First Birthday

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Logan and Tara's first birthday!!!!!!!!!

Loki was baking cake, Tony was setting up decorations and Logan was helping. (by helping i mean he was putting the streamers in his mouth and chewing on them, only to be told by Thor to spit them out)

Tara was playing dolls in the corner and laughing to herself, and Thor was playing race cars. (he was originally playing them with Logan, but he stopped, so Thor put down his car, and was then screamed at by the child. So now he's stuck playing race cars.)

Logan, who was rather mischievous, was starting to learn magic, and teleported himself accidently inside a cabinet in the kitchen, and almost gave Loki a heart attack. He took Logan and put him back on the floor of the living room, his messy black hair covering his eyes.

"Tony, watch your son while I cook. Please." Loki said as he returned to the kitchen to frost the cake.

"Mum!" Tara said as she followed her mother into the kitchen.

Logan started ripping out streamers, noise makers, balloons, and pretty much anything  you would need for a party, and scattered them all over the floor. Tony sighed, and went to pick them up, but to his surprise, everything that was thrown from the box began levitating, and Logan, who was laughing uncontrollably, began floating up in the air, a green bubble surrounding him.

"L-LOKI!"Tony screamed into the kitchen, not knowing what else to do. Loki came in with a rather annoyed face, went up to the bubble containing the laughing child,and popped it,catching Logan after.

"He takes after you." Thor said as he began grabbing things from the air and putting them in the box.

"I didn't levitate things in the air when I was his age." Loki responded.

When it was time for cake, Loki would stop crying and taking pictures, Tony wouldn't stop hugging them, Thor wouldn't stop spinning them in the air, and Bruce (who had just got there) wouldn't stop giving them forehead kisses.Logan and Tara loved the attention though. They eventually were fighting over it.

**meru meru time skip meru meru**

The children were then put to bed around 8, and the adults got drunk and they didnt really remember anything after that. All they are aware of is that Loki and Tony started fucking on the couch and Thor and Bruce had a make out session in the closet.

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