Fleet street

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The dirty cobbled streets along with the filthy alleyways were something that had certainly not changed. The horrid smell of thick black smoke polluted the air and swirled around the rooftops of Fleet Street. The busy sounds of Londoners scurrying around him was another thing he hadn't missed. Sweeney Todd still hated London, even though it had been his home for most of his life, it was still a black pit. A place full of vultures and vermin...

Sweeney, despite his hatred from London was a changed man. After revenging his wife Lucy and murdering the Judge he felt his barriers of blocking the world out begin to fall. At the time Mrs Lovett had took advantage of that, she noticed the weight lift from his shoulders and saw the relaxing effect it had in him to know Turpin was dead.

His plan had always been till kill Turpin. After that Sweeney Todd planned on taking his own life to be with the one he loved. That however didn't happen.

He found himself wanting to start again, live a normal life and make lots of money. Mrs Lovett at the time was his companion, they had a brief fling after Turpins death. And a fling was all it had been to him. Every so often after a long days work he found himself in need of release from his busy day. Mrs Lovett had often kept her bedroom door open for him, yet what he hadn't realised was it was more then just sex for her...

That's when Sweeney realised he couldn't be around her. He didn't want to love another woman again, he had selfishly used her! Not only to take care of him but to warm his bed.

So one day he packed up and left. Had packed a bag of all things and left one night and never returned. At that moment in time he didn't feel guilt, he didn't care enough about the baker to think of her when he made his decision to leave. Yet now, he did care.

He always knew in the back of his mind he cared about her. Leaving her like he did was ruthless and unfair. Yet he did it anyway, only now he had to know she was alright. Each year that last he wondered if she was coping with her business. Wondering if Mrs Lovett had become the mother she always wanted to Toby.

Sure he went away found himself a good job, making him more money then he ever dreamed off. He gave up shaving and buried his razors just like he had done with Turpins body. The past was the past, that was another reason for leaving Nellie like her did.

He wanted everything to do with his past to be exactly that, the past. He was working in the courts now. A wealthy lawyer, making sure no person would suffer like he did all those years ago. Some saw him as a good man, yet underneath his powerful exterior he still could murder any man that was being unjust in the court rooms. He wanted justice, he never had it himself yet fighting for others gave him back his purpose. He wanted to make Lucy proud knowing she was probably watching over him.

He fought for others. So if the courts decided to punish their prisoners like he was punished he was able to stand up and stop it. Saving those who have done no wrong. He was being the man he wished he had around when he was wrongly accused.

Sweeney now had his own home in London. A little house right in the middle of the city. It was close to where he was working so was ideal. He had not returned to Fleet Street for about 5 years now. He had a better life, a better way of living, however he did hold guilt deep in the pit of his stomach for leaving Mrs Lovett like he did. He was worried about his feelings for her at the time, he didn't want to fall in love with her. Which he assumed he was considering he had run away.

Running was never the correct way of dealing with his feelings, he knew that also. After the years of his success he wondered how Eleanore Lovett was coping. Any time he thought about her he pushed it back to the back of his mind not wanting to even speak her name knowing what he did was wrong. However now his life was back on a steady path, he needed to face her again, he needed to apologise. He was a better man now and not only that but he wanted to see her again too....

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