Chapter 6: The Trial Part 3

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  I couldn't speak at this moment as I remembered Agent B's premonition aside from the prosecutor named Cooper; deceit and danger would prevail somehow. I never thought it would happen which I had high hopes for Omega to win the case. Suddenly, I received an SMS from P as I opened my phone and read it. It was all written capitalized letters which I sensed his extreme anger from his message.


 Calling the prosecutor to interrogate the witness, I was composing my message to him as I wrote and instantly sent:

 Sir, I've sensed some 'cooking' in the trial. It really smells and tastes very delicious. I know this pun sounds corny to you, but Omega's right! It is indeed a set up. Cooper is making biased questions, right now. I'm going to take a video from my camera pen which you have given me before. I'll give it to you after the trial. Don't worry, Mr. Pyromaniac. I'm continuing to support you in bringing Omega's justice. Just chill and everything will be Yangtastic, my love!

I turned on the camera which I was like pressing a ball-point pen's top button and placing it on my blazer coat's chest pocket. Everyone was unaware that I secretly recorded Dr. Doom's twisted statements as I held the spy-pen in running minutes.

" I-have-seen-Agent-Rockford's-actions," he continued. " He-is-despicable-indeed-according-to-the-protocol!"

" Very well said, Dr. Doom," Cooper smirked as he got satisfied and turned to the judge. " I have no further questions, your honor!"

" The defending lawyer may proceed," the judge called SG for his turn to talk to the metal-man with a funny green cloak. The Japanese MIB seemed not very convinced at the sessions as his face grimaced and stepped near the witness stand.

" Doom-san, I have studied the original KNIGHT's oath and the alliance laws," SG continued as he put his hands in his pockets. " According to the protocols, a KNIGHT agent may alter the course of an event in case of emergency. Do you consider it as a violation?"

 " Yes,"

" You mentioned a while ago that Rockford-san had went to different multi-universes for his self interest which you called his acts as an abuse. When I heard from the other witnesses and the evidence I presented, he had an intention to save and inspire people for their benefit. But still, it bothers me from your statements that he has committed a series of breach. How will you explain these things against him? Do you have an evidence for it? Do you alter the original KNIGHT's oath? Or simply, do you have some people who help you in setting up this issue?"

" Yes-I-changed-the-oath-to-settle-and-empower-all-of-us," Doom answered as he stared at the jury. " I-intended-to-crush-Rockford-into-pieces-before. He-destroyed-my-creations-including-my-friend-Ixar. He-altered-all-the-parallel-universes-which-he-got-his-total-self-satisfaction-from-these-acts."

" Who are your allies in plotting to ruin Rockford-san?"

" At-first-I-met-Alveus-or-Hive-somewhere-in Europe. Then-in-the-Quinjet-incident-I-covered up Hive's Death- hoping to-recover-his-remains. I-asked-help-from-Ixar-and-Alxar-the-Andriod-helped-him-grow-it-into-Alvina." Doom displayed his holographic video of the MIB, SHIELD, Champions,and the Avengers. He exhibited another false witness' evidences for which the crowd was too astonished and hearing the wrong testimony. Some of the KNIGHT agents felt bothered as their senior agent kept his odd smile in his metal-face. The others seemed to be convinced as he added. " Then-I-found-Alveus-unconscious-in-that-place-as-his-dusts-were-being-drifted-away-to-the-interstellar-side."

 " How about Pyromaniac-san's solo mission, where you there at that time?"

" Yes, I-was-there. My-objective-is-to-eliminate-that-Inhuman-who-I-have-considered-as-the-enemy-of-KNIGHTs-but-Rockford-hindered-my-evil-agenda-in-terminating-that-Avenger-in-Black!"

SG turned to the judge and politely bowed, " I have no further questions, Your Honor. Domo Arigato gozaimasu!"

The jury and the Knights Tribunal expected to hear from Agent Omega, as Judge Elric was about to call the defendant, but something had come up to change his mind. I was about to turn off my camera pen when he called our attention to end the trial. Looking at the jury's other side, the strange-looking KNIGHTs trio were giggling and whispering at each other as the others felt annoyed to see them. Then, I received again a message from P as I swiped my phone to read it.

Y, you're right. This is a set-up. Earlier, I've just heard from someone in the KNIGHTs who tells his fellows of this litigation. The agent was talking about Viorel Von Doom's testimony. Now, I'm still waiting for Omega's turn to testify, but something came up so suddenly. Anyway, have you noticed the three mysterious KNIGHTs agents just recently? I sensed evil with those people. You have to be careful; they might attack you if you try to fight them.

It took several minutes for us waiting for any results from the witnesses and the evidences. Daisy, SO, E, and the others noticed my uneasiness as P was still absent in this litigation's latter part. The intensity of this situation made me too anxious of this outcome. I had nothing to do ,but to be calm and patient. The judge and the tribunal spent several minutes for deliberating and debating Omega's justice. It was a crucial moment that we patiently anticipated. Looking and listening again to the three KNIGHT agents, they seemed to utter a spell from a dead language. For me, it was the strangest curse which I had ever heard. I wanted to seize them, but the judicial council arrived from their deliberation. Judge Elric's stony face gave us a clue as I sensed his sudden discouragement along with the others. He returned to his podium and struck his mallet.

" People of MIB, SHIELD, and KNIGHTs, we are ready to listen the counsel's conclusion of this case. The defendant or the prosecutor may have an opportunity to argue or reiterate from the witnesses' statements in a limited time. We will end this session as soon as they finish their assertions." he turned to the two lawyers' attention and said, " Mr. Cooper, you are going to present the KNIGHT's case."

" Ladies and gentlemen, as we close this case against Agent Rockford, I have observed and developed a statement from this session. The testimonies from some witnesses seemed to be in favor with the defendant. I found them biased and nonsense from what they have said. The evidences from the defending counsel are too far-fetched and insufficient since I have based this issue from the new KNIGHTs law." Cooper confidently explained as he presented a holographic display of Omega's actions. " Thanks to Dr. Doom and our other colleagues, we will witness these videos and images to be presented right now."

The entire jury from MIB and SHIELD saw them as we were dumbfounded and speechless. The evidences were somewhat falsified; they were not the ones we saw nor heard from him. Daisy's eyes became watery as she never had seen those things from her loved one. The others doubted as they wanted to question the prosecutor. Agent SG frowned like an angry gorilla which he was dissatisfied in the presentation Cooper had made up. I continued the whole video recording even it took a long time to present for my senior agent boss. Finally, the wicked counsel turned off his display as he swiped and pressed a button on the blue holographic light screen.

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