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 " According to our colleagues' statements, you had been involved with the WITCH," the brunette man with a weird top said as he directly looked at the blonde woman's eyes. " Is that true, Miss Rasputin?"

" Yes," Magik honestly replied. " We were responsible for summoning disasters in this world. We made alliances with the most despicable people in the universe, including HYDRA, the White Fang, and among others."

" Did you join their evil exploits, then?"

" I used to when I was young, but I got tired of doing disputable things to others. I decided to quit and join the Champions."

Suddenly, there was a slight vibration from the man's phone as he felt it inside his coat.He looked at the message from one of his fellow MIB Agents. Magik noticed him reaching for his phone, as she looked at him intently

" What are you looking at?" he sternly glared back, feeling unease at her stare.

" Let's just say, someone is warning you of a trouble happening right now, Earth Warrior," she grinned a calming nervous smile

" Do you intend to create this trouble you mentioned ?" Agent E was doubting her attempted sudden friendliness. He was uncomfortable seeing at her look as he found it too disturbing.

" No, I'm here to help people. Like I said; I'm tired of doing the same terrible things." Magik turned her attention to the phone. " I can sense some Inhumans are in danger. Do you have an image from your device?"

" No, I never received any multimedia. It's just an SMS from Agent Y," E raised his brows as he kept scrolling down. He turned to the lady and got worried. " Wait, how did you know?"

" Some enemies are attacking them. If you don't mind, Earth Warrior, I can help."

" Listen, Miss Rasputin. In MIB, It's Agent E. You should not use my Champions' codename or my real name within our jurisdiction according to the original MIB protocols."

" Well, you sound just like Pyromaniac," she laughed. " So set in your ways, a big old stick in the mud like he is. Now that you have become part of SHIELD's and MIB's Project Champions, you would think you would take the opportunity to make some changes. Thanks to the alliance which your people in black suits have made. We do have in common."

" Hold on! Pyromaniac will always be known here as Agent P here at MIB. So, he still uses his MIB name!" he answered her accusations and raised his voice. " Even though, the general public calls him by his Avenger name, he keeps his allegiance with us! In fact, he is member of the Avengers and at the same time works with Project Champions."

" Fine, I understood then. He's a very busy boy after all. Too bad in this situation, he wastes too much time to fight his attackers. And his lover is involved as well ," she sighed. " I can take you to help them, if you may, Agent E."

" Well then, this interrogation is finished," E nodded and smiled. " Let's go get 'em!"

As Agents J and F arrived on the scene as they saw the Methane Boys, Fitz and Simmons attempting to open the locked door to P's room. They spent several minutes for this intrusion.

" I'M GONNA HUFF AND PUFF!! AND BREAK THIS DOOR IN!!" NE exclaimed like the Big Bad Wolf and started inhale to create powerful winds.

" Everybody, get down!" UR warned. " NE's gonna blow tremendous winds!"

The rest of them put themselves down as the Neptunian strongly blew to create powerful winds. He released too much effort from his giant lungs as the heavy tornado tried to push the door. NE breathed too hard as he got tired of blowing. Still, the door was still locked.

" Man, you tried to blow that much!" J said. "But it's still not freaking open!"

" That thing creeps me out!" NE exclaimed. " Those strange chains don't break when I blow too hard."

" Your efforts are ineffective even with so much force and wind velocity," Fitz explained. "The chains that hold this door are made of a different kind of element, outside Earth. It can withstand the force your Neptunian abilities!"

" There must be something that could destroy it," Simmons added.

" Maybe, J can help," F smiled and pointed at his space pistols.

" WHAT ME?!" J felt ridiculous as the people stared at him. " All right, this is for the lovebirds of MIB! They need to get busted outta here!" J triggered his carbonizer blaster to create a strong projectile and a large hole on the door way, however it remained locked.

" This is getting, f.....OW! WHAT'S THAT FOR?!"

" J, watch your language!" UR slapped the Earth-man's shoulders. " You almost say the deadliest Earth word!"

" Okay, UR! You got me!" J sarcastically exclaimed. " But the door's not opened! How should we get in?!"

" Agent J, it's the Vibranium chains which they covered the door." Simmons calmly explained. " NE the Neptunian tried his most effort in blowing, but it never worked. I forgot to bring the corrosive spray in my lab."

"I doubt even Schnee Terrigen dust would even suffice ," F added.

" Hey, I heard something!" NE said as he put his ear on the wall. " It's Y! She's fighting with somebody! I can smell fire inside!"

"I sense that too. And there's also P! " UR the Uranian added. " He's battling with his fire semblance inside his room! If only we could get in there so easily."

Fitz used his x-ray vision scanner to check us in our trouble. The Methane Boys were indeed right as they had sensed us fighting the evil Knight Agents. Until, they noticed someone who stepped from a pink teleportation portal that formed suddenly in the hallway.

" You guys need some help?" Agent E grinned as he came with Magik.

" We can get you in!" Magik smiled as she began to use her Inhuman ability to manipulate time and space with her magical spells, which in combination caused the chains holding on the door shut to pull on each other and break apart. Finally, they were removed as E pushed the door and looked inside to the reveal what was happening inside. J, F, Fitz, Simmons, and the Methane Boys were stunned to see a strange situation unfolding.

" You'll be ashes when your dear Pyromaniac finds you!" the Impostor laughed.

" I'M NOT GOING TO GIVE YOU THE CHANCE TO DO THAT!!!" I exclaimed and intensely hit her in the face, but she avoided my burning fist attacks.

" FREEZE! MIB and SHIELD!!" J yelled as he called our attention. F and the others charged their weapons as they pointed to us. Apparently, they became too baffled to see me and my evil twin fighting each other

Evan Seized: Agent Y's POVWhere stories live. Discover now