Chapter 6: The Trial Part 2

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  The entire jury left the courtroom as the MIB and SHIELD unitedly gathered themselves in the cafeteria. We sat together in a long table at the other side, which the KNIGHTs people seemed too hostile at us when they indignantly glared and murmured at us. I felt terrified at their stabbing looks.

" I didn't know Omega inspired the band to create such awesome music!" J laughed as he took a bite from his sandwich.

" It's Green Day, J," SA brought his homemade Saturnian lunch as he peacefully ate and answered in his usual deadpan mode.

" Whatever it is, I found his works not bad at all," Agent Jaune Arc noisily chewed his meal while eating. Agents May, Lie, Nikos, Dela Cruz,Fitz, Simmons, and Mackenzie felt annoyed and disgusted at their fellow SHIELD agent's table manners as they all wanted him to throw food on his face.

" I still need to study the KNIGHT faction's oath," Agent K seriously said as he took a sip of coffee. " It surely bothers me from the alliance of MIB, SHIELD, and the Avengers."

" K-senpai, the protocols may sounded too absurd," SO added. " If it were not against his actions, then Omega-san never violated them. But I am very bothered at Cooper-san's questions which are related to him."

Agent SO was indeed right. Sheldon Cooper tried to make a negative reputation from Omega's situation. He seemed like a hungry grimm which he attacked every victim that he would encounter. Observing his facial expressions, he made the witnesses and the other lawyer felt bad after the trial.

" Hey guys, I was wondering..." I started to spoke as I called everyone's attention. " If Omega never violated the oath, then he would have done his things to save the world. Yet, I couldn't fathom the other faction's further plans for him. Would they ever come up for him to be innocent?"

Everyone was speechless as they heard my question. The Solar system alien agents turned to the other Earth-fellows from the MIB and SHIELD. They were all concerned about Omega's situation for they had worked with him before.

" So, who's gonna testify, next?" V the Venusian asked as she finished eating.

" That will be me," Coulson confidently answered as he straightly looked at us. He was too determined to support his friend's case no matter what could be the outcome. " I'm willing to do it for his justice."

" So do I," P added. "SG-san and the chief asked me to testify during the litigation."

" Well, you guys have to be careful with Cooper," E warned them as he was also observing the prosecutor. " He will beat you up with a lot of questions and give you a bad impression afterwards."

" I agree," B the Faunus lady nodded. " That human tries to fall everyone in his trap. I sensed his evil aura within him."

" Hey, I should have beaten him up for good if I were one of the witnesses," MA the Martian grinned and shrugged. " He needs to get black and blue from a Martian like me!"

" So do I!" UR the Uranian added.

" I'm gonna blow that Cooper-dude into the smithereens!" NE the Neptunian chuckled.

" MA, please don't you ever dare to do that..." JU sarcastically sighed and drank his Jovian tea from his giant cup. " Not you too, Methane Boys!"

" Me too!" Nora jokingly exclaimed.

" Nora..." Daisy glared at her fellow SHIELD subordinate as she was not amused. " Please behave yourself."

" Sorry!"

" Well, let's hope for the best!" Agent R optimistically smiled as she was looking forward for Omega's innocence. " Whatever it happens, he will be fine."

2 hours later, we returned to our seats at the corners of this courtroom. I noticed that my superior-boyfriend and Coulson were absent. We expected they would be witnesses in the litigation. The session had started when the judge called the next one to testify. It was Agent Philip Coulson who sat on that same corner. Agent Cooper had formulated one of his deadliest questions which he prepared to nail the SHIELD agent. He went in front of the witness as he grinned like a demon who would destroy his victim.

" Mister Coulson," he said as he crossed his arms. " You have been the most trusted persons in the alliance. Yet, you still befriend with the defendant. Is that true you helped him in forming the Champions?"

" Yes," he gave the prosecutor his usual warm smile. " Agent Kay helped me forming that allied superhero faction along with Evan Rockford and Natasha Romanov. We recruited some rejected Avengers , a weaponry expert and 2 Inhumans from MIB. Rockford, Fury, and I were planning to recruit more people from the Republic of Remnant, but Agent Johnson took Team JNPR to join SHIELD as we had permitted her."

" With that recruitment of Remnite SHIELD agents, did you,Rockford and your other colleagues violate the Sokovia Accords?"

" No, it happened before the Avengers divided themselves."

" Okay," Cooper blankly nodded. "Does Rockford create some anomalies in your missions?"

" I can't say his acts are anomalies," he replied. " He's just doing what his instincts tell him to do; I believe he has a purpose for them."

" What kind of purpose then?"

" It's a purpose to change the world without any hesitation. That is his innate character. He may be too strange to understand, but I realize that he works in the same objective as ours."

" So do you trust this person even he violated our protocols?"

" Yes. Is there anything wrong about that?" Coulson smiled again as he gave the prosecutor his very friendly stare. " It seems that you want to strike him down in your bottomless pit with your puny questions, do you?"

Agent Cooper couldn't respond as the man from SHIELD gave him a very striking answer. It was our first to time to see a KNIGHT prosecutor being nailed. All of us murmured and grinned as Cooper frowned like an angry gorilla. He was not pleased to see us staring and laughing at him.

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