The Ragnarssons Being Sorted in the Houses of Hogwarts (Requested)

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Original Request: If you know what the houses in Harry Potter (Gryffindor/griffin, Slytherin/Snake, Ravenclaw/raven, Hufflepuff/badger) stand for, what houses would each of the Ragnarssons belong in?

Pairing: None

Word Count: 675

Warnings: None. BUT if this post does initiate any quarrel of sort, I will be deleting the post. This imagine is simply to entertain and keep the fandoms alive. So, please, I respectfully ask that you be diligent as this is simply my opinion❤️

Bjørn "Ironside" Ragnarsson

In my humble opinion, I do believe that Bjørn, emulating in his father's footsteps, would be sorted into the Gryffindor House

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In my humble opinion, I do believe that Bjørn, emulating in his father's footsteps, would be sorted into the Gryffindor House. The traits that would be most distinguishable upon Bjørn would be: courage and bravery.

Basing his characteristics from the Viking Seasons, I've noticed that he truly values his family and is devoted to both his parents. He also shows extreme loyalty to his father, still after years of separation.

Another significant point to mention that displays his traits of courage and bravery was when Bjørn was able to survive for several months in the snowy mountains of Scandinavia where he managed to track down and kill a bear with only a hatchet and knife; earning him only a minor injury to the chest. He also outwitted and overpowered an invincible berserker who was sent to assassinate him.

Ubbe Ragnarsson

Alongside his elder brother, I think Ubbe would have been sorted into the House of Gryffindor

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Alongside his elder brother, I think Ubbe would have been sorted into the House of Gryffindor. Apart from bravery and courage, Ubbe shows traits of chivalry and dare. His loyalty to his father is unquestionable, along with his loyalty to his brothers - especially his half-brother, Bjørn.

He not only is brave and courageous but Ubbe strives to place other people before himself. Although, he would be placed in Gryffindor, I believe the Sorting Hat would have a bit of a hard time choosing between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw as Ubbe does share qualities of that House as well.

For instance, his sharpness and assertiveness. His quick thinking and resourcefulness in battle tactics. And how he is the most sensitive and compassionate from his brothers yet he can also be a little brash and impulsive.

Hvitserk Ragnarsson

I feel like because Hvitserk is the most lighthearted of his brothers, many underestimate his character

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I feel like because Hvitserk is the most lighthearted of his brothers, many underestimate his character. I'd say that Hvitserk is very ambitious which is one of the key traits to being sorted into the Slytherin House.

While Hvitserk also has shown the quality of determination, he has developed some interesting new traits, I thought I'd never see. For instance, during the battle of Lagertha against Ivar, Hvitserk has become almost manipulative. He seems to be manipulating Ivar into tricking him by pretending he also has a burning hatred for Ubbe.

Apart from being manipulative, he has also easily angered and has slightly developed characteristics of being sadistic.

Hvitserk does remain one of my favourite characters and I believe that if he had not developed such traits, he would have been sorted into the House of Ravenclaw due to his brave nature and witty personality.

Sigurd "Snake-In-The-Eye" Ragnarsson

Despite, the constant belittling and quarrelling with his youngest brother to intentionally enrage him, I honestly believe that Sigurd would make a perfect Hufflepuff student

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Despite, the constant belittling and quarrelling with his youngest brother to intentionally enrage him, I honestly believe that Sigurd would make a perfect Hufflepuff student.

As a character, he never truly developed as he died at the age of 17. Thus, we never got the privilege to watch the young Prince mature into a true son of Ragnar. It is truly saddening to think that we only remember the blonde Prince as a dull character who took pleasure in repeatedly bullying his youngest brother out of jealousy and envy.

I believe if he had not died, he would have been just as loyal to his father and brothers. He would have been honest, surprisingly impartial and perhaps, even modest about his accomplishments. Sigurd would have been a role model for all Hufflepuffs, perhaps even taking the title of a Head Boy. 

Ivar "The Boneless" Ragnarsson

As easily angered, arrogant, selfish, ambitious and cruel as Ivar is, Salazar  might as well give him the title of founder of the Slytherin House

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As easily angered, arrogant, selfish, ambitious and cruel as Ivar is, Salazar might as well give him the title of founder of the Slytherin House. Perhaps, the only trait that he lacks would be his ability to speak with snakes.

Ivar shares most, if not to say all, the qualities of a Slytherin student. Ivar is basically a tactical genius in battle. A perfect example of this was when he decided to attack York due to its strategical importance and so easily tricking the Saxons twice during the battles of Yorktown.

Ivar is very charismatic and a capable manipulator. He uses these traits to his convenience when he convinced the Great Army to swear loyalty to him.

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