Chapter 6: The Trial Part 1

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" It's Friday! That's not important right now!" the middle-aged Japanese MIB agent whined as he talked over the phone. " Listen, I'm in the middle of the meeting with some Andromedan exiles for a more important case. It has something to do with Milky Way-Andromeda treaty that you American MIBs have made thirty years ago. It is related to the tensions against the White Fang, last year. You know what I mean, the space terrorists committed a series of violations against the treaty." He looked at the Faunus people who were inhabitants of that galaxy. They seemed to wait finishing the Earth-man's phone call and continue with their agenda.

" You have agreed with Chief O, 3 days ago," another male voice replied. " This is a priority. You need to defend Agent Omega."

" Hokama-san, I already told her that his case is less important. Besides, I will never accept any non-MIB related cases from now on."

The caller remained speechless as he was not pleased with the Japanese lawyer's response. He wanted to end his call as he noticed one of his Faunus clients crossed his arms and became too impatient in waiting. The Earth-man wryly smiled as he thought of continuing his first conversation with them.

" SG-san, Kare no saiban wa, getsuyōbi ni yotei sa rete imasu." the man reminded him of Monday's trial. Agent SG grew his eyes larger as he was surprised to hear his fellow MIB. " Anata wa kakunin shite inai baai wa Omega-san ga kiken ni narudarou. Watashi no yūjin wa, kono kēsu de anata o susume shimasu."

" Pyromaniac-san, Dōiu imidesu ka?"

" Kare wa kēsu o ushinatta baai KNIGHTS wa kare o jikkō shimasu."

Agent P reminded SG of the importance of handling Omega's case as Agent SO recommended a fellow Japanese MIB. He told that the KNIGHTS would give Omega an execution if he lost the case. Listening attentively, SG remembered his other expertise in executing to some proceedings of the KNIGHTS and OWAC laws. At this point in time, he felt convinced from this conversation.

" Hai! Chotto mate kudasai!"
SG raised his voice as he intensely exclaimed. He changed his mind when Pyromaniac insisted of this upcoming litigation. He had no choice but to deal with it. " Watashi wa kono wariate o junshu suru tame ni hitsuyōna koto o rikai shimashita. Watashi ga kēsu o kenkyū suru tame ni motte iru hijō ni kyūmudesu. Kore o jōshiki-ka suru tame ni watashi ni shūmatsu o ataete kudasai. Watashi wa sorera o teiji suru yori shiji shi, tekisetsuna shōko o hitsuyō to shite imasu."

" Jā, O-san wa mokugeki-sha to sono bun ni tsuite oshirase shimasu. Arigato gozaimasu."

" Hai, dou itashimashite," SG replied and immediately ended his call.

Coming from the hallway, I heard my superior-boyfriend spoke in Japanese. I became very curious of what he had said earlier when I entered the Cyber Archives Department room.

" Sir, Is this something to do with Omega's prosecution?" I asked and looked at the blue holographic screens projecting from his computers.

" Yes, Agent Y. I have talked to Agent SG, recently," P answered as he kept swiping the file icons on the laser light screen. " I reminded him to prioritize the case on Monday. He asked me to give him all the evidences to study this weekend. That's why I'm transferring the entire Archive data to his MIB account which has something to do with Omega. So, he can study for the whole weekend."

" You make him very busy," I said and reading on the files." So, are these Omega's MIB involvement?"

" Yes, they include some of his KNIGHTs missions."

" Well, these could be very vital to present his case, though. I hope he can win it."

" SG-san is a very excellent lawyer. He can scrutinize the witnesses by asking them some difficult questions. They will be compelled to answer them truthfully." P continued and recalled his experiences in Tokyo MIB HQ. " There was a homicide in Shibuya District which involved a Faunus and a Hydronian as victims. During the proceeding, I witnessed how he gathered some evidences and defended the victims' party. Then, he helped the field agents to investigate as they found the murder suspect. Afterwards, he and his clients won the case. There were other cases which he handled; he successfully won his clients' case. This time, I'm expecting to have the same outcome with regards to this situation."

" He is a very interesting one," I answered as I heard the lawyer's story from my superior. A man like him could do anything to save and defend the accused into an innocent one. I hoped for the best results at this litigation.

Three days later, the crowd noisily flocked on the hallway as I heard murmurs and footsteps at the entire KNIGHTs Headquarters in Switzerland. I was with the group of MIB and SHIELD people who also came to witness the trial. The KNIGHTs agents gathered themselves like ants falling in line to enter the courtroom. Some of them indignantly stared at us when we came. This kind of reaction really frightened me, so I ignored the strange people around me.

" Hey, why are they glaring us like that?" JU the Jovian asked as he noticed the KNIGHTs' very hostile looks.

" Yeah, they seem too creepy," My sister, Agent R added when she took her seat with my other teammates.

" Something is not right here," B the Cat-Faunus lady replied as she sensed a different aura in the courtroom. " I can sense an affliction here."

" What do you mean?" W curiously asked.

" I can't say, but it must be someone who tries to manipulate this situation."

" A suspicion then," ME the Mercurian added as his head went turned to the other side of the jury.

Sitting between Daisy and Agent P, I noticed the following people who arrived: the members of the KNIGHTs tribunal council, the courtroom clerk and the lawyers. Then, Agent Omega stood beside SG who finally decided to be his legal counsel. The Japanese MIB gazed at the large and four-cornered place where he remained before the litigation began.

" Omega-san," he turned to the defendant. " Some of your fellow KNIGHTs people are looking down on you. This is a very serious situation. You may win or lose this case. I'm trying my best to prove your innocence."

" Agent SG, I'm not certain about that," Omega replied as he was too anxious in his situation. He tried to calm himself despite of the tensions which he was facing. We were looking at him as he wearily smiled at us and said. " I'm going to be fine. There's nothing to get worried about."

Coming from the court room's left side, a tall middle-aged man dressed in a black toga who looked uncanny to Morgan Freeman. He seemed too stern and emotionless as he stepped into the room.

" All rise!" the court room clerk lady called our attention. " People of KNIGHTs, MIB, and SHIELD. I may present you, Henry Elric, arbiter of this litigation." The jury and the other crowd stood up as we saw the judge presiding on his elevated platform and preparing himself for the proceeding. He loudly stroke his gavel as he stared at us.

" All of you may now be seated." he said. The entire jury had followed the judge's orders. " Good morning ladies, gentlemen, and other lifeforms. People of the K.N.I.G.H.T.S. versus Agent Evan Rockford. Are both sides ready?"

" Yes, your honor," a prosecutor from the other faction answered and smiled. He was a lawyer with the same age as P's and also a very intelligent one like him. He turned at Agent SG and gave him a insulting grin.

" Ready, your honor," our Japanese MIB counterpart nodded and bowed. He ignored at the KNIGHTs lawyer's facial expression and seemed to be very confident that he could win Omega's case in no time.

" Thank you, Agents Cooper and SG," the judge replied and turned to the clerk. " Will the clerk swear in the jury?"

The clerk was a tall and green-skinned lady which she was one of the members of the KNIGHTs tribunal. I noticed the seriousness on her face at this moment as she was about to begin.

" Will the jury please stand and raise your right hand? " she asked and waited for us to stand up again. " Do each of you swear that you will fairly try the case before this court, and that you will return a true verdict according to the evidence and the instructions of the court, so help you, God? Please say ' I do.' "

" I do," the crowd replied.

" You may be seated."

" Your Honor and ladies,gentlemen, and other lifeforms of the jury: the defendant has been charged with the a series of violations related to the KNIGHT's oath." Sheldon Cooper confidently stood up and explained to the jury. We were attentively listening to him. " He had several phasing activities, an excessive use of his Inhuman ability, and altering the multiverse without our permission. The latest incident he had was saving an MIB agent who was also an Avenger from a tragic space disaster on the 18th day of September in this year. The evidence I present will prove to you that the defendant is guilty as charged."

" Your Honor and people of the jury," SG added after the prosecutor ended his opening statement. " Under the laws of KNIGHTS and the other alliances, my client is presumed innocent until proven guilty. During this trial, you will hear no real evidence against my client Agent Omega which in your faction addresses him in his real name, Evan Rockford. You will come to know the truth; Omega or Evan Rockford was saving an MIB's life and other people as well. After the studying this matter, he was just doing those things in order to protect the people. Therefore, my client is not guilty."

" The prosecution may call its first witness," Judge Elric said as he turned to Agent Cooper.

" The People call Ilyana Rasputin."

The Bailiff guided Ilyana to the witness stand, as she noticed the courtroom people around her. I looked at her and kept thinking about what would she answer. I remembered that day when P took me with Daisy to this place. Ilyana had mentioned that she would testify and hope that Omega would be deemed innocent. I saw the sudden uneasiness on her face as she stood in her corner.

" Please stand. Raise your right hand. Miss Rasputin, do you promise that the testimony you shall give in the case before this court shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?" the green lady clerk asked.

" Yes, I do." she calmly replied and keeping her anxiousness at that moment.

" You may be seated."

Agent Cooper stepped from his table and approached the witness. He was well-prepared to formulate questions from his mind. He was grinning as if he were about to attack his prey like a predator.

" Miss Rasputin, do you work with Agent Rockford in the Champions?"

" Yes,"

" Are you familiar with his abilities especially in shape-shifting and phasing?"

" Of course, those are one of his Inhuman semblances that he has shown. He is called by his alias, 'Apocalypse'."

" Well, I understood that he has been using them," he grinned and thought of another striking statement. " According to the tribunal, you were once a member of the WITCH as we had known for their reputation of destroying the universe's continuity. "

" Yes, I had quit my job as a WITCH agent when Evan recruited me."

" Did you have any intention of harming anyone?"

" No."

" Did you set up those troubles in letting Agent Rockford to violate any rules of the KNIGHT's oath?"

" No, I didn't set him up for those things. I understood the KNIGHTs agents were battling the WITCH for a certain matter. But I was too young when I became a member, I never met him before."

" What about SHIELD Agent Johnson's attempt to explode the Quinjet or Pyromaniac's solo space mission against the space invaders, were you there in those incidents?"

" OBJECTION!" SG stongly exclaimed. " The questions are not pertaining to Omega-san's case."

" Overrule!"

Cooper ignored the Japanese MIB lawyer's plea and the judge's warning, as he repeated the same question. Ilyana felt offended as she wanted to cast a spell against the KNIGHT prosecutor, but she couldn't. Finally, she made up her mind and spoke.

" I didn't do anything to harm Daisy, Pyromaniac, or Evan. Like I said, I quit my job as a WITCH agent. I'm tired of doing trouble. Whatever Evan did, he was trying to save everyone. He's not breaking your laws; he just wanted to set the things right for everyone's good!"

" Your honor, I rest my case." Cooper sighed and nodded.

" Agent SG, do you wish to proceed?"

" No, further questions, Your Honor," SG answered.

" May I call the next witness?"

The next witness was a young man from the KNIGHTs whom Daisy thought he was SHIELD agent. He took the same oath and sat on the witness' corner. Cooper walked to and fro as he began to ask.

" Mr. Max Dillon, you're also known as SHIELD agent Lincoln Campbell. Were you there in space defeating Alveus or Hive?"

" Yes,"

" Why did you intend to save your ex-girlfriend from harm?"

" I want her to be away from Hive and letting her protected from that explosion."

" Was Agent Rockford there at that time?"

" Yes, he asked me to save her from the enemy. Then, the WITCH agents came to cease us, but we successfully rescued her. Instead of letting her to die, I did it to stop the Ancient Inhuman and then, Evan took me out and told me not to see her again."

Daisy was in tears when she heard her ex-boyfriend's statement. I gave her a hug to comfort my friend. P intently listened at his words and kept pondering in that previous incident.

Evan Seized: Agent Y's POVWhere stories live. Discover now