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Summer doesn't seem to notice my presence as she laughs deeply or at least is pretending to laugh deeply at whatever dad jokes my dad and, I suppose, her dad are saying. I smile a bit and take a seat just across from her.

Her fork and mouth drops and her eyes widen in surprise. She quickly comports herself and smiles before giving me a shy wave.

"Hey dad." I nod in my old man's direction. He offers me a smile and nods in acknowledgement. I turn to look at the old man seated beside him,"Mr Spade I presume?"

He chuckles and smiles at me. "I can't believe you are such a big gentleman already. Last time I saw you, you were having a bath with Summer here." he says in a deep,raspy voice.

I bite back my laughter and watch as Summer's face goes a deep red.  I knew Summer from when I was younger? What a small world this is.

"So, you're the Christopher?" Summer speaks for the first time. I look up at her and it's my turn to blush. I turn to glare at my mom and she quickly drifts her gaze from mine and pretends to be so involved with her food.

"That's my first name but I find it so embarrassing so I go with my middle name, Ace." I tell Summer and she just gives me a sweet smile.

"Ace is much better." she tells me.

"Oh this must be your little daughter."The croggy woman seated by Summer says for the first time,looking at Eileen.

For a minute my heart skips and I look between both my parents for backup.

"Yes. She's our little Eileen." my mom tells her with a smile.

"She's very beautiful but don't you think she's a little bit different?" The weird looking woman says.

"What's wrong with her?" I snap and glower at the bitch of a person.

"Oh nothing my dear, she's just a little coloured, that's all."she chuckles.

"Racist much?" I bang on the table and a little gasp escapes their lips.

"Christopher!" My dad frowns and I clench my fists under the table.

"Anna!" Summer's dad snaps at the woman I think is his wife and she rolls her eyes before clearing her throat and taking a sip of her drink.

"Your fake eyelashes look like armpit hair." Eileen directs at Anna and stands up and runs out on us. I sigh and stand up to go after her. My parents look between each other and silently decide to sit in place.

"Eileen!" I called behind her but she doesn't answer me and just keeps running up the stairs. I know for sure that she's heading up to my old room here so I don't even stress it out.

"Ace!" Summer calls behind me and I stop in my steps and turn to look at her. She trots up the stairs and grabs a hold of my hand and intertwines our fingers,placing a dress-matching purse in her other hand before giving me a cute smile, "Let's find her together."

I look between our hands and her and I shrug before reluctantly heading up the stairs.

I open the door of my old room and call for her again. I frown when she doesn't reply and when I see that there's no-one in the room. I sigh and put a hand to my forehead.

"Does she always react this way?" Summer asks.

"Yeah most times." I sigh again and sit on the edge of the already made bed.

"It's okay. She should. Anybody would get angry if some lousy woman made fun of what they looked like." She says and puts both hands over my shoulders.

I meet her gaze and smile. She returns the smile and her face goes visibly red, forget red, a deep wine colour. I smirk and lean forward and before I can catch up mentally, my lips are already on hers. Typical jock. She receives my kiss with a soft moan of my name and when she snaps her eyes open, she gasps, "Ace!"

She hurriedly stands to her feet and stares at me like I've grown a second head. I stand to my feet and try to reach for her but she backs away and runs out the door.

I palm my face and scratch my head intensively. I didn't mean to do that, not at all. I snap my head up when the door opens again .

"Summer is that... " I start to say but stop when I see Eileen's little figure walk in.

"I just saw your girly girl run down the stairs, is everything okay?" she asks.

I ignore her and pull her towards the bed. "Why did you do that huh?  Running away and leaving us all on the table."

She pulls her hand out of my grip and crosses both hands across her chest. "I told you, I don't like it when people call me the adopted one. If you just told them you were my daddy and not Nana and Papa, then nobody will make fun of my skin tone." she snaps.

"I.. " I open my mouth to talk but get cut off by the door swinging open with a loud thud. Both of us turn to look in the door's direction and I gulp.

"S.. Summer?" I stutter.

Oh hello. The usual, duh... Vote x comment... Por favor.

At the end of this book, I'd like to make a character list. If you'd like to play a role, please text me a picture on instagram @faithodulesi or send it to my gmail. Faithodulesi27@gmail.com

I need a Summer Spade, please?

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