part i still dont remember

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Tank u to punksdontlikepink for the idea! :) u are appreciated!

Sabretooth had nothing to do. He was sitting upside down on the couch, swinging his legs in the air and making popping noises with his mouth. He had pretty much given up being what he called: villianny, and now just hung out in the x-mansion. It was just him and Beast there, everyone else had gone on a mission because Magneto had gotten his head stuck in his evil swivel chair. Again. Which by the way isn't actually his, he stole it from Victor and it was originally his computer chair, but it had purple and red on it, so Magneto automatically assumed it belonged to him. Victor though had planned for that though and stuffed a few magnets in the seat. Now, Magneto either gets his head stuck in it, god knows how, or his ass stuck on it. Then he calls the x-men to get him up, which usually leads to Logan getting stuck to Magneto, then they have to be practically ripped apart. Were getting off topic, back to the story.

Beast was reading the news paper and drinking coffee, but Victor was trying to watch a wrestling match, and Victor kept complaining that Beast was sipping his coffee too loud, and Hank was complaining that the volume on the TV was too loud, and it led to this big argument.

"Ill turn the TV down when you finish your coffee."

"No, you'll turn it down now, and then ill finish my coffee."

Beast could see he wasn't getting anywhere with this, and Victor wasn't gonna budge.

Beast:... If you turn the TV down, I'll sit next to you.

Victor immediately turned the volume down, then scooted over on the grey and white love seat. Hank sighed, and sat next to the overly obsessed, cat like, blond hair boy. And then Victor kept touching Hanks personal bubble, and Hank was freaking out about it.

Eventually, Beast fell asleep on the couch, leaving Victor the only one awake in the house. Victor soon got bored, and curled up into a small fluffy ball, next to the big fuzzy blue dog-like man.  He too, eventually fell asleep.

A few hours later, Hank let out a long yawn, before attempting, and then failing, to sit up. It was only until he actually opened  his eyes, that he saw a fluffy ball of gold, with a cat tail, laying on him. He blushed madly as he gently pushed the blond male off of him.

Victor yawned, and started to rub his head up against Hank. Hank hesitantly, started petting him, earning a low purr from Sabretooth.

"What the hell, Creed?" Beast mumbled to himself as he continuously stroked the younger.

After a while, Victor yawned and opened his eyes. He sat up and looked at Beast, who had long before returned to his newspaper. He smirked slightly, but not slightly enough for Hank to not notice.

"What are you smiling about?" He asked as Victor slowly took the newspaper from his hands.

Sabretooth set the paper on the coffee table, and waited a few moments. Just before Hank was about to take the paper back, Victor rolled on top of him, causing Hank to studder out a few sentences no one would be able to understand. He turned from blue to maroon when Victor took his shirt off and threw it to the side.

He was rather skinny, he was less muscular than Beast had expected. His body figure was very different from that of his brothers, who probably had muscles on his eyeballs. (what I'm saying is, in the cartoons and comics, and especially on the toys, wolverine is overly buff). Before Hank could protest, he felt a pair of cold lips press against his and a rather rough tongue slide into his mouth. He growled lightly, causing the other to smile, and purr while ribbing up against him.

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