more kids... yay

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Jimmy dragged Logan out of the mansion and headed for stark tower.

"We could teleport there... or ask my mom for a ride, or something. But then again, he's chasing a terrorist..." The word 'terrorist hung in the air, and Jimmy then, actually did spit out his drink.

"TERRORIST!?" He jumped up and walked outside, to see Loki's car zoom by after a white limo.

"Your mom is gonna be the death of me." Wolverine sighed as he unsheathed his claws and phoned She-Hulk.

She was there before you could say 'Waterloo', and she brought Pepper too. They are kinda married. yea. so, fast ball special. Pure awesomeness.

Jimmy landed with a thud on top of the white limo.

" I wanna help!" Pepper said eagerly, as she jumped up and down, only to be stopped by a cramp.

"No, your pregnant. I don't want anything to happen to you." She hulk replied as she gently kissed her wife's forhead and ran after the limo, leaving Logan and Pepper behind.

When she got there, Jimmy had the guy, and was arguing with Loki about, well... everything stupid he did that day.

Pepper and Logan Jr arrived shortly after, only to be met with a three way argument, and they joined Loki's side. Then Tony and Tara got there. and it was an all out argue war that would have gone on forever if two certain someones water didn't break...

Tony and Jimmy were screaming at each other and she hulk was screaming at both of them to stop screaming, and Logan and Tara were screaming about cookies.

Loki: umm... Tony?

tony: *still screaming*

Pepper: Jenny? We should go...

When everyone continued to scream, Loki and Pepper decided the best thing to do was to scream louder than them. So they did. and it worked because screaming is fuckin rad.

"what?" Tony asked with the biggest poker face you had ever seen.

"Guess who decided to come early." Loki said as  attempted to jump over the hood of his car, then get into the passenger seat. Pepper followed, getting into the back seat.

They all were at the hospital, and Jennifer was beating the shit out of a doctor because they wouldn't let her into the hospital room. Tony was freaking out, Logan was screaming and ready to rip his hair out (not because his mom was in labor, but because he just lost a dollar in the vending machine), and Tara was on her computer playing a math game, and wolverine was watching over her shoulder because he's nosy.

After a couple hours, they were let into the room. Pepper had a girl with ginger hair and black streaks. She was blind, but healthy. They named her Katherine. Loki had a boy (u already know that though.) He had blond hair (how? because i said so. that's how.) and blue eyes. they named him, can you guess? Victor. Yup. There. more kids. whoo.

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