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It was getting late and I was also getting tired, I check the time and it's 1:30am and Zach and I are still in the beach. I started to yawn and Zach look at me and noticed that I was tired already after all the fun that we had this day.

"Let's head home" Zach said and I nodded.

We tried to order an uber and it takes time until finally we got one. We patiently wait and minutes after it's finally here.

The drive was peaceful and it only took us 10 minutes when we reached the house. The house was now peaceful and I'm thinking the boys are already asleep.

"Zach, thanks for tonight. I love you my boyfriend" I kissed his cheeks.

"You're welcome my girlfriend" he kissed my forehead.

"Damn! That sound so good to finally call you my girlfriend" He added and we both chuckled.

We went upstairs hand in hand and Zach opened my room for me. He gestured his hands and he bowed down

"Goodnight my la-" He stopped his sentence looking shocked at my room.

"Zach what's wrong?" I confusedly asked.

He points on my floor and I saw the 4 boys making themselves comfortable on the huge fort that they made inside my room. I look at my bed and saw Margaux sleeping peacefully cuddling her favorite teddy bear.

"Well I guess they took seriously on taking good care of Margaux" I quietly laughed.

"I guess I'll join them!" Zach said as he sprinted out on my room and went to his room. Minutes after he went back on wearing comfortable clothes, pillows and blankets on his arm and making himself squeezing in the middle of Jack and Corbyn which made me laugh.

"Goodnight babe" I laughed.

"Goodnight babe" he replied while he tried to cuddle Jack.

I went to the bathroom quietly and change into something comfortable and I removed my makeup, after that I snuggled into Margaux and I instantly fell asleep.

I woke up at the sound of giggling, I noticed Margaux was not beside me. I check my phone and it was 6:30am already.

"Margaux, what are you doing?" I asked as I get up from the bed.

"Shh Zara! Look!" She whisper yell.

I approached Zara and look on what she did.

"Oh. My. Gosh!" I laughed on what Margaux did and I quickly and quietly went to the desk and immediately grab my phone and I took a photo on what she did.

Of course Margaux would do this! She did this to me  and mom before and now her victims are the boys. We were both giggling on the drawings that Margaux drew on their faces. I decided to post the photo on instagram saying "Margaux has a new victims. Well, thanks for taking good care of her last night boys 🤣 I think this will be her payment" and I tagged the boys.

"This photo will be uploading in 3..2..1 annnnd done!" I laughed.

The photo instantly got so many likes and comments. I read the comments saying "that's so funny", "well done Margaux", "aww" and "look at Jack". Jack has the funniest face ever! Margaux drew a flower on both of his eyes, she puts color red on both cheeks, his nose is multi color and his forehead has 'ramen' on it and he was drooling with his mouth open and lastly Margaux draw a mustache.

I asked Margaux if she was hungry and she said yes. We both went downstairs and directly into the kitchen and I started to cook eggs, bacon and waffles and coffee for everyone.

While Margaux was eating and I continue to cook, I heard someone laugh so hard and screaming coming from upstairs.

"I guess someone found out that you drew on their faces" I laughed on Margaux.

Margaux quickly ran and hid under the counter while giggling. "Zara don't tell anyone I'm here!" She said.

"I won't" I quickly stood up on where she was hiding to cover her.

Fly High//ZACH HERRONWhere stories live. Discover now