Hvitserk Receiving News After Battle That You Are Pregnant With Quadruplets

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After three unhappy miscarriages, you had thought that the Goddess Freyja had forever abandoned you, your soul lost for eternity in the abyss of the underworld.

Though, perhaps, through the love of the sweet Goddess' heart, you were consoled by the thought that of all of Freyja's daughters, you were one of many whom she smiled so kindly upon. 

Even without much to offer, she gifted you with the most precious treasures you could have ever wished upon and you held all four of them in your arms.

Hvitserk stood amongst the bloodied fields as he closed his eyes at the words that he had just received. 

"Bless the Gods, I am a father of three sons and a daughter." Hvitserk whispered to himself in disbelief. A wind echoed in the distance and he thought he could suddenly hear the rush of the ravens' wings descending from the empyrean.

Suddenly, black dots danced around his vision and he fell to his knees as the world surrounding him turned to complete darkness.

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