in pain and gripped the sides of the table as Tony cut away the large hunk of skin and meat. Once he was done, he took out the circular carved shape and carefully placed the cylinder inside the newly shaped wound. The next thing that came was a series of colourful wires, that were put in carefully enough that Loki felt nothing but his magic pumping his blood.

"Here comes the most painful part... You ready?" asked Tony, unsure if this was such a good idea. Loki nodded, but he could never be prepared for the pain about to come. The moment he felt it he screamed in agony, gripping the table so hard it left indents of were his fingers were. Tony almost stopped, not wanting to do this anymore, but Loki yelled at him to keep going. Tony, as fast as he could, Snapped it in, causing a buzzing sound, and Loki to give one more cry of agony, until all the pain stopped. The only thing that was hurting was his head because he had overused his magic. He had a couple other scratches, but that was pretty much it.

Tony sighed in relief to see Loki not gasping for breath anymore.

"What did you put in me?" Loki asked, who was too tired to notice before. He could see a faint glow of green coming from his chest, but honestly that was it.

Tony looked nervously at Loki, then to Loki's chest, then to the floor, and silently said

"An arc reactor."

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