Chapter 4: CHECKMATE!

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A thumping sound suddenly awakened P in his bedroom within the MIB headquarters. He had drifted off to sleep earlier that evening after the exhausting trip from OWAC to Knight's Headquarters in Switzerland. He kept pondering on the Corvette's sudden malfunction as Agents Mackenzie and Arc spent fixing it. Yet, they found it too mysterious to figure it out.

It was 5:37 in the morning when he got up from bed. He heard the same strange noise from the other room. It was like someone putting mail through the mail slot in his door. He skidded and wondered who could ever do such a thing in this unholy hour. He saw an envelope on the floor and took his spectacles. It labeled " From A Friend". P was very curious to see it. He sat on the couch, opened and read it. The letter was in 3 blank pages. He was too tired to read it as he removed his eyeglasses and set it aside. He thought the Methane Boys were pranking him again. So, he went back to bed and tried to get some sleep.

Later, he went to the gym to work out and headed to the Mess Hall for breakfast. The place was too crowded where MIB people and aliens flocked together. He found the vacant spot where I sat down and waited for him. I was dressed in my standard black uniform and looking at him.

" Good morning, sir!" I greeted. " You seemed to be late."

" As always, I did some work-out in the gym," he replied and lowered his food tray. Then, he gave me something to eat.

" Thank you, I'm supposed to eat with my RWBY teammates, but they have gone earlier for their assignments."

" Have yourself to digest before thinking of your itinerary," P said as I started chewing my food. " I received a mysterious letter this morning. It was written: " From A Friend, open immediately." But the only thing else on the letter besides a blank page was a note that said, "Comic Included". There was nothing else with it. Could it be The Methane boys are pranking me again, now committing the mischievous deeds in the earliest part of the morning, to keep me from sleeping? What sort of punishment should I make for them, if any?"

He began to eat as I tried to understand his story. Of course his space kids, the Methane Boys were well known for their weird practical jokes in MIB. Yet, they had been very faithful to their earthly father-figure boss. I never even thought they would do that for no reason. There must be someone else behind that situation.

" Is there any proof those kids are responsible?" I asked. " Are you sure you are not assuming they've made it? Sir, I trusted them as my colleagues and closest friends in MIB for more than a year. I understood their wild sense of humor and enthusiasm in fighting the scumbags. I don't see them doing that early in the morning. They do respect your privacy as you have taught them."

P took a sip of coffee, then replied, "Okay, maybe I am placing responsibility on them for the action that kept me from having a good night's sleep and made me very receptive to punishing the one did that too me. But I suspect their involvement, it's been two years that I learned their strange and weird behavior."

" You seem like a concerned Earth-dad to them," I smiled.

" Yes," he sighed. " I need to be more patient with the Methane Boys. They're too naive and childish. Anyway, we have a meeting with SHIELD and the other MIBs later. That has something to do with Agent Omega's case."

" I see then,"

" Before that, I will think on it more after I head back to my room to take a shower."

I smiled and blushed when I heard him going to the shower. Yet, I wondered what he would do after this. Then, he noticed me in my interesting grin which I gave him.

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