Telling Hvitserk You Love Him in Your Native Language

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Night had fallen as the trees around us became like ominous figures. Even the shadows themselves seemed to be frightened of the darkness. And in this gathering gloom, the twinkling stars along with the ageless as well as enthralling Moon shone brighter in the sky.

That night, you had sat beside Hvisterk as he quietly explained the meaning behind each constellation. Silently, you studied his face as you admired the way he spoke so passionately about them. 

That moment was when you realized, you had never told him how you had felt towards him. You had never gotten the courage to tell him that you loved him. How were you supposed to say something that seemed so simple yet so sophisticated?

"Dove," Hvitserk spoke, receiving your attention, "are you feeling alright? I seem to have lost you. Are my stories that much of a bore?"

You shook your head almost immediately and he chuckled at your non-verbal response. "Just a little tired, Hvitserk. That's all." You admitted as you rested your head upon his shoulder. Instinctively, he wrapped you in his arms and rubbed your arm as if lulling you to sleep with a silent lullaby.

"Then sleep, dove. I'll be here when you wake." He promised, earning a wide smile from you.

"Thank you, Hvitserk." You say and comfortably wrap your arms around his torso. It was now or never, You though to yourself nervously after a few moments. You sigh and snap your eyes open once more. "Oh and one more thing..."

"Mm?" Hvitserk looks down at you and you bite the inside of your lower lip, suppressing the overpowering urge to grab him from the face right there and plant your lips upon his irresistible ones.

"Dooste daram, Hvitserk." 

Questionably, his eyebrows narrow as he regards you with slightly widened eyes, expressing nothing but confusion. "What does that mean?" He asks. Feeling in a surprisingly mischievous mood, you smirked up at him. "Don't worry, darling, as clever as you are, you'll come to figure it out very soon."

Apparently, it wasn't as soon as you had thought it be. So, you always made sure to remind him of it, by whispering it in his ear as you walked by him. Occasionally, you did feel guilty when his facial features conveyed helplessness and loss of words.

One night, you were about to lay on your bed, when a strong grip at your waist pulled you towards a muscular chest. You looked to see that it had been Hvitserk. His orbs were darker than usual, but his expression was very hard to read this time. 

As he tugged at your waist, you were made to follow him into the forest, where he pushed you against a tree trunk.

He placed his hands on the tree and his arms were on either side of your face. Intensively, you look into his eyes as he easily towered over you. Hvitserk dips his forehead upon your own as your breathing picks up.

"Dooste...daram...means I love you, am I right, (Y/N)?" He questions as your cheeks burn and you sheepishly smile, looking into the distance of the darkened forest. Hvitserk places his hand on your cheek and turns your head to face him once more.

"Am I right?" He repeats with a certain urgency in his voice as you gulp, licking your lips.

"I'm...I'm in love with you, to be more precise." You whisper. Without even realizing it, the prince captures your lips with his and you freeze in shock, for a slight moment but recover quickly to respond by moving your own lips against his.

His kiss was slow and soft, comforting your soul from the chaos that was ensuing from terrors and war between Lagertha and Ivar. His hand rested at your neck and his thumb caressed your cheek as it had done many times. Your breaths mingled and you ran your fingers down his back, pulling him closer until there was no space left between you.

Moments that felt like eternity passed and you pulled away, the both of you breathing heavily. Hvitserk grinned widely as if he had finally cracked the answer to a highly sophisticated riddle. He nudged at your nose with his own and whispered, "Ek frithr thu, elskan mín."

You frown as your elegant eyebrows knit together in a confused look, "What's the meaning of that?"

"You are a wise, fair maiden, are you not?" Hvitserk smirked handsomely, "I bet you can figure it out quicker than I had with yours." 

He pecked your lips once more and wandered back to your home with a self-satisfied grin. As he did so, you were left with numerous questions and thoughts as to what Hvitserk had said, meant.

Must he always be the one to win the game? You thought, quite irritated as that night you hadn't gotten a wink of sleep.

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